James Tennet

Tennets Travels

James Tennet

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City March 29th 2011

As warned in my post last week, I have written another London guide and it has just been published: London's historical homes This guide focuses on the former London homes of significant historical figures that have now been turned into small museums dedicated to the previous inhabitants (more interesting than it sounds, I promise!) Let me know what you think, feedback more than welcome. I'm hoping to complete my new blog website in the next couple of weeks, and will be booking my flights to South America later this week - I will post another entry on here when everything is confirmed. Very exciting! Cheers... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City March 21st 2011

Hello again people. I have finally written a guide to London (focusing on how to get the most out of the city... for free!): London.... for free! I also have another London guide currently awaiting approval for publication, so I'll circulate that when it's available online too. In other news - my next long-term travelling trip is on the horizon. I'll be leaving for at least 9 months of Latin America adventuring in May this year. For this trip I have decided to create my own website - www.tennetstravels.com - and will be blogging on there for the duration. Everything is still in the planning and development stages (including the website) but I'll definitely be out of here again by mid-may! Watch this space! More info to come soon.... x... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester November 23rd 2010

As promised, here is my night-time guide to the best city in the North - Manchester After Dark Hopefully, this will make a good companion piece to the article I had published last month, exploring Manchester in the daytime - Making the most of Manchester If you have time to read them both, comments and feedback would be most appreciated. Cheers! ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester October 29th 2010

Hello again people. After living in the city for three years as a student, and writing a sightseeing piece for the student paper last year, I've finally got around to writing a proper guide to Manchester - Making the most of Manchester. It's received a very positive response so far, and I'm very pleased with that. But please have a look if you've got a couple of minutes to spare (there's some pretty pictures included and it's not too long... ;) I've actually composed two full Manchester guides - one exploring the city in the daytime, and the other looking at activities 'after dark'. The latter has already been approved for publication as well, I'm just waiting to get permission to use a couple of photographs in the piece. Hopefully that shouldn't take too long and ... read more

Europe » Channel Islands » Guernsey July 18th 2010

Hello again - long time, no blog.... So, my plan of writing a piece every month for Simonseeks hasn't quite gone to plan, but I've finally found time to finish my Guernsey guide. I think it was worth the wait - it's probably the Simonseeks contribution I'm most proud of and spent the most time researching/writing, and it's been well-received by readers so far. Like all the other stuff I'll be writing from now on, it's nowhere near as long as my previous epics, so please have a quick look if you've got a spare couple of minutes. Any feedback is appreciated - let me know what you think! Click here - Guernsey - an island escape on the UK's doorstep Enjoy! ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Somerset » Bath April 20th 2010

Our extended, globetrotting exploits may have reached their conclusion a long time ago, but as many of you may know, James is determined to keep up the travel writing in one way or another. I've pretty much given up on the delusion of making a career out of it - my two weeks working on the travel desk at the Independent was a great experience, but didn't really lead anywhere. However, I still gain a great deal of pleasure from the writing process, so I'm determined to keep it up, even if it's only as a hobby. In order to get a bit more exposure, and feedback from people in the know, I'm going to be publishing most of my stuff from now on, here - www.simonseeks.com. They have higher standards, and there's more rules and ... read more

Well..... its over. Our travels have reached their conclusion, the adventure has come to an end, and we're now back on the same landmass as you guys. However, this blog is far from finished: despite being home for nearly a month, there is still much island-hopping, volcano climbing, temple visiting, and dodgy transport riding, to catch up on from our final 6 weeks in Indonesia and Malaysia. This last period was one of the busiest; with the flight back home looming ever closer on the horizon, we attempted to cram in as much as possible. There have also been many blog-worthy occurrences since our return to Blighty - with a short trip to France, and a longer visit to Manchester - and this is what we'll cover in the following paragraphs. But, never fear, we still ... read more
Dinan Cathedral Interior
Beautiful Stained Glass
Pretty Flowers above Dinan

Asia » Indonesia June 15th 2009

We know, we know - the last blog was supposedly the last report on our long-finished Far East explorations, and we said that we wouldn't be posting anymore for a while. However, we've made an exception for this entry. Looking back over some of our favourite photos recently (it helps get through the comparably mundane routine of normal, everyday life) we realised that there are a number of rather amusing images taken after our last funny photo blog and therefore not yet shared with the world. So, James has decided to put together another picture blog, celebrating comedic camera work of the highest order. This is the result - scroll down, get clicking, and start sniggering! PS. Just a further heads up - doing this blog has given us the idea of putting together more collections ... read more
Business Card 1
Business Card 2
James Rebelling!

Asia » Malaysia June 12th 2009

Note: Before we begin, just a quick message to say that, if you haven't noticed already, this blog is a rather long one (around 3,500 words) so it may take a while to get through. However, this is the very last entry, and the one that James has spent the most time on, and is most proud of. As such, we'd really love it if people can find the time to read the whole thing (maybe in more than one sitting, or print it off and read away from the computer screen), and please leave us comments letting us know what they think. This is our last blog for the foreseeable future and the final chapter in our South-East Asian Extravaganza.... we hope you enjoy! It's been over a year since we first departed on our ... read more
Suspended Bridge
Papa Swan
7 Wells Waterfall

Asia » Indonesia » Java June 5th 2009

Yes, it's us again - this blog is still trundling, relentlessly on. Our trip ended over 4 months ago now, but James is more determined than ever to bring this story to its proper conclusion - even if no-one's reading anymore! The show must go on...... Returning to Labuanbajo, port town on the Western Coast of Flores, Indonesia, we were utterly exhausted after our epic journey to the volcanic lakes at Kelitmutu. Our dilapidated transport spluttered into town just as night was falling, and we splashed out on a hotel room with hot, running water (providing the first proper shower in over a week), before crawling under the sheets for a long, deserved sleep. We were booked on a 2 day boat tour back to Lombok (the island we initially departed from on our mission to ... read more
Undersized Sea Vessel
Komodo Dragon
Komodo Dragon

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