Blogs from Sana'a, Yemen, Middle East


Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a July 26th 2010

"Welcome to Yemen" Nous voila arrives au bout du premier vollet de ce voyage. Nos familles peuvent etre rassurees, nous sommes sains et saufs, et pour être honnnetes nous ne nous sommes jamais sentis en grand danger au Yemen... Pourtant, en venant d'Oman, nous avions a traverser une des zones reputees les plus dangereuses du pays, un immense desert qui serait le fief des hommes de Ben Laden. Ce que nous y avons decouvert ressemblait plus a un jardin d'eden qu'a un camps d'entrainement pour apprentis terroristes ! En depis de tous nous efforts pour passer inapercus (Pascal en djelaba !), les deux "fransawis" deviennent rapidement la principale curiosité du bus. "Welcome to Yemen", on nous donne a boire, a manger, a chiquer ... le douanier lui meme insiste pour nous offrir un cadeau de bienvenue ... read more
Petite halte spirituelle chez les soeurs de Mère Theresa
El Souk
Chewing Qat

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a June 16th 2010

I fell in love with Yemen the moment I stepped out of the airport. I was tired. I had to wait for the visa at the airport for two hours after landing. That too after a long sleepless night in Dubai. The good thing about the whole ordeal was the experience of going through it. Surprisingly, it was. Under normal circumstances one will be worried at the airport without a visa especially when your passport has also been taken away by the authorities, you don’t know anyone in the country you are visiting and your phone is not working. The guy at the immigration counter told me that the visa was not there and I would have to wait. I was offered water to drink while I waited for the visa to arrive. The guy kept ... read more
Yemen 02
Yemen 03
Yemen 04

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a May 7th 2010

From the previous post people will know I loved Yemen and had a great time in Sana'a and then in Aden. Travel was restricted by the government, mainly to protect foreigners from the attentions of the tribal folks who like to kidnap people to pressure the GOY to help them - and for money! So this was pretty frustrating, particularly when you are trying to work in the rural sector. Eventually we did get permission to go north from Sana'a City (the capital) to Amran City which lies a couple of hours drive north. Amran is rather unsafe because of its proximity to the area where the Houthi rebels are fighting the government and where there are large numbers of displaced person. But our trip was uneventful and fun. I went with a delightful colleague, Sara ... read more
Castle in Yemen
Displaced Persons

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a April 29th 2010

January to March 2010 Q's World was in Yemen, Sana'a City putting together a rural development project that will assist the poorest folk in the most remote areas. Check out for details. I travelled to Sana'a on Emirates via Dubai, just making a very tight connection - the security in Dubai can take some time if you are unlucky and I made the flight, but lost my luggage (came the next day). The scenery as you approach the landing is just spectacular and gets better and better. Sana'a is remarkable. It is one of the oldest cities in the world with first settlement in Biblical times (remember, Marib City in Yemen was where the Queen of Sheba had her capital and where the Marib Dam is the oldest known example of large-scale water engineering). The ... read more
Mountain Village

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a December 13th 2009

My Yemitco bus leaves 9am for Sana'a, on my last night I hang out with Seb a French dude that teaches French at a University in Aden, he is also a Couch Surfer host, I wish I contacted him earlier but too late now, he is good fun, in 2 hours of walking the streets in the crater souqs he reminisce about Kazakhstan where he lived for couple years and one of my favorite countries in Central Asia. He laughed when I told him how uneasy it makes me feel when locals stare at you on the streets here in Yemen, he said he is used to it by now. We had a good dinner of some bean dip thing i cant remember the name, right next to the hotel I am staying, he said it ... read more

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a December 1st 2009

Felix Airways flight back to Sana'a took 2:45 stopping in Mukhalla and Aden! The captain is quite cool he told us what we will see in the air so we can take our cameras out and take fotos. We saw Qalansiah beach from the top again, and some small islands in the Socotra archipelago, we only got served water all the way through Sana'a, no food, sucks! At Mukhalla airport there is a couple of crashed airplanes still in the grassy area near the tarmac, scary, they should put it away so we dont get scared! Same thing in Aden airport! Took heaps of fotos of sceneries from the plane, deserts in Mukhalla area and some towns and sea and beach and busy city in Aden and also saw an extinct volcano near the sea, cool!Behind ... read more

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a November 19th 2009

Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt stops in Addis Ababa, i did not know that! it is not written in my itinerary so at the counter I double checked with the agent and I was told indeed a quick stop to refuel and drop off passengers, I did not mind it really but never thought I will be going back to Ethiopia again, this soon! More than half of the people got off and lots of empty seats for the one hour 20 minute flight. I was at most anxious moment when we landed in Sanaa, this is my 1st time in the Middle East, I did not really know what to expect, shuttle bus took us to the terminal and I immediately got off to be the 1st in line at the visa booth, I was stopped ... read more

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a July 24th 2009

Tombe la nuit et Sana'a torne jaune. Je sorte pour un promenade vers 1 heure de matin. Je sorte avec mon apareille de photos pour faire un portrait d'une ville magnifique a la fois que je decubre l'intimite de la nuit a Sana'a. Par fois, l'electricite s'arrete et reste que un silence d'ombres entre immbeubles anciennes. Je me promenade vers Baab el Yemen, la porte principal de l'ancienne ville ou temps avant les chemaux ont ete vendu et les traiteurs on arrive de toute l'Asie. Les fenetres iluminees de dedant montre des couleurs differents et les portes, toutes faites a main, portent une lune musulman. Anees avant, quelles on portent une etoile ou une croix. Maintenant pas plus, les temps sont de l'islam. ... read more
sana'a, la nuit
sana'a, la nuit
sana'a, la nuit

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a July 20th 2009

Saba hal heir! Alors, les femmes, les femmes...On fait les femmes sont que des voils noirs ou l'unique parte visible son les eux. Pour moi, le monde femenine est interdite. Tout contact peut etre motif du conflict. Par contre mes amies europees m'ont raconte de la vie cache a les hommes. Dans les fetes femenines, les voils noires dispare, et seulmente reste que des habies diminutes et les transparences. Encore pour l'opinion des europees et americaines, les yemeniees sont presque nudes. Mais que est-ce que est alors la raison de cette change de comportament? D'habille tout en noir cache pour un islam radicale et sexiste a une fete que parei presque une orgie femenine. La response nest pas unique. D'un cote, bien sure comme dans tout les pays du monde, les femmes se veux sentir jolies ... read more

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