Blogs from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America - page 4


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver September 13th 2019

We had a few things we needed to do. We needed to get all our gear from the AirBnB to the Storage facility and we needed to return the hire car (from our Whistler trip) by 10am. So to kill two birds with one stone we loaded our gear (minus the bikes) into the hire car and dropped everything off at the Storage Facility and then continued on to the airport to return the car. We caught a cab back to the AirBnB and tidied up and checked out by 10:30am. We had a few hours left now to just wander as we wanted. We got on the bikes and muscle memory kicked in and our legs began to pedal. No urgency, no rush, just a gentle turn of the pedals. No one is in a ... read more
Decorated silos on Granville Island
Tasty treats on Granville Island
One last view of Vancouver from the south side of the river

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver September 12th 2019

Today was Whistler Day for Tom, Jeff and I while Graeme was going to the Vancouver Aquarium for a mix of business and fun. We had originally decided on getting the bus to Whistler but decided we may as well hire a car and have discretion around when we left and returned. To make the morning more "efficient" we booked the hire car online from the Richmond airport which was only a few kilometers away. In the morning we caught a cab to the airport and tried to pick up our car. After sometime the guy at the service counter worked out that we had booked a car from Richmond - in Virginia, USA and not Richmond Airport in Vancouver. The other complicating factor was they had no cars available for us. Oh dear, nothing like ... read more
Cloud over Whistler
Whistler Village
Mountain Bike track

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver September 11th 2019

We rode the 6km from our hotel in Sidney to the Swartz Ferry Terminal in a quick 20 minutes, plenty of time to buy our tickets and put the bikes on board. The ferry is much bigger then the one that we caught from Seattle to Victoria and much cheaper too at only $18. We are visiting Edna today. Edna is the sister of Jeff's mother-in-law and lives in Surrey. We check the distance from the Tsanwassen Ferry terminal to Edna's place and back to Richmond where we are staying tonight and are quite shocked to find it's 90kms. Not something we were expecting. We realise that this is the same Surrey that we rode through on our first riding day of the trip. The ride is via a different route than we took that first ... read more
Low tide
We took some unexpected agricultural tracks on the way back to Vancouver
Crossing one of the may bridges today

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver September 7th 2019

We got into Vancouver way ahead of schedule at 4:30am but baggage was going to be unloaded until 6am. All of us had an uncomfortable nights sleep, the only draw back of our very enjoyable train ride. After we collected our bikes we headed back to the Storage Facility were it all began. The plan is to cut back on our gear for the few days riding we'll do on Vancouver Island. On the way there we passed by what was called the City Farmer which was a large garden the size of a few house lots. These had been supplied by the council and maintained by a group of dedicated people intent on informing and educating locals and school groups on the benefits of sustainability, re-use, composting and gardening in general. Jeff must have a ... read more
Artist built gate at the City Farm
Hand built pizza oven and store room
The Garden

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver August 18th 2019

A comfortable starting time this morning had us loop back to the storage facility after we rationalised down our luggage somewhat - especially me. Saving every gram of weight was an advantage so we cut back to the bare minimum of non-cycling clothes. Just a couple of shirts and shorts, one pair of pants and a jumper. Done! We planned to take a route that went via the river to Maple Ridge and then head south to Abbortsford. What became obvious very early was our dependence on Google Maps, without it we would have been lost. Mind you even with Google Maps we managed to sill take a number of wrong turns. We did get some great scenery along the river. Huge numbers of logs being floated down the river to the saw mill, a beautiful ... read more
The bridge
Flower Lights
River front houses

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver August 17th 2019

As I type this entry it's 34 hours after the time I got up on Friday (5am) and its STILL Friday! We actually landed in Canada 2 hours BEFORE we took off so effectively I figure we were younger when we arrived than when we left. Not sure what that means on the way back but I'm sure it will have something to do with time travel. The flight over was in a Dreamliner 787. A very nice plan even back in the cheap seats in Economy. The flight was uneventful but 14 hours is still a VERY long time to spend sitting on a plane. We got into Canada at 7:30am. The bikes all turned up safe and sound and we made our way by taxi to a Storage Facility near our hotel where we ... read more
The weary travellers arrive
Vancouver Harbour

