Blogs from Himalayas, Nepal, Asia


Asia » Nepal » Himalayas May 2nd 2024

When I was in grade school, I found sitting on the shelf of an old red bookcase in the basement of our house a book with an alluring cover featuring a vintage airplane and high, snow-capped mountains. The book: Lost Horizon by James Hilton. The short novel chronicled the mysterious Himalayan enclave of Shangri-La, where peace and harmony reigned and people lived to be centuries old. Ever since discovering that book, I have been intrigued by the vast Himalaya, with its spellbinding jagged peaks that form the top of the world. In April 2024, I visited Nepal, the birthplace of Buddha and the realm of soaring mountains. The journey did not disappoint. Kathmandu My first stop in Nepal was its capital Kathmandu, a vast kinetic, chaotic city of narrow lanes and incessant traffic jams. The traffic ... read more
Blue Skies and Snowy Annapurna Range
Sunrise on Annapurna South Summit
Clouds in Annapurna Range

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas November 24th 2023

26.10.-24.11. Ein ganzer Monat ist vergangen seit dem letzten Eintrag, es geht uns blendend und wir haben in dieser Zeit viel erlebt: Wir fahren mit dem Local Bus – diesmal wissentlich und freiwillig – nach Besisahar, dem Ausgangspunkt des Annapurna-Circuit-Trails (ACT). Wieder sind es so was-tu’-ich-bloss-mit-meinen-Beinen-Sitze, die nach ein paar Stunden unweigerlich zu Wadenkrämpfen und Rückenschmerzen führen, wieder sind die Strassenverhältnisse haarsträubend, wieder gibt es diverse unvorhergesehene Halte (einspuriger Verkehr wegen Erdrutschen, ein auf einer Brücke querstehend verkeilter Lastwagen, ein unzufriedener Verkehrspolizist – ein Nötli in die Hand hinter dem Rücken besänftigt ihn schliesslich), wieder benötigen wir deutlich länger als angegeben, diesmal sind es neun Stunden für die rund 120km. Der ACT ist ein Weitwanderweg, der wie es der Name verrät, in einem gross... read more
der Strasse entlang
durch Reisfelder

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas August 16th 2022

Unfinished business in the Himalayas. Trip starts on the 15th October 2022........ read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas March 3rd 2018

Woolly says – Some things are worth getting up early for and today was one of them. I’d been awake since 4am in my excitement and although Jo had told me to pipe down and I’d explained that I didn’t have a pipe to put down, she wasn’t really cross, well she didn’t tell me to shut up which is a good indicator. By 5am we were all up although Zoe seemed to be able to sleep, move and get dressed all at the same time which is a handy tick to have. The streets of Kathmandu were empty as our taxi bumped along through the darkness, the airport was busy, having checked in for our flight which sadly wasn’t with Yeti Airlines which has to be the best name for an airline yet, we sat ... read more
Pilots view of the worlds highest mountain
Trying for close ups
First glimpse of the Himalaya's

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas March 10th 2017

As always with me, the adventure started before the actual adventure even started; but we'll get to that shortly. Having spent a few days in Kathmandu, it was finally time for me to go and do some trekking. You kind-of have to in Nepal; going to Nepal and not trekking is like going to Egypt and not seeing the Pyramids Of Giza, going to Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower or going to India and not seeing the Taj Mahal. Much as I like trekking however, I wasn't about to put myself through going all the way to Everest Base Camp. I did however, want to catch a glimpse of the world's highest mountain. While on a bus in url=../../... read more
Nepali Ladies

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 20th 2016

We had trekked up to Lobuche the previous day. We’d gained around 700 ft over two and a half miles, before crossing the famous Thokla pass (15,800 ft). I saw so many long strands of prayer flags and memorial stones. Each one of those stones was set up for a climber who had lost their life trying to climb Mt.Everest. I could see names from all over the world. The mighty Himalayas have been there so many years, providing so many amazing stories, most of them being happy ones; with some sad ones. After lunch, we had to ascend another 700 ft, over a steep section that was only half a mile long; before we reached Lobuche. On the way, we were treated to some pristine views of Nuptse, Lhotse, Lhotse Shar and other 7000+ meter ... read more
Break time
On the way to Gorak Shep
The target

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 19th 2016

Finally made it to Everest base camp - been on my dream list for years. First I heard about this trek in 2001 from some people who had been there. At that time I had no real hiking experience, never really seen snow capped mountains and was not even aware there is something called altitude sickness. That is when I first thought how wonderful it would be to do the Everest Base Camp trek. Of course at that time it was a dream that I thought would never come true. And 15 years later, here we are ... To be more precise, we made it to Kala Patthar (5550m) the highest point from where you can see the base camp, Everest in its full glory and peaks with 360 deg view. A true Himalayan view. We ... read more
Mid-way Kala Patthar
Kala Patthar

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas March 21st 2016

Annapurna trail (the short one, missing the West side) I spent my last night in the company of Sonia after meeting the new crew….But everyone was friendly and excited for the trek. We met our guide Krishna and were given a run down on what was going to happen over the next couple of weeks. Our first day was a later start than usual and we didn’t meet up until after 9am. We spent most of the day on a mini bus heading to Bandipur. Now I know I have mentioned Nepalese traffic in previous posts but I really feel like it needs to be revisited…driving in Nepal takes guts, serious guts!! Close calls, strong brakes on steep hills, fast accelerations and confidence that yes I will fit through that smaller than average gap and that ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas May 5th 2015

My flight is set to land at 9:15pm in Montreal. I've been flying since 7:35am Kathmandu time, so for like a whole 24 hours. Pat is probably already in London. Sunday, Day 9: We took a bus from Arugaut to Kathmandu. Sandy and Nir left without sying bye because Pat and I were paying the hotel charges. The Russians who were in Dobhan also walked out and we saw them a bit along them way. In Arugaut they rented a jeep and had no room for us so Pat and I took the next bus but I did not feel safe doing that because of the one that flipped over the cliff on our way here. That was before the earthquake so what would the roads be like after!? I made a bunch of phone calls ... read more

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