Victoria and Scott


Victoria and Scott

Victoria & Scott are off...

September 2010...We work hard and play hard and love our holidays! So much so that six a year just wasn't enough so we left our jobs, friends, family and home behind and took off for nearly 5 months to travel around the world!

We visited:

South America- Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina and Chile (September-Mid Oct)
New Zealand- the North & South island in a camper van (Mid Oct-early Nov)
Australia- the East coast from Melbourne-Cairns (Nov)
South East Asia- Singapore, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia (December & January)

We blogged about our experiences along the way here.


V&S xx

April 2011...After returning from an amazing 5 month adventure in Jan 2011, we came back to London and settled into work. But, it wasn't long before we needed another break, so booked flights to Bali, decided to dust of the backpacks and go on a shorter 2 week trip! We've blogged about it here...

Dec 2011...We finally bit the bullet and booked a 2 week trip to magical India over New Year! We dug out our backpacks (again) and visited Goa, Mumbai, Delhi and Agra. Blogs are below...

April 2012...We were missing SE Asia so much that we went on a 2 week holiday to thailand, our favourite country! We celebrated Songkran there and went to Bangkok, Chaing Mai, Ko Samui, Ko Phangan & Ko Tao, which we fell in love with. This would ultimately be the trip that made us want to travel again long term! Blogs to follow...

June 2012...We have decided to leave our jobs, rent out the flat, sell our belongings and head off again, this time for around 8 months! We are focussing on Asia, with our first stop being Japan in September 2012!


into our Asia adventure!

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Gilli Trawangan May 27th 2013

We always knew we wanted to spend the last part of our trip on a beach, so that we could go home with good tans and feel relaxed, and since we decided a few weeks back to make Indonesia our last country, we couldn't think of a better place in the sun to end our beach time than the beautiful Gili islands. Once we managed to tear ourselves away from lovely Ubud and got a good deal on tickets for the fast boat, which was very smooth, we arrived on Gili Trawangan, the biggest of the three Gili islands (although it is only 7km around the whole island so still very small). As soon as we got off the boat and saw the crystal clear waters and white sand, we remembered just how much we had ... read more
Picture postcard...
Incredible sunset shot
We loved Gili T!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud May 17th 2013

There have been a handful of extra special places on this trip which we have really, really enjoyed and stayed longer than planned in; places that we felt so comfortable in we didn’t want to leave, places that seemed nice but quite ordinary at first glance but turned out to be amazing, and places that we want to go back to again one day. Ubud was another one of these magical places. It totally charmed us and captured our hearts and we loved it, spending a relaxing 5 days there. It’s the kind of place where time flies even if you are not doing very much, because there is just something about it that feels so…easy. When we arrived we were dropped off by Coco Supermarket (which is great for supplies) and soon found a gorgeous ... read more
Delicious Indo tapas
Hanging out in Monkey Forest
Cheeky monkey!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Legian May 12th 2013

Ah crazy Kuta, a place in the South of Bali which is possibly the least authentic Balinese place you could visit. Similar to parts of Koh Samui in Thailand or Boracay in the Philippines, Kuta is the place to come if you want to party, and being only a few hours away from Australia, that is exactly what Ozzies in Bintang vests (or no tops at all) come here to do, munching away on pizza, burgers, pies and other traditional Indonesian food and swigging beer at all hours... it’s not just Australian people (although the majority), Kuta was packed with plenty of English, Dutch, Swedish and French people all here for one reason – to party and enjoy the many clubs and bars lining the main street, something which we intended to do too. We would ... read more
Having a surf lesson
Us and the Dutch guys on night out
Cocoon Beach club

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Ijen Plateau May 10th 2013

After another long journey in a mini van, we arrived at our accommodation for that night, which was a cute family run, compound type lodge with...a hot tub! This was more than welcome after being stuck in the van all day and we wasted no time in getting in. We had met a couple of really nice Dutch guys (Jos & Wout) on the bus and enjoyed a few beers with them in the tub whilst swapping the usual traveller stories before having quick shower and bite to eat, so that we could get an early night in preparation for our (now regular) 3.30am wake up call. Ijen volcano is a stratovolcano which has a 1km wide turquoise coloured acid crater lake which lies at 2,148m above sea level. The volcano itself produces huge amounts of ... read more
Fresh sulphur from the mine
Amazing sunrise at surrounding volcano's

