Smooth Operator's Guestbook

3rd November 2017

nice trip. i have to go. affiliate marketing
1st January 2016

Travels continue - IMPRESSED
travels look like fun .. pls keep them up ... and come visit in HK .. and we do hope to visit u guys one day !!! hugs Jen xx
30th December 2015

I was pleasantly surprised to see this post in my email! It sounds like your 2015 was full of adventure!! Beautiful puctures!
29th September 2014

wish I am with you
Hey. So glad you guys went to Cairns to scuba dive. Isn't it incredible? Now that you've done underwater. Let's go bungy jumping with Riley in Auckland!
20th September 2014

Great pics
Looks like you all are having a grand ol time!!
20th September 2014

Great pics
Looks like you all are having a grand ol time!!
25th January 2013

We had trouble finding good food in Italy initially - but then downloaded a couple of iPhone apps published by ex-pat food bloggers. Using their recommendations, we found excellent cheap restaurants.
13th August 2012

Looks amazing - so jealous :)
27th February 2012

Aww... I get a mention? :) Sounds like fun! I want to see Wizard of Oz! Where are the pix of the boys? Miss you...
10th April 2011

Also, that's not a real iguana, is it?
10th April 2011

Oooh, present! But now u'r just teasing me cauz u'll probably not tell me what it is... Sigh, I hate waiting...
5th April 2011

It looks nice, warm & sunny there in TO! It's been rain, rain & more rain here. I'm shivering in bed after getting home from work, wishing u were here to cuddle... Am glad you're getting to see all your friends & meet new ones. Pls inc a pic of Carl's family, mostly Anna. I'm curious! xoxo
25th August 2010
Great post... I think you had a wonderful time and you really maximized your stay here. A trip here in Oregon is such a wonderful idea. Not only for its amazing natural beauty, but also for the wonderful campgrounds that will give you a treat of a lifetime. Not to mention, the number of possible activities that you can enjoy.
15th March 2010

I just love BARBADOS
I hope to get to BARBADOS again its a beautiful island with lovely FRIENDLY people and always so warm and tropical....the waters are so clear.....deb
20th September 2009

Nice shots and a great update
Thanks Richard for the update. Enjoy your travels! Alex
14th September 2009

Did u put on sunscreen?
U look kinda red in the pic, hon... Make sure u use sunscreen & that after-sun gel so u don't burn! =P Sounds like u'r having a good time. Take care of ur dad, he's not used to so much excercise nowadays! Heh... xoxo
12th September 2009

Wonderful Photos
Hi Richard Your mum and I just saw the photos. How beautiful it looks. We are jealous. Except for the heat and humidity part. Great Photos Richard. Love Mum and Charlene
30th September 2008

No pix of new friends?
Hey, how come there aren't any photos of your travel buddies? (BTW, aren't you impressed with the fact that I'm actually spelling the words out? =P) xoxo
30th September 2008

Charlene: Yes, we're jealous! That, and because there aren't many pix of R... =P
21st September 2008

What no messages...
What no messages is everyone jealous........ Wonderful pics keep them coming!
8th November 2007

how d'u like 'em dumplings... haha... omg, dying of laughter @ ur title... btw, d'u try the duck? sooo craving some good peking duck now...
7th November 2007

typical tourist
Hey, my friend Greg's number in Beijing is 13167332070 (cell), 84017341 (home). Give him a call if you have time, he knows you're coming. His a white guy so you'll really stand out.
4th June 2007

Checking In
It time to travel again and I need access to my Travelblog
5th January 2007

Great photos
Your photos are beautiful. We will be returning to POP mid January frp, BC so seeing that the sun does shine and there is no snow/rain was a sight for sore eyes. That snow was nasty!
13th December 2006

Or is Richard kissing the Parrot?
Perspective is everything. Enjoy your lovely trip. Alex

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