Blogs from Montevideo, District of Montevideo, Uruguay, South America


After our return from Ushuaia, we stayed at the nice hotel, Palacio Paz, near our previous Sheraton Hotel and in a nice park setting. I'll go more into some random nights in Buenos Aire later, but this was just a holdover for our early morning ferry to Montevideo, Uruguay. We checked out of the hotel around 5:30am and walked about 20 minutes to the Buquebus Terminal. Here, we had a very easy, smooth check-in, including immigration for both Argentina and Uruguay in one location. It is a lovely terminal and we just got some juice and coffee while we waited to board. Our ferry was almost empty so we had our pick of seats. I slept 2 of the 3-hour ride to Montevideo. On arrival, we quickly picked up our backpacks and exited the terminal. I ... read more
Plaza Independencia
Mercado del Puerto
Museum of the Andes 1972

Final blog We left Colonia in our little hire car, it had only done 30,000 km but had a dodgy clutch. We has expected to pay 220$ but by using card you avoid the tax so it was only 180$ . Our first stop was on the outskirts of Carmelo going further north and west from Colonia. If you look at a map of South America Uruguay and Argentina are separated by water, the rivers Plate, Uruguay and Negro. We were staying the night at a wine lodge as my birthday treat to Chris , a nights stay and a parrilla and it was very much the plushest place we stayed. Its called El Legado , here is the link if you want to check it out. I was using as a satnav and ... read more

Greetings from Uruguay! We are still in the port for some unknown reason (we were scheduled to leave hours ago) and so I’m blogging with a gigantic headache from the wine I drank today. Let me back up for a bit… we arrived in Uruguay probably around 9am. It was high-70s and humid today. We took our time but we also took our waiter’s advice and decided to explore on our own. We walked off the boat and straight until we arrived at an open air market of sorts. It was a long row of shops and outdoor vendor setups. Overly touristy possibly but safe. Lots of local traffic too. Definitely an ex-pat area but this area specifically was probably more of the hippie ex-part area… ganga for sale in brownies and other sweets and bongs ... read more
Kamie Kamie
I think he's carrying a fish
Our buffet breakfast to share

South America » Uruguay » District of Montevideo » Montevideo February 11th 2023

We arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay bright and early on Saturday, February 11, 2023 for a 10-hour port of call, the second day of our two-day visit to Uruguay. Montevideo, as well as our next port of call, Buenos Aires, Argentina, sits on the banks of Río de la Plata or "river of silver." Where the river empties into the Atlantic Ocean, it forms a funnel-shaped indentation on the coastline. Depending on the geographer, the Río de la Plata may be considered a river, an estuary, a gulf or a marginal sea. If considered a river, it is the widest in the world with a maximum width of 140 miles. “Montevideo” is a word I just like to say. The same holds true for “Uruguay.” I even fleetingly considered Uruguay as a retirement locale. Uruguay is probably ... read more
“Easy Montevideo” Shore Excursion – Montevideo, Uruguay
“Easy Montevideo” Shore Excursion – Montevideo, Uruguay
“Easy Montevideo” Shore Excursion – Montevideo, Uruguay

Una settimana in Uruguay... CHUY: Città di confine tra Brasile (Rio grande do Sul) ed Uruguay comodamente raggiungibile con un lussuoso autobus notturno da Florianopoplis. Perchè proprio Chuy? Semplicemente per il fatto di essere la prima città uruguaiana dopo la frontiera, anzi, esattamente -sulla- frontiera! Avenida Brasil taglia il suo centro e costituisce la linea di confine ufficiale: Brasile a Nord ed Uruguay a Sud, con la città divisa in due e la possibiltà di passare tranquillamente da un paese all'altro più e più volte al giorno, andando a Nord soprattutto per fare shopping, mentre a Sud si trova il centro amministrativo, i migliori ristoranti e gli hotel più economici. Lo ammetto, nulla di indimenticabile, mo ho comunque l'opportunità di osservare da vicino i miei primi esemplari di individui uruguaiani: gente a prima vista tranquilla e ... read more
Montevideo: José Artigas fuori dalla vecchia stazione centrale
La Pedrera: è estate, tutti al mare!
Chuy: vecchio stile