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Mount Bromo May 9th 2013

We have been on the road over 7 months now and we are tired. Not tired of travelling, as we love it, but always trying to do things independently, or the cheapest way, or the local way, whilst rewarding, gets tiring sometimes. With less than a month to go until we go home we didn’t have the energy (or the time really) to do this next part of our trip on our own, so we opted for the dreaded traveller sin – a tour. In saying that, this ‘tour’ actually worked out almost the same price as if we had done it ourselves, but without any hassle and it all went to plan, if not better. It was actually a highlight of our whole trip so far… Since before we left home when we were researching ... read more
Start of a new day
Mt Bromo and friends

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Yogyakarta May 7th 2013

Having decided on the country where we would spend the last remaining weeks of our trip, we were excited to get there but also apprehensive. Would it live up to our expectations and be the perfect ending that we were looking for? Or would we be disappointed? Well if the start of our time in Indonesia is anything to go by, we will end up wishing we had longer here... We rarely do things the easy way. Instead of booking a direct flight from Singapore to Yogyakarta, we tried to save a bit of money and booked an early flight which would connect in Jakarta with dubious airline, Lion Air. Leaving our hostel at 6.30am having had just a few hours sleep after a big night out was lovely as you can imagine, as was standing ... read more
Bell Stupa's
In the temple grounds, working our sarongs
Large Buddha statue

Asia » Singapore May 5th 2013

We didn't know until a few days before we left the Philippines where our next stop would be, as we just couldn't make our minds up on where to spend our last few weeks. Flights anywhere seemed expensive, but we wanted to go somewhere which would be diverse enough to excite us yet also have time for relaxing and great beaches. Once we had decided on the country where we would end our trip, it worked out cheaper (and suited us) to go to Singapore for a couple of days first, but it would be some 14 hours later until we got there. First, we had to take a Zest Air flight from Coron to Manila, where the plane wasn't much bigger than a car and used propellers instead of full engines, but it was only ... read more
First stop for food
Pole Position
Amazing views from the pool

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » Coron May 2nd 2013

It was with a heavy heart that we set sail from the port of El Nido for supposedley the 6-7 hour boat journey to the island of Coron, which is famous for it's Japanese wrecks and diving. The journey started well enough; we quickly bagged a space on the open air top deck and got talking to a nice Canadian couple (Kevin and Brandie) and a girl from America (Frieda) and just relaxed in the sun. After an hour or so, passing some of the most breathtaking landscapes we have seen to date, we were served a basic lunch of noodles/spaghetti and soft drinks. We were informed that as there was a fairly strong current the journey would take a further 8 hours, although this was not a problem as we were enjoying the ride - ... read more
Banana Beach - Very Special Place
Castaway Boat Trip
Down at Baracuda Lake

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » El Nido April 25th 2013

The small town of El Nido, famous for it's stunning surrounding islands and idyllic beaches, is a place we had been looking forward to seeing since we were last in the Philippines, and after the last week of trekking we couldn't wait to top up our tans and relax, but we had to get there first. After over 24 hours without much sleep we were both looking forward to an early night in Puerto Princesa (PP) and as such had reserved a room at a decent sounding guesthouse in the city so we had somewhere to go to straight from the airport. Just what you want after an overnight bus, a hot day in busy Manila and then a flight is to arrive at said guesthouse only to discover it is in a sketchy area in ... read more
Incredibly clear waters
Posing on the beach!
Gorgeous Las Cabanas beach

Asia » Philippines » Manila April 17th 2013

We arrived back in Manila at the unearthly hour of 5am and took a taxi straight to a 24 hour ‘café’ where we tried to wake ourselves up with coffee and wondered what would lay in store for us today. What should we do with 12 hours to kill in a sprawling city that we had tried to avoid? Arrange to meet up with non-other than Manila expert and Travelblogger LilyRam (Tita/Aunty Lily) of course! We were so excited to finally meet her and were really looking forward to seeing what the city had to offer, and after catching up over more coffee we set off for the day. Our first stop was the old walled city of Intramuros, a 25 minute drive from upscale Makati. This area had a strong sense of history which we ... read more
Jose Rizal's footprints
Us with Tita Lily
Horse drawn carriage in Intramuros Pk.

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