laandal's Guestbook

20th December 2014

We've done a lot of travel but have not made it to Portugal yet. I hate to admit I didn't know one of the specialties in Lisbon was custard. It might have made me go there sooner if I'd known. You've lured us in with talk of beautiful pottery, photos of fantastic peacocks, scenic rooftops and closed the deal with cobbled streets near El Gordo. That stop is now on our list. Thanks for a wonderful blog.
23rd September 2013

Another Holiday
Hi you two, What a lovely trip and Al your brothers children are gorgeous. looking forward to seeing you later. Love Gran
From Blog: Asia "light"
22nd September 2013

Sounds like Singapore was a wonderful visit
We agree that visiting with family is not restful but sounds like this one was great. Who know what the future holds and maybe you'll be back as an ex-pat. Hope you'll take some weekend trips and write about them. Otherwise we will miss your blogs too much.
From Blog: Asia "light"
14th February 2013

What a wonderful, personal blog of family intersecting history...
families should have reunions around such significant places and events. Thanks for sharing.
From Blog: The Great Escape
13th February 2013

Your grandfather
Hi La You had better make some alterations before your grandmother reads this. Neville Bowker, if he had continued the way he started, would have been regarded as one of the great wartime fighter aces of the RAF. He is credited with over 10 'kills'. Fortunately for him, he was shot down and incarcerated, which probably kept him alive. He is written about in many books about the RAF and if you read Gran's Facebook page you will see that she is fascinated by this The rest I found most interesting Dad
From Blog: The Great Escape
16th January 2013
St Michaels Mount

Excellent lighting! Upgraded mud! BEAUTIFUL!
4th December 2012

Your blog has come in on time ! please help us with some details....(we r planning greece as well) - where all did you stay and eat? - please share travel itinerary (for places,route etc) - any tour operator to recommend? - any travel tips? plz email us at Thanks in advance :)
From Blog: Greece
4th December 2012

Hi Anu, unfortunately we were only in Greece for 9 days. We flew into Athens, travelled by ferry (very easy but useful to book in advance in peak seasons) to Ios where we stayed by the beach in Milopotas and then travelled onwards by ferry to Santorini where we stayed in Fira. We were using to find places just before we arrived, but there seemed to be a lot of vacancies for any budget so turning up and looking shouldn't be an issue. Enjoy! We loved it!
From Blog: Greece
3rd December 2012

Greece is my favorite country and so far Santorini my favorite island
We loved our time in Greece and I loved every word of your blog and the memories it provided me. Thank you. Merry
From Blog: Greece
3rd December 2012

Great pictures
Ny wife and I returned recently to canada after spending two months in Europe and I totally agree with your comments about the media. We visited several countries except Greece and loved every minute.
From Blog: Greece
3rd December 2012

Whoa - travelers wishing to embrace the American identity rather than shed it? Now I've heard everything! ;) Obnoxious tourists come in all shapes, sizes and nationalities, unfortunately. Your vacation looks picturesque. Glad to hear tourism in Greece is still thriving despite the media attention; I imagine the economic situation would be much worse without the influx of tourist dollars. Thanks for sharing.
From Blog: Greece
23rd August 2012

The craic!
Looks like another lovely trip, guys. Haha, petrol in the diesel car...we've regrettably done that, well, THOMAS has done that, I should say! We must skype soon xx
23rd August 2012

I LOVE that it was them and not us Less! Hope you're great - talk soon. xx
21st August 2012 looks grand!
You two are quite amazing!! You have such a lovely casual way of enjoying life to the hilt. How did Yvonne cut the cake if they were cup cakes?!!!! What fun you had. Viv/Mum
21st August 2012

Cup cakes!
There was also a small cake for them to cut Mum!
9th August 2012

I was in Venice one October, and there were lots of tourists then too. There must hardly be room to move around those narrow streets, in August, with it still being the official tourist season. Or, maybe it is tourist season all year round in Venice... :)
7th August 2012

Lovely atmospheric photos.
We are looking for another short break to beat the great British Summer! Could be a winner...
7th August 2012

you could do this for a living!
I look forward to reading each new installment of well composed passages, and seeing the beautiful photos in each blog! Maybe there could be a change of career as a travel journalist? I've read many a story in "country style" or other Australian Lifestyle Magazine that is good! What do you reckon?!
7th August 2012

Venice Re-visited
Lots of great photos - which dusted off cobwebs for us!
7th August 2012

Kids in the piazza perfection!
This is such a great pic guys!
3rd August 2012

Didn't Peter Allen sing...and I hear you thinking "I still call Australia...Home"?
8th April 2012
Suchitoto, El Salvador

This reminds me of the trips to the small towns I'd visit outside of San Salvador. Thank you for sharing.
26th March 2012

PUFC shorter than PKFC
Nice little story. And congratulations with your anniversary! Beware that a PKFC (Post Kids Financial Crisis) might take some 20 years to recover from!! Second kid due in August. Apparently, more kids doesn't speed the process... :-))
8th March 2012

Petra is on the list...heightened now I know of Jerash...thanks for that. We love deserts...the colour...the feel. Great blog.
28th December 2011

You posted a 2011 favourite photo!
'Check this out, and feel free to add some 2011 TravelBlog favourite anythings of your own. :)

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