South America » Uruguay » District of Montevideo » Montevideo December 20th 2019

A not-very-pretty sight met our eyes in the harbour – a fishing vessel graveyard. Extraordinary really. At the road entrance to the port is the anchor of the Graf Spee, the German pocket battleship which was scuttled early in WWII. The guide told us that the badly damaged ship come into port for repairs but was only allowed to stay three days as Uruguay was neutral. No one would repair it so the Captain scuttled it instead of leaving port to face what he thought was a large British fleet but really only the NZ Achilles and the RN Ajax. How many cows does NZ have? Uruguay has 10 million and they are all grass fed. Actually by cows I mean Angus beef cattle. They also produce and excellent Malbec wine made from Tannat grapes. I ... read more
Entrance/exit to harbour
Loaded with grain...
Waterfront Montevideo

Castellano debajo del frances... Et nous voila repartis pour rejoindre le point de départ, c'est à dire Colonia del Sacramento où nous reprendrons la bateau pour retourner à Buenos Aires. Comme notre hôtel côté Punta del Este et situé à Piriapolis était moche nous nous sommes arrangés pour annuler la deuxième nuit que nous devions y passer et avons préféré retourner à Montevideo afin de faire la route pour Colonia en deux étapes car un peu trop de kms prévus... Nous nous reposons un peu à l'hôtel avant de trouver un restaurant correct à Montevido sans repasser par tout ce que nous y avions vu... Trop triste que le marché du port soit fermé le soir car c'était un endroit idéal... Ceci dit nous entrons tout de même dans un shopping afin de voir à quoi ... read more
L'hôtel Sofitel de Montevideo
des basques se sont installés ici...
au shopping, semaine de la chaussure ?

South America » Uruguay » District of Montevideo » Montevideo February 26th 2019

La découverte continue... Nous voila installés dans notre voiture de location (une VW Gol...) pour aller jusqu'à Montevideo, à plus ou moins 200 km. Montevideo, la capitale de l'Uruguay, est une ville importante bordant la baie portant son nom. Elle s'organise autour de la Plaza de la Independencia, autrefois site d'une citadelle espagnole. Cette place mène à la Ciudad Vieja (vieille ville), qui recèle des bâtiments Art déco, des demeures coloniales et des monuments comme le haut palais Salvo et la salle de spectacle Teatro Solís, de style néoclassique. Le Mercado del Puerto est un marché sur le vieux port, où se trouvent de nombreux restaurants de grillades. Je n'avais que le Petit Fûté en version ordinateur sur ce pays.. J'avoue que du coup je n'ai pas beaucoup cherché à y trouver comment organiser notre passage ... read more
ses facades
ses murs peints

Nach einer fast nicht enden wollenden Carfahrt, ca. 18 Stunden, und teils auf katastrophalen "Strassen" sind wir dann doch noch in Uruguay angekommen. 2 Tage haben wir auf einer idylischen kleinen Ranch im uruguayanischen Niemandsland verbracht. Der nächste grosse Ort wäre Mercedes in der nähe der argentinischen Grenze. Am ersten Tag war das Wetter super und bescherte uns einen wunderbaren Sonnenuntergang, danach wurde es aber dann sehr schnell sehr kalt. Am nächsten Morgen war es immer noch kalt und jetzt auch noch regnerisch. Es regnete denn ganzen Tag durch. Dadurch haben wir nicht wirklich viel unternehmen können und haben einfach entspannt. Danach ging es weiter in die Hauptstadt von Uruguay namens Montevideo. Zuerst erkundeten wir die Altstadt zu Fuss bevor wir dann am Nachmittag aufs Velo umstiegen und den Rest der Stadt erkundeten. Montevideo präsentierte sich ... read more
Altstadt von Montevideo
Altstadt von Montevideo
Parlament von Montevideo

Suzanne here... The night bus from Porto Alegre was fine. We were given dinner, then they put on a Simon Pegg film. We'd never heard of 'Hector and the search for happiness' and it wasn't the greatest film ever. But it kept us entertained until it was time to try and sleep. What I don't understand is why, on any normal bus journey I'm nodding off within ten minutes. But put me on a night bus and I'm wide awake. We did both manage to get some sleep eventually. I completely missed passport contol. The bus attendant handled all of that while everyone slept. The bus attendant decided it was time for us all to wake up, and put Bonnie Tyler 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' on, which didn't go down well with everyone. We liked ... read more
Castillo Pittamiglio, dated 1911
A Chivitos sandwich, with steak, ham, egg, cheese, tomato, pickles, lettuce and mayo!
The outside of an 1800's prison...

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