Blogs from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton August 22nd 2019

We booked a Princess shore excursion from Sydney, Nova Scotia, to the town of Baddeck. Our guide this time was a Sydney native and he had much history and information to relay. We were now in the Cape Breton Island area of Nova Scotia. The region resembles Scotland in its glacial lakes, mountainous terrain and climate. It reminded Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) so much of his native Scotland that he purchased an estate at Baddeck, on Lake Bras d'Or in 1885. (Lake Bras d'Or is actually a long saltwater fjord.) Bell used Baddeck as his summer retreat and base for research and development until his death in 1922. Thus, the principle destination of our tour was the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site. The displays at the historic site trace Bell's career as a teacher of ... read more
Early Wall Telephones
Bell's Camera and Photographic Plates
Bell Experiments with Underwater Communication

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » North Sydney September 5th 2016

Geo: 46.2149, -60.2445Our hotel is about 45 minutes from the Fortress so we were there soon after opening. We had planned 2 activities for the day but soon discovered that a visit to this site was an all day activity. We took the optional walking tour and it was well worth it. The guide gave us a great amount of detail regarding the history.Founded by the French in 1713, it was one of North Americas busiest 18 century seaports. It was taken over twice by the British before being demolished in the 1760's. Reconstruction began in the 1960's and continues today. To date about 1/4 of the original French town and fortifications have been completed. It is the largest historical reconstruction in North America.The original lighthouse built in 1734 was the first in Canada. It is ... read more
Welcome to Louisbourg
Frédéric Gate

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » North Sydney September 4th 2016

Geo: 46.2148, -60.2445The Cabot Trail is basically a day trip unless you choose to do various hikes which can add a lot of time (days). The scenery is very impressive. Significant changes in elevation from ocean level to the plateau area (approx 350m).The lunch restaurant was recommended to us by a young couple last night and the food was excellent.We visited the beach which is said to be the place where Cabot landed. The beach was sandy and was a better landing site than many of the rocky beaches.The sign along the way said Meat Cove was the northern most point so we travelled several spine jolting roads to get there. Definitely remote and one wonders about the motivation to live there.Along the road we saw a sign for Dingwall Lighthouse so took a short diversion. ... read more
Cabot Trail
Cabot Trail
Cabot Trail Church

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » Louisbourg August 30th 2016

Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, 30 August 2016 Our hotel the Louisbourg Fortress Inn also had a nice restaurant so after a tipple of malbec in our hotel room we had dinner over more great conversation. The next morning after packing up, we headed for the highlight of this historic town of Louisbourg. The Fortress of Louisbourg located about a half hour's drive away, is a reconstruction of the 18th century fortified French town whose presence plagued the British colonies of New England. From 2005 they have rebuilt the Fortress City from scratch. Many archaeological digs have occurred over the decades and 1000s of pieces of information uncovered, facilitating the reconstruction of some of the life of the people of the 18th century fortified city. We were bussed to the fortress from the large Visitor’s Centre. After walking ... read more
Louisebourg Fortress on Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia (18)
Louisebourg Fortress on Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia (8)
Louisebourg Fortress on Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia (32)

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton September 15th 2015

What a beautiful drive to Cape Breton. It rained, but we made it safe. It was odd driving on a highway that had two way traffic and speed limit of 100km/hr. Where in Ontario it would have been 90km/hr. In Nova Scotia we noticed they have a lot of wind turbines in this province so far. Our journey has been so epic so far and can't wait to do the Cabot Trail tomorrow. Enjoy our travelling pictures.... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton September 3rd 2015

We slept in our berth on the Port Au Basque ferry on the way to Nova Scotia last night. The night was a calm one so the ride was smooth as silk and we slept like babies. In August, when we dropped into the bank in Charlottetown, PEI, we told the teller that we would be in Nova Scotia in September. She told us that we would regret it forever if we didn't drive the Cabot Trail around Cape Breton Island, so we decided to change our plans to include it. Cape Breton Island is part of Nova Scotia. During the first half of the 19th century, Cape Breton experienced an influx of 50,000 Highland Scotts. Today, their descendants dominate Cape Breton Island's culture, particularly in rural communities. Gaelic is still the first language of a ... read more
Inginosh Beach on Cabot Trail in Cape Breton
Cabot Trail in Cape Breton
Green Cove on Cabot Trail in Cape Breton

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » North Sydney August 9th 2015

Geo: 46.216, -60.258... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » Cabot Trail June 16th 2015

My first of 3 days exploring the Cabot Trail. Left Cheticamp early morning and visited the information Centre of Cape Breton Highlands National Park. I purchased my pass, picked up a map and off I went. First stop Corny Brook Trail. An easy trail and after an hour you reach a lovely waterfall. Total time about 2 hrs 20 min including pictures. Next stop Fishing Cove trail It is described as a "steady descent to rugged coastline." Steady indeed! An elevation change of 1165 feet. Quite a demanding hike up as the first 45 minutes is this steady ascent! Needless to say I took my time, rested often, and had my share of water breaks. A sunny day, a bit cool, around 13 C but pleasant for a hike. The cove is small but worth the ... read more
Corny Brook Trail
Me at Corny Brook Waterfall

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » Baddeck August 7th 2013

7 August, 2013 After breakfasting together this morning, the four of us loaded into our truck for more sightseeing on beautiful Cape Breton. First stop was in Baddeck’s visitor center for directions to the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site and museum. The museum sits across the road from Baddeck’s harbor (harbour in Canada,) which today happened to be having a regatta. So this corner of Bras d’Or Lake was full of sailboats with colorful sails going in all directions, or so it appeared. The gardens of the Bell museum were beautiful with lots of flowering plants. We were all surprised at the variety of inventions Bell created. His father was creator of visible speech, a way of teaching the deaf to speak. Bell worked with his father in this field, but was also encouraged in ... read more
Tetrahedral Kite
Silver Dart

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » Baddeck August 7th 2013

Day 13: Another day trip day. We started out at about 9:20 headed for Baddeck, NS. After a quick stop at the visitor information centre, we went to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum. REALLY interesting. Never knew that he was into aviation (Silver Dart made first powered flight in Canada in 1903), Hydrofoil equipped boats (HD4 managed over 74 mph in 1919), and a bunch of other stuff. After the museum, we saw a pram regatta in full swing out near a light house at the entrance to the Baddeck harbor. Onto CA 105 headed to Glace Bay to see the miner's museum and the Marconi museum. I had no idea that Cape Breton Island was a center of coal mining for Canada and as a result also a steel manufacturing area. Both the coal and ... read more
Silver Dart
Pram Regatta
Gravel Spit

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