Journey from Moncton, NB to Cape Breton, NS

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North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton
September 15th 2015
Published: September 15th 2015
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Moncton, New Brunswick to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

What a beautiful drive to Cape Breton. It rained, but we made it safe. It was odd driving on a highway that had two way traffic and speed limit of 100km/hr. Where in Ontario it would have been 90km/hr. In Nova Scotia we noticed they have a lot of wind turbines in this province so far. Our journey has been so epic so far and can't wait to do the Cabot Trail tomorrow. Enjoy our travelling pictures.

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Photos: 35, Displayed: 22



Nova Scotia seems to have a lot of wind turbines.

Nova Scotia's deer crossing sign. Each province seems to have a slightly different design.

16th September 2015

I love the Cabot trail...make sure you stop along the way...
16th September 2015

I love the Cabot trail...make sure you stop along the way...
16th September 2015

I love the Cabot trail...make sure you stop along the way...

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