Blogs from Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema July 30th 2017

Each time I reached for my wallet the guy pointing the gun at my head would start yelling. Why didn't he want my money? I put my hands back in the air and repeated, "No falo Portuguese!" To my relief, he lowered the gun. But relief was brief. He only lowered the gun to pull the hammer back. Now I was looking down the barrel again. I was certain he was about to pull the trigger. Oddly, I wasn't afraid. I found myself wondering what it would sound like. Would I have time to hear the bang? What would it feel like when the bullet hit me? Would I have time to feel pain? Unlike the townships of Johannesburg and Harare, the favelas of Rio are not on the outskirts of the city. Instead they are ... read more
Ipanema I
Ipanema II

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema July 11th 2016

Saudade Those 12 hrs went literally flying ( as we also were on the air), we slept probably 30 mins and watched movies the rest of the time. ( Worth saying, a huge compliment to KLM for being up to date with its film offer, one of the films we watched was "London has fallen" - how up to date is that ). The flight started a bit challenging lets say, as we turned around and saw on the row next to us not one but two small babies, twins actually, not that we mind babies, simply the sound levels can get pretty high at 10,000 feet when their little ears get blocked and they start screaming, these two little fellows did marvelously we must confess. The -oh please not this too- moment came together with ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema April 5th 2016

Today was the day for ticking off the last of my must do things in Rio - Cristo Redentor, the iconic statue which looms over Rio from up above,day and night. Along with Sugar Loaf and the Iguaçu falls, which I saw three years ago, I would then have done the three things that tourists must do in Brazil and could do the things I really wanted to do such as avoid big cities! The day got off to a bad start when the metro machine swallowed the integrated ticket that was also supposed to get me on the bus which would take me the rest of the way. However since the woman in the ticket booth had been less than helpful I decided not to make a fuss for the sake of about 75p. As ... read more
 View from Cristina Redendor
At Cristo Redendor
View from Cristo Redendor

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema April 3rd 2016

Thought I should do the Sugar Loaf Mountain today as I only have two more days left in Rio. The plan was to take a bus but I failed to understand Sheila's instructions about where to catch this (turns out she wasn't sure anyway) so made for the front alongside Copacabana beach. Most of the bus stops here tell you nothing about which buses stop there so after a while I approached one of the stallholders. I must have asked by mistake if I could pick up a taxi, not a bus, for Pão de Açúcar because, after I had let about 50 taxis go by, he approached me looking puzzled. This was useful as I established there was no chance of my getting the bus I needed there so I hailed the next taxi. There ... read more
View from half way up the Sugar Loaf
Ipanema Beach
Lagoa Rodriguez de Freitas by night

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema February 21st 2015

En voyage d'affaires, ma sœur m'a fait d'honneur de sa présence pendant trois jours trop courts. Non contente de voyager en éco à 4 mois de grossesse, ma chère sœur me demande à peine arrivée si l'on peut faire l'ascension des Dois Irmãos (les deux rochers que l'on voit en arrière plan de toutes les photos prises sur la plage d'Ipanema). Dois Irmãos en portugais cela veut dire "Deux frères".... arf! C'est un signe, les deux sœurs monteront sur les deux frères! Nous voici donc au sommet du plus haut des deux monts, en petite robe et claquettes..... Trois trempettes dans l'océan, quelques bons plats partagés, une rencontre avec mes nouveaux amis et la voilà déjà repartie. En laissant ma sœur dans l'aéroport je sens un gros pincement au cœur...... les Rio/Lyon seront moins fréquents que ... read more
2 irmas.
irmas nos irmaos.

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema December 28th 2014

Today we woke up to a fair outside our apartment in Copacabana. The fair surrounded the parameter of Praca Serze del Correa. We walked around it and got a snack, but then headed down to the really cool Hippie Fair in Ipanema. Some really great art and interesting crafts. We spent a good while shopping, even though we hadn't really expected to. We made our way for a late lunch at a Spanish Tapas-style bar several streets down (near our ceviche place from yesterday). The drinks and food were refreshing. Back in Copacabana we made our way down to the cafe we've frequented for a coffee while Robyn drew and I read Bukowski.... read more
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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema December 27th 2014

Today began with a trip to a doctor's office. You see we've gone 5 days now without American Airlines delivering our luggage, and it was beginning to become dangerous for my wife to be off her anti-seizure meds. Luckily we found a great clinic just blocks from where we're staying in Copacabana. The Doctor there saw us without much delay and was able to prescribe my wife the meds she needed. After that it was time for some fun stuff. Enough wallowing in our sorrow over our lost bags. We pulled on our new swimming suits and hit the beach at Copacabana. We probably could have spent longer finding an area that suited us. The one we found straight away was full of people that seemed very local (and a tiny bit sketchy). But we ... read more
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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema September 29th 2014

Friday afternoon we arrived in Rio de Janerio; it was named ‘The River of January’ as the first settlers thought they had found a river and arrived on the first of January. After checking into a hotel in the Ipanema neighborhood, we thought we would stroll the famous shopping streets and the beach. A howling wind followed by a pouring rain drove us into a bar for a glass of wine and a recalibration of our plans. Given the weather, we decided an early dinner and bed were in the cards. By total accident we ended up at the Veloso bar/restaurant (now renamed the Garota de Ipanema) where the famous “Girl from Ipanema” song was penned. The meal was good, the waiters were better, and we were serenaded by a traveling samba band that played outside ... read more
View from Sugar Loaf Mt.
Bad idea

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema August 26th 2014

Sorry I haven't blogged lately, any spare chance I get I sleep or go out to the beach! So on Sunday morning we did a tour in one of the favelas which is what they call the slums in Rio. We had to be very careful as we are a bit of a target waking around the slums being a tourist. It was one of my highlights in Rio, just seeing that side of it was cool. After the tour we went to a soccer match (the same place the world cup was held). The team we decided to go for won so we were pretty pleased! After the soccer match we went out for dinner and then spent most of the night dancing. The next day we were supposed to go hang gliding but the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema August 24th 2014

I am so glad I went to a good travel doctor.....I didn't really need anything from all the meds he gave me but a lot of the people I have been traveling with have needed it! From persistent productive coughs to bad diarrhea, I am now the drug dealer on the trip. I don't like giving out drugs unless it's absolutely necessary due to side effects and it's better if your body can fight it anyway. But some people can get really sick if your body is struggling to fight it. If it were a hospital situation we would be doing sputum and other tests to determine the right bug and have the correct treatment, but it's not always possible to see a doctor when traveling. So hopefully some of us get better quick! Anyway today ... read more

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