Page 7 of laandal Travel Blog Posts

A quiet start to the second half of our Spanish studies with Lara having a cough, followed by a minor earthquake which Al managed to miss completely. We went to school for the week as usual but skipped most of the after school activities as we´d done them all before. The weekend was spent in San Pedro on the shores of Lago de Atitlan, with an Irish/German couple Ed and Yvonne (check out their blog ) where we got up to all sorts of mischief (read: set off a lot of fireworks), in between lying in a hammock or having an afternoon nap. We left for San Pedro straight after our lessons on Friday and all set to get on a direct bus to San Pedro de la Laguna near San Marcos. After checking that our ... read more
Lago de Atitlan
San Pedro
San Pedro

After having woken up at 2.00am in Washington in order to make our early flight to Guatemala (via Miami), we arrived in Guatemala City completely disoriented and exhausted. It seemed as if the whole of Guatemala City was at the airport and if we hadn't been met by someone we may have turned around and gone home right then! We were taken back to a little bed and breakfast not too far from the airport and we spent most of our first afternoon in Guatemala sleeping. The following morning we got up early again and were put on a bus headed to Xela. The trip took 5 hrs and was all of 210km but at least the trip offered some interesting sites and was a good first glimpse of life in Guatemala. We arrived in Xela ... read more
Dia de los Muertos
Dia de los Muertos
Dia de los Muertos - Kite Flying

Our second stop was to visit Lara´s aunt Jill, who lives outside Washington DC. After a red-eye flight from LA Jill picked us up very early in the morning and then we went out to ´see America´. Our first stop was Harpers Ferry, an historic town known for its part in the abolition of slavery. It was absolutely pouring with rain and by the time we had gotten to the museum we were dripping! We quickly headed back to the house, showered and slept. On our second day in Maryland we got up late and headed down to Fort Frederick - which was a fort in the French-Indian War many years ago. We then had some pie by the C&O canal before heading to a little town with hot springs - famous for having been the ... read more
Lincon Memorial
White House
The DC Mall

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles October 26th 2007

This was it! The moment we had been waiting for - we’d saved our hard earned cash, dreamt about it for years and Al had even put together a few gant charts of our progress. Lara had spent years reading guidebooks and planning possible routes and talking incessantly about which Spanish school we should be going to, whether we should we spend 3 or 4 days in this place, and discussing whether Galapagos would be worth going to or if it would be too expensive. We were ready....we wanted to be on our way to a life of sipping cocktails in hammocks tied between palm trees. But its never quite that easy. After frantically packing up our apartment of 4 1/2 years, and pretty much only getting about two-thirds through it we had to give up ... read more
Grand Central Market
Disneyland - the famous Teacups
Al's American sized drink

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