Today was a trip to the Space Museum with a planetarium show. Kids were excited because they’d never seen a planetarium show. The show today was on the nursery where stars are born. As we were watching this amazing show, it was very quiet. All of a sudden Emilio said “Oh Wow” over something shown. People in the audience laughed. It was cute, but then he is our grandson so why wouldn’t we think that. The space museum is not as large as the Science World, but it has things that trigger interest. A replica space suit that kids can stand behind and pose in, replica space boot prints that kids can stand in and a machine to give a little perspective on weightlessness. There is an asteroid that people can try to lift and a ... read more
He's an astronaut
Touching a moon rock
Stepping in the footsteps of an astronaut

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver July 11th 2019

This is a tricky episode to write, because as I tap away on the IPad, I'm sitting back at home, holiday finished and grappling to remember what we did in the last couple of days, whilst at the same time coping with a brain that feels pretty fried trying to work out which time zone we're in! But perhaps I should start by saying that we got home safe and sound, with the flight arriving at Heathrow about 20 minutes early and if our taxi hadn't been about 40 minutes late, we would have been home by three in the afternoon. The flight itself was uneventful, although Mandy and I did give each other a slightly fretful look when the Captain came over the tannoy just before takeoff to say that we would be delayed for ... read more
Vancouver Lookout - 1
Vancouver Lookout - 2
Stanley Park - 1

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver June 29th 2019

Nach einem erneuten Frühstück mit Pancakes bin ich vom Hotel in Richtung Süden aufgebrochen. Ich wollte den Granville Public Market besuchen. Irgendwann war ich auf einer 8-spurigen Autobahnbrücke über dem Markt ohne die Möglichkeit nach unten zu steigen. Eigentlich wollte ich da schon aufgeben und es bei Fotos von dort oben belassen. Aber dann habe ich noch ein Wassertaxi zu dieser Insel gesehen. Ich war zuerst nicht sicher, ob ich zur Anlegestelle laufen sollte, weil ich immer noch kein Bargeld hatte. Aber dann habe ich es doch probiert und konnte mit Karte bezahlen. Also habe ich übergesetzt und bin da etwas herum gelaufen. Das ganze Areal hatte einen alternativen Touch mit etwas Musik und vielen Touristen. Nach dem Besuch der Markthallen habe ich am Ufer mein Wasser getrunken und bin zurück zum Hotel, wo ich mir ... read more
Der Granville Public Market.
Der Granville Public Market.
Der Granville Public Market.

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver June 28th 2019

Nachdem ich heute wieder meine geliebten Pancakes gefrühstückt habe, bin ich kurz danach in Richtung Stanley Park aufgebrochen. Der liegt im Westen des Zentrums und von dort hat man eine schöne Aussicht auf die Stadt. Vorher habe ich noch in einer U-Bahnstation eine Tageskarte für den öffentlichen Verkehr gekauft, da man in dem Bus, den ich benutzt habe, anscheinend nur mit Bargeld zahlen kann. Und in Kanada habe ich bei den wenigen Tagen ja darauf verzichtet, mir welches zu holen. Dieser Bus hat mich dann perfekt an den Eingang des Parks gebracht und ich bin etwas herum gelaufen. Der Park selber ist dann doch etwas weitläufig und vielleicht werde ich mich nächstes Mal einarbeiten, wie man eines der Leihfahrräder bekommt. Trotzdem habe ich die schöne Skyline von Vancouver vom Park aus gut gesehen und es ist ... read more
Blick vom Stanley Park auf die Stadt.
Im Stanley Park.
Blick vom Stanley Park auf die Stadt.

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