Blogs from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America - page 3


After sitting at home for nearly a year, I realized I could be working from nearly anywhere, given I was close to the same time zone as home. I had also been learning about digital nomads over the past year. The more I thought about doing something in-between, the more I liked the idea. Given my job, I couldn't be a full-time digital nomad. There are things in my career that still need to be face to face, but perhaps I could pull this off for a month a quarter, with the first week being a holiday and the next three being remote work. Given the lockdowns, I knew my first location would have to be in Canada, so why not Vancouver in the spring!?! I knew Vancouver would be well ahead of Edmonton when it ... read more
English Bay from West Point Grey
English Bay on a sunny day
Olympic Park

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver April 12th 2021

We had visited Vancouver some years back on a tour which included a cruise along Inside Passage and at the end we spent several days in Vancouver, so this heygo tour brought back memories of the time we walked from our hotel to Stanley Park. Stanley Park was created in 1888 and is the oldest park in the city of Vancouver, spanning 1,000-acres, it’s the third largest public park in North America and today with Moises it was only possible to discover just part of this wonderful area. The 28 km Seaside Greenway is an uninterrupted pathway, including the Stanley Park Seawall which we walked along during our tour with magnificent views across the water to the city. What everyone wanted to see was the famous totem poles and Moises ended the tour in front of ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kitsilano January 2nd 2021

The first trip I ever took was at four years of age, on foot, alone. It took a long time for them to realize I was gone, but this was the fifties when kids were put out like laundry, tossed about by the wind, then brought in again. Like any journey, it began with the first step, but after that I had to wing it. My arithmetic skills were simply not up to the task. Instead, I concentrated on my feet marching along the sidewalk in black Maryjanes. One. Two. Three. Four. I remember the trudge as if it happened yesterday. There was a busy intersection, broad as the mighty Mississippi, and a large grassy field with a playground. The jungle gym shimmered in the sun and I was tempted to stop at the swings. On ... read more
Hallowe'en 2020
Chanukah 2020
Old Sweetie/May 2020.

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver August 18th 2020

US borders to Mexico and Canada are closed until at least September 21. The borders have been closed since March 18. We are relatively fortunate here in the US to have not one, but two international borders. Both Canada and Mexico present entirely different border crossings. Those of you in Asia, Europe, or Africa may not realize the differences. The border crossing from Southern California into Mexico is relatively easy. It can be done on foot, since it is best to leave your car on the US side. Once past immigration, just take a cab into Mexico, usually Tijuana or the airport. Coming back can be a hassle, particularly during shift changes and rush hour. Avoid the early morning and late evening rush caused by people who commute daily to and from Mexico to the US. ... read more
Crossing by auto

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » North Vancouver February 28th 2020

“You are a fool!”my father said as a matter of fact while I packed my luggage. On the other hand, my mother stood in the doorway looking concern and distraught at my decision to travel to Vancouver. “Why don’t you think it through hon?” she sounded skeptical with hope but we both knew I had made up my mind. “Ma, I need to do this” and with that as my final say I kissed her temple and memorized her warm hug and as for my father, I didn't spare a second glance scared that his glare would change my mind. Sometimes in life, you have to make decisions that may be either good or bad, but that's not the concern…what matters most is the conviction of that decision. I have ... read more
Arriving Vancouver

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver January 17th 2020

I would love to report that we woke up early and refreshed, ready to hit the town for our last day in Vancouver, however that would be a lie. We didn’t set alarms and so accidentally slept in until about 12pm. I fully blame the fact that we’re staying in a basement, and the fact that Vancouver is very dark itself at the moment, so it says nice and dark and comfy down here. Anyway, we did eventually leave at about 1pm, and we headed straight to Frenchie’s for lunch (allegedly home of the best poutine in Vancouver). One thing we have learnt this past week is that while there’s a chance of regretting it if we both get a meal, it’s very unlikely to regret only getting one. So we shared a veggie poutine (I ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver January 16th 2020

Had another morning like yesterday morning, where we had to decide whether to sleep or stand. Once again, Adam chose to sleep, and I chose to stand and go for a walk. My immediate goal was coffee, however I found a thrift shop, that led into another thrift shop, that led into ANOTHER thrift shop, so I ended up spending all of my time in these three stores. Adam texted me halfway through my vintage adventure, where I was just in the middle of purchasing a Canadian Hockey cap (for $5 which I thought was amazing but Adam was less than impressed) and we met halfway between the stores and the Airbnb at about 12pm. We ended up going to iHOP for breakfast where Adam got Mexican churro pancakes and I got Italian cannoli pancakes. We ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver January 15th 2020

Had a super relaxing day today. We set alarms for 9:30am to give ourselves a bit of a sleep-in, but it turns out we were super tired and slept through it. We have plenty of time in Vancouver to explore and have fun, so we figured it was okay to relax a little and catch up on some zzz’s. At 10:45 we woke up and made decisions. Adam decided to sleep some more, and I, worried if I slept too much it would ruin any chance of a normal sleep schedule, decided to go for a walk. It was -7 outside and snowing but it was so beautiful! I didn’t even mind the cold, everything is just so much prettier in the snow. I went into a few gift shops that were pretty cute and also ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver January 14th 2020

Ok so we ended up getting to bed at around 1am BUT there’s a good reason! A few good reasons! Firstly the forecast said it would be snowing at 11pm so we waited up for that (didn’t happen), then I got a call from my mother who is currently travelling around Greece, THEN we realised we had to pack before we went to sleep otherwise we’d have to wake up super early, and DURING packing Adam threw up. So we had about 5 hours sleep. Which is fine. So fine. We left the apartment at about 6:45am, when it was pretty much pitch black outside (although not so dark that we couldn’t see cars covered in snow- so it did happen!) and headed to the train station to go back to the airport. It was really ... read more

I need to spend time in Canada in order to keep my Permanent Residence or qualify for Citizenship, so it made sense to spend a week and start to figure out some of the info we need for our eventual move. We thought that we’d stay in Vancouver for a few days. We started our Monday morning at the Canadian version of the DMV. We were going to start the process of obtaining our drivers’ licenses but then decided we’d better wait as we were not ready to give up our California licenses. From the DMV we went to the provincial insurance company with a list of questions about importing our cars. Needless to say, some of the procedures are different so we had to sort thru those issues. We didn’t make it down to immigration ... read more
Yew Lake
Yew Lake
Mt. Seymore

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