swissmaple's Guestbook

24th September 2013

What now?
Kids? Another trip? A trip on your own or without your hubby? Or none of the above...?
9th April 2013

Growing up in a temperate climate, I suppose I, too, never thought of Australia having a much of a "winter" in the traditional sense. But regardless of how warm it is the lack of sunlight would certainly give me the blues. Glad spring is finally on its way to you! Such lovely photos.
13th March 2012
Giant goldfish

no its not a goldfish
dude........ thts a koi fish.......... not a goldfish
From Blog: Aussie Oy!
15th June 2011

I loved this post!
Got me really excited about my coming trip to Montréal! Thanks for this!
14th June 2011

is this blogger still alive?
12th April 2011

no more travelling? what are you up to lately?
4th February 2011

I love the photo of manning gorge - "one of the first waterfalls we visited". Would it be at all possible to get the original photo file from you? We got engaged here and I have very few photos of manning gorge as our camera was smashed during our trip. Thankyou. Kylie
11th November 2010

Your trip sounds really fun. I don't know about the alligators though. lol
From Blog: Florida or Bust!
8th June 2010

I've been off the radar for a while...back in Australia so more posts coming soon!
5th May 2010

no more entries?
24th January 2010

nice job :)
I just rang up the company and said I was interested, I spoke to Andy Hood (although I don't know if he's still there). I believe on the website there is a link but that will send your CV to Adelaide instead of Alice. I would try to get the Alice Springs number and talk to someone directly about the job. I know Connections also hires hosties. Good luck and have fun!!
19th January 2010

nice job :)
hi yea i think u have a really nice job and i would like to do the same, how did u apply for becoming a hostie? cheers, janina :)
1st October 2009

thanks for sharing!
Hey, thanks for sharing this. And good to hear of great family holidays.
1st October 2009

hi there
Been going through your blogs (and your website) and have been enjoying them. I'm glad to find something to read on possible trips in and around USA, as well as Montreal. And now, OZ land. You write very clearly and take very good pictures. I will be kept busy in the coming days............catching up with your blogs which I absolutely enjoy. Traveling is absolutely all about keeping an open mind about the places to visit. I, for one, enjoyed all my trips, wherever and everywhere. Like you, I think I bring my "happiness" with me. A gift, don't u think? Others are not as fortunate. [:(]
From Blog: And I'm in Oz!
12th March 2009

Fantastic photos!
7th November 2008

i did the cave tours recently (lake, jewel and mammoth) and luckily we only had about 10 people max on our tours. it was god becuase i asked lots of questions! i'm glad you loved our south west, its amazing down there :)
15th September 2008

goshen village
Yup, it's Goshen. The first street on the right leads to the Baby Place, the second street leads to the Hook & Ladder Fire Dept, the old Grand Union building is behind the hill in the top middle of the photo.
From Blog: Autumn in the OC
13th September 2008

goshen village
I do not recognize any buildings of the village. Are you sure that is Goshen?
From Blog: Autumn in the OC
12th July 2007

I'd rather we were going round lots of circles than stopping at traffic lights all the time! At least then we're still moving (and in a forward motion, even if not going exactly forward) rather than stopping dead still!
24th May 2007

I myself used to work in Mandy Evans art cafe and also stayed in the YHA in Dunsborough. What a great place to stay and hang out
2nd May 2007

Sorry my message is really long!
Hi, i stumbled on your site cause you just commented on my friend Dan's blog on Montreal, and both of us are actually from Perth! You're take on Perth is interesting and well balanced; noting the good things and bad things (transport IS a bit of shocker!). Regarding the "laid back" lifestyle, its just relative to the other State Capitals... ALL country towns are more laid back than the Cities! Perth's good in that way as it's a big city but feels small. The youngns claim its boring but really it isnt... they just never put the effort to actually look for stuff to do! They simply complain. Ive been round to heaps of places, and still in the end i reckon Perth's got a pretty amazing balance of lifestyle and opportunities, despite its flaws (which theyre finally trying to fix). I hope you really liked it here, and come back in 10yrs when everything's finished and its more perfect!
4th February 2007

Fibula! FibULA! Oh well, at least you didn't say "femurs" or call a vertebra a "vertebrae". Nice find, though! Another pedantic reminder: when you're digging up bones, you should leave them in situ until you have them all (i.e. dig around them). That way, it's easier to account for the skeleton and figure out what happened to the rest of it. Very cool pics! Looking forward to more. Keep having fun and talk to you soon! Cheers, Martin
25th November 2006

Duck naming continued...
Eureka, I believe we've found it! Gulliver the gullible H.(hefty)- travels heavily because he actually believes he's going to need all the stuff he's packing and of course lacks discernment. Gulliver falls prey to numerous suggestions beginning with "don't forget to bring..." and ending with "...just in case". Aesop Z.(ziploc)- travels lightly carrying only his notes and props for his schemes to assure that Gulliver the gullible remains the hapless prey to his form of amusement. As for your packing...have they lifted the glowing duck ban yet? :)
23rd November 2006

Naming of the ducks
Thanks so much for the numerous suggestions. :D A tough choice, but I think Gulliver the gullible and Aesop should make the most fun stories. And perhaps they should have middle names...Gulliver H. and Aesop Z., as I like Hefty and Ziploc at the moment (As I'm trying to figure out how on earth to pack for a 7 month trip that will span 3 seasons and 2 continents, not to mention some ridiculous luggage restrictions, these names seem the most appropriate!)
22nd November 2006

dedicated to me-? how sweet of you :)
I finally made it to your blog and have some ducky names in case you didn't want to use "Steve". Names depend a lot on personalities-(and your concern for using trademark names-there was a local diner that got sued because it's name was the same as an automobile-how dumb....) For nervous ducks: Rolex- overly concerned about the time and Rolodex-always wondering who to ask questions. For ducks with differing packing styles: Ziploc-travels light, Hefty- DOESN'T For just plain sick duck names: Chuck (chuck a duck), Splat, Splay,Squash- don't worry I don't like these either :p For ducks near water: Phelin (fell-in) and Brutus (the one who pushed Phelin in the water) Glowing ducks: Flash, Blinky, Twinkles For incompatible ducks: Gulliver the gullible(traveling duck lacking discernment), Aesop (fable telling duck-always taking advantage of Gulliver's gullibility) Thanks for the honor, enjoy your travels! I think I like the last two the best.

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