Blogs from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane December 22nd 2023

Tour Days 64-74 – My plan for this holiday revolved around two cruises which included a cruise from San Diego, California to Auckland, New Zealand aboard Holland America’s ms Noordam and then a cruise from Singapore aboard Holland America’s ms Westerdam that made four ports of call in Vietnam as well as an overnight stop in Shanghai, China. To fill that eight–week interlude (26 NOV 2023–17 JAN 2024), I planned to visit friends as well as travel a bit in New Zealand and Australia and find some land tours of, perhaps, Tasmania, Indonesia or Philippines. I spotted a 29–day (Bangkok to Bangkok) land tour of southeast Asia that included Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia that fit perfectly into my time slot. A long, complicated Vietnam “tourist visa saga” led me to abort the four–country, 29–day land ... read more
Brisbane Central Business District
Brisbane Central Business District
Brisbane Central Business District

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane November 9th 2023

Tour Day 28, Cruise Day 28 – Day at Sea Tour Day 29, Cruise Day 29 – Day at Sea Tour Day 30, Cruise Day 30 – Cross International Dateline, Day at Sea "The Crocodile Hunter" was standard television fare in my household during its 1996–2004 run, and Australia Zoo was definitely on my attractions list; however, it is about an hour out of Brisbane and would not be easily accessible to a “fella without a car” during my return visit. Soooo, I opted to subscribe to the “spoon-fed” shore excursion version, albeit more expensive and of shorter duration than I would have enjoyed on a free-lance visit. It’s a great facility and worthy of your time and effort. Tour Day 31, Cruise Day 31; Brisbane, Australia – CRIKEY! It's Australia Zoo (7 hours) – Boarding ... read more
CRIKEY! It's Australia Zoo – Beerwah, Queensland, Australia
CRIKEY! It's Australia Zoo – Beerwah, Queensland, Australia
CRIKEY! It's Australia Zoo – Beerwah, Queensland, Australia

As we cruise towards Brisbane I see a small pod of spinner dolphins from the balcony. (They spin around as they break water.) Just then Ian enters the cabin and we watch them for several minutes together. It would have been sad to have gone the entire cruise without seeing dolphins, other have been spotted many times but we always seemed to miss them. In the morning on opening our curtains after mooring during the early hours at the brand new Brisbane International Cruise Terminal we have a pleasing vista of lush green woodland, reeds and a muddy beach. The effect is spoilt slightly when we go out onto the balcony look towards the city and see a series of car parks, an industrial area and the city airport. Ah well. Some facts about Brisbane; Brisbane ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane November 5th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Enfin hier au soir, j'ai mangé convenablement. Je suis retourné chez la pas gracieuse, celle qui m'avait jeté, ce soir il ya une place au bar. Yes. Très bien ce restaurant évidemment c'est de la cuisine française. J'ai commandé un faux filet de boeuf, un délice, comparable à ceux que j'avais mangé en Argentine. 3 jeunes femmes asiatiques, 40-50 ans, très classe, arrivées en même temps que moi, et installées juste à côté, 2 ont commandées des huitres, et l'autre une "plancha" de charcuterie fromage, j'en bavais, surtout qu'elle triait (en français ou en lyonnais) elle pignochait. J'en aurais fait 3 bouchées. Les 2 autres avec les huitres, ne mangeaient que la bête, à la fourchette, et rejetaient l'eau dans le plat. Par contre avec le rosé, il me semble du Minuti, là ... read more
quartier malais

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 26th 2022

As a director of Inbound Media, I often have to travel to different cities in Australia to either meet clients or attend conferences. Recently, I got a chance to explore Brisbane city thanks to a Google SEO (Search Engine optimisation) conference. Firstly, the conference was amazing where I got the chance to meet some amazing digital marketing and SEO experts. It was also great to network with other business owners and marketing professionals. Some of them are in my business network now. But mainly in this article, I want to share my experience of Brisbane city which is Australia's 3rd largest city in the Sunshine state of Queensland. Firstly, Brisbane is a nice laid-back city with not much traffic and crowd unless you go to a festival but otherwise it's pretty easygoing. Sydney and Melbourne are ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane September 7th 2022

My apologies for you receiving odd blogs which were previously 'saved' blogs which seem not to be published ... which it turned out they were published. I therefore published them, and as it turned out, wrongly. Sorry for filling your Inbox. Pam Usher... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane January 8th 2022

Part of the riverside site where the gardens are located was originally a botanic reserve. It was established in 1828 to provide food for the early penal colony. The City Botanic Gardens officially opened in 1855. Macadamia Nut - This tree planted by Walter Hill in 1858 is believed to be the world's first non-Indigenous cultivation of the macadamia. F. Jemmy Morrill and the brolgas sculpture - Queenslander Lindsay Daen created this bronze sculpture. It is on permanent loan from the Queensland Art Gallery. The sculpture is of 22-year-old seaman, James Morrill. In 1846, he was the sole survivor of an outer edge Great Barrier Reef shipwreck. Saved by the Aboriginal people, he lived with them for 17 years before returning to the European settlement in Bowen, North Queensland. He helped to improve indigenous and early ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane April 8th 2021

DAVID - Brisbane City is colloquially referred to as the "Brisbane CBD" or "the city". It is located on a point on the northern bank of the River Brisbane, historically known as Meanjin, Mianjin or Meeanjin in the local Aboriginal Australian dialect. The triangular shaped area is bounded by the median of the Brisbane River to the east, south and west. The point, known at its tip as Gardens Point, slopes upward to the north-west where the city is bounded by parkland and the inner city suburb of Spring Hill.The City is laid out according to a grid pattern surveyed during the city's early colonial days, a feature typical of most Australian street patterns. As a general rule, the streets aligned northwest-south east are named after male members of the HOuse of Hanover, while the northeast-south ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » Toowong January 8th 2020

Du premier au 7 janvier 2020 : Nous passons la semaine à Brisbane chez Alan et Carole. Le premier janvier, nous mangeons mexicain en famille, puis nous allons nous promener au centre commercial Toowong Village. Le lendemain, Alan nous emmène au Royal Park Hotel où il nous a réservé une chambre. Nous prenons un superbe steak pour le déjeuner au restaurant Parlar, puis nous visitons le parc en face de l'hôtel. Le soir, nous dînons indien au MEHFIL INDIAN restaurant. Le 3 janvier, Alan nous a réservé des place pour le ATP tournament, qui se déroule à Brisbane, avec justement ce jour-là, la rencontre France-Chili. Superbe journée, surtout pour moi. Le 4 janvier, nous allons nous promener avec Ryan, le fils de Carole et Alan. Nous faisons un tour de grande roue puis nous allons au ... read more
Le jardin botanique ...
... en face du Royal Park Hotel
Décor de Noël ...

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » Toowong December 31st 2019

31 décembre 2019 : Pour le réveillon, Alan nous a préparé une petite surprise, à savoir un concert dans le théâtre lyrique de Brisbane. Nous avons apprécié le concert, puis nous sommes allés sur le balcon de l'immeuble pour assister au feu d'artifice sur la rivière Brisbane; C'était également magnifique... read more
Avec Alan, Carole et Ryan
Les musiciens se mettent en place
Début du concert

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