Blogs from Kamchatka, Far East, Russia, Europe


Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 21st 2021

Our next adventure was to head to and climb Gorely Volcano. The Beast came back to pick us up, only this time we had to take ALL our luggage because the hotel would not keep our extra stuff overnight. We were assured that the extra luggage (like, my work laptop) would be kept in the Beast overnight. We stopped again for snacks and set off. This ride would be much longer than our previous one, so we settled in. For a while, we were just travelling along main roads, then main flat gravel roads, but we were soon obviously deeper into volcano territory. Everywhere we looked, there were grand peaks, many of which were conical. A few of us had also noted what appeared to be a constant jet trail, but it was actually smoke from ... read more
Gorely Volcano
Gorely Volcano
Gorely Volcano

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 20th 2021

After returning to the hotel, freshening up and packing, we were amazed to discover the giant beast of a truck that would be taking us to Avachinsky Volcano. The night before, our main guide (through Maria translating) tried to impress upon us the potential difficult trekking we would be facing as bad weather was expected. Additionally, bad weather could impact the route up even with that behemoth. So we packed accordingly. He also tried to make sure we understood the very real possibility that bears would come into our campsite. Yikes! We loaded up and climbed into that monster, stopping first for some snacks and drinks. It was surprisingly comfortable actually! After about an hour, we turned into what looked like a park entrance and then slowly started making our way upriver, often times passing cars ... read more
Avachinsky Volcano - hidden by mist
Climbing the glacier to Avachinsky
Glacier hiking

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 18th 2021

For my next Trekkup adventure, I joined with two of my friends for one's 40th birthday request. It was to be a trip to see the far east, bears, water, trees, and VOLCANOES! This meant a lot of hiking, and I was mostly nervous about the first volcano - we were supposed to do a bit more hiking in Saudi to prepare me, but it was what it was. First things first, 22 hours to travel and a couple of other excursions before we even got to the volcanoes. Travel Day We met at the Dubai airport before our flight, and checkin was fairly smooth though the flight was surprisingly full. Apparently, Novosiberisk, Russia is a hopping place! Actually, I think because it is like the center of the country, it's like the flight hub. So, ... read more
Flying over Kamchatka!
Hotel in Kamchatka
Chinook with ferns

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 25th 2012

After much hiking, tenting and waking up early days we decide its time to take a small break. So without much indecision we spend our last day in Kamchatka enjoying the thermal pools close to Nalcheyvo National Park. The pools vary in temperature, and are completely adjustable by way of a hot water pipe that feeds directly from the nearby hot spring. In no time we are all wrinkly and old people like. Before leaving the pools I excitably spot milk in bag. I'm no virgin to this concept having been introduced to milk in a bag by my good friend Nick. Nick lives in Canada and apparently milk in a bag is a frequently enjoyed occurrence there. This time I'm able to enjoy the delights of milk in a bag in the flesh. It's exciting ... read more
Casha Natasha and mum
More pool time

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 23rd 2012

"Why did you come to Kamchatka?" - Dasha "I wanted to get close to the beach, to the ocean, to the great power of it all." - Natasha It's one of our final days in Kamchatka and today we decide to accompany Natasha to the beach. It's actually the main reason she chose to come to Kamchatka. Living in Sydney, and a mere 40 minutes from the ocean/beach (which is actually quite far from most Sydneysiders) I've grown to take the beach for granted at times. So it completely amazes me to meet someone who has chosen to fly 8.5 hours to come to the beach. Nonetheless we think it will be a lot of fun so we decide to join Natasha on her beach adventure. Like all fully hectics, I decide to call everyone in ... read more
Delicious wild berries minutes from the Ocean
One of the lost brothers
Flowers by the Ocean

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 22nd 2012

It's been three hours and our bus remains stuck in a ditch. Most of the group we are traveling with are outside the bus praying and singing Orthodox hymns. Me and mum decide to join them. Why has our bus been stuck in a ditch the past three hours? Well that's a good question that most of the Christians on this bus would like to ask the bus driver, in not very Christian like words. Why has the bus that's been provided happening to break down every hour and why is there not another on the way? these are questions I can see circling in most everynes mind. On the plus side its a beautiful sunny day. What started out as drizzly somber weather actually turned into a picturesque day for looking at Gorelya Volcano. Located ... read more
The beauty of Gorelya 5
Fauna on Kamchatka
I love Gorelya

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 21st 2012

Following a night of feasting and warm showers we take off early in the morning to travel to Talmachevoski valley (Толмачевская Далина). This time we join a tour with the Kamchatka Excersions led by Elena Perminova . Designed by Elena, the tours make it accessible for locals to see something of Kamchatkas beautiful nature, without the ever expensive price tag that usual tour companies attach to their Kamchatka tours. The tours are very worthwhile, especially if you understand Russian as they are led by Elena herself who has over 7 years higher education equivalent to a masters degree in Kamchatka history and anthropology. She is full of information beginning from when the land was dominated by the indigenous Evenk and kamchidan people right to when Russian Cossacks invaded in the 18th century to present day history. ... read more
Looking Closer
The beautiful Lake
Bears looking back at us

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 20th 2012

"Walk the way we came?!? Your crazy - there is no way I'm going back that way." Natasha exclaimed. She was only about 5 foot 2 but full of spirit. She had just walked 40km with a back pack well over packed and had managed to sprain her leg in the process. The previous night, Yoshik and Casha tried in vain convincing her that there was no other choice. Yoshik a polish tour guide, guiding some Poles from Warsaw and Casha were friends who had met 4 years back. Casha had given Yoshik a lift whilst Yoshik was hitch hiking of his own around Kamchatka. Good friends ever since, Casha now joined Yoshik on his tours through Kamchatka. We convinced Natasha to sleep on it and see what happened the next day. Daybreak came and Natasha ... read more
Run off from the spring
жиль биль волк
Famous Giant Kamchatka Crab

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 19th 2012

Ever wanted to know how to hitch hike with a helicopter? The following is a brief how to guide: 1. Walk 40 kilometers through a national park, preferably somewhere remote like one of the national parks in Kamchatka. For this story we will use a real life example being the Nalcheyvo National Park. 2. The walk should be done at full pace so that at least part of your team is left exhausted with an injury preferably incurred along the way. We walked about 2 days with 17km covered during the first day and 23km during the second. Total injuries incurred = 1. 3. The injured person should then proceed to use the positive energies of the universe to summon the helicopter. Our injured person being Natasha, did just that. The story like a few others ... read more
Any Food Here
At the top of the mountain crossing
A hole in the ice

Europe » Russia » Far East » Kamchatka July 17th 2012

"The tour to Avachinsky volcano will not wait! I'm ordering you another taxi be downstairs in 10 minutes" Is how I begin my morning on July 17 having slept in and missed the time to get up and make the taxi to the volcano tour. We start frantically running around pulling clothes on left right and centre. Momentarily, we receive another call from Yana saying unfortunately the tour has been canceled and they are leaving without us. Tour leaving without us? We look back at our warm beds and contemplate jumping back in and enjoying a nice sleep in day. Then I shake myself free of that stupid idea, what am I taking about I never rest when I I'm in such a beautiful place like Kamchatka. We decided to call Yana back and ask her ... read more
Breathtaking Kamchatka
While mama urinates baby watches
Peering into Volcanos

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