Juli Lek

Jaunty Jul

Juli Lek

About me

JauntyJul is actually a compilation of couple of words = Jaunt + Aunty + Julianne

This Aunty Julianne is taking time to enjoy the things she loves most - travelling, eating, photography and diving.

So Aunty Julianne is now having a lot of short and fun trips (jaunt) until she is able to afford to quit her job to start travelling on a long term basis. Till then, here are some of her travelling adventures. Enjoy ^_^


How this travelling bug bit her

I had been lost in transition for quite some time.

In Oct 2012, things started to unveil itself in such a queer manner. Ever since, I have been travelling to fun places with friends, family and myself.

Hope that these journeys will bring some fun and interesting information to all my readers. Do leave me a message should you have any queries about the place or about the things I have done.

I would like to show my appreciation to this wonderful website by sharing everything I know of my trips.

To all bloggers out there, thanks for sharing too!! (^_^)

“The journey is the reward.” — Steve Jobs

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." — Jacques Cousteau

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
H. Jackson Brown’s mother (not Mark Twain)

“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” — Mark Twain

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”— Maya Angelou

Asia » Singapore March 19th 2014

Wet Weather I remembered reading a book during my teenage years, "The Teenage Workbook". There was this particular paragraph that describe our weather, which I can't help but to relate to it. Although everyone said that Singapore doesn't have 4 seasons, it is not true. Singapore has 2 main weather, the hot and wet weather. It is difficult for anyone to plan anything in Singapore, as our weather can be a little unpredictable. It can be very bright and hot one moment, and yet, it can become very dark and wet the next moment. Hence, Singaporeans hate planning outings after a while, as you always need a wet weather plan. To make matter worse, it seems to become worse over the years. And if you are like me, kinda lazy, you either stop planning or you ... read more
Gardens by the Bay Mar - Knight
Gardens by the Bay - Beauty
Gardens by the Bay - Huge Hibiscus

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown February 9th 2014

Singapore is a very unique place. Despite the Chinese being the majority, we have been raised to respect every culture's differences, and to be more understanding towards all the different races and nationalities. Thus, when a different race is celebrating, we all celebrate together as a nation. However, the holiday in Singapore is gazetted such that each race is only allowed to have 2 days of the year designated as a public holiday for their major celebration. For the Chinese - Chinese New Year, Malay - Hari Raya Aidifiltri and Hari Raya Haji, India - Deepavali and Vesak Day, and for the Eurasians - Good Friday and Christmas. For the Chinese, it was decided that the 2 holidays to be used on Chinese New Year. Hence, every year, the celebration for Chinese New Year is tremendous, ... read more
CNY - The Year of the Horse
CNY Chinatown - MRT Station
CNY Chinatown - Busking

Asia » Singapore » Raffles Marina February 9th 2014

Being a tourist in my own country was one of the resolution I have made for 2014. I think many people would be wondering why, and some might even think that I am either having too much free time or I have nothing better to do with my life. Actually, it is neither. On my last trip to Philippines, after getting to know some very interesting international friends, I was asked to introduce Singapore and to recommend places for them to explore. It was then that I realised that I do not really know my beloved Singapore very well. Other than the fact that I know how to get my way around Singapore, I know very little about the interesting and fun places to explore. It was then I realised how workaholic I had been. Even ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » Coron December 19th 2013

Typhoon Haiyan / Typhoon Yolanda When we were initially planning for our Philippines trip in Sep 2013, we had included Coron for its beautiful beaches and awesome diving reviews. We even had our connecting flights from Busuanga to Manila booked. Unfortunately, when Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda hit Philippines in Nov 2013. Coron was one of the islands that were hit. To make matter worse, I was not able to contact any of the dive resorts in Coron for weeks. Quickly, we came up with several contingency plans, such as going to Sipadan or some other parts of Indonesia instead. However, flying to and forth Philippines is not easy and there are many stop overs, mainly in Manila. After some time, we waited and monitored the news coming from Philippines, my fear for the worst seem to ... read more
Beautiful girls that shared my ride
Places in Coron
Wreck Diving

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » Coron December 18th 2013

I have been sitting on this post for a week. I simply could not make up my mind on how I should go about writing it. I just realised that being a full time blogger is no joke. There are days where you get writing blocks or simply have nothing that you want to write about. Suddenly, I am glad that I have another job to occupy my brainless moments. However, it is very agonising too. As this is one of those moments, where I have so much to share about El Nido, but yet, I have no idea how to string all my experiences, feelings and thoughts together. For those who have been following my Philippines posts - I am so sorry for the long wait for this post. Hopefully, this post won't bore you ... read more
Group Pix @ Lucky Alofa (fm WS)
Group Pix @ ArtCafe (fm WS)
On the Overcomer

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » El Nido December 15th 2013

It's all about the company Despite all the shocks and last minutes changes, my love of El Nido continued to grow. I think that is what they say of all great love affairs. Haha :-D With each passing day, I started to enjoy the place, the food, the fun, and I think most importantly, the company of my friends (^_^) As mentioned, it is difficult to find friends of the same hobbies - diving, and they also have the same intensity and love for travel. I am very glad to have spread my love of the sea to my gf, SY, and she in turned spread her love of diving to me. It was under her influence and recommendation that I took up diving under Jean, who has now turned into one of my closest dive ... read more
Puffer Fish
Turtle on the run

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » El Nido December 14th 2013

El Nido + Friends = Great Time I am extremely grateful to find this group of fun loving dive friends. On this trip, we were happy to see that our dive khakis are increasing too (khakis = malay for close friends). It is difficult to find people of the same hobby or even of the same personalities to come together to do something they enjoy. As this group of friends are die-hard divers, our trips are always filled with the maximum number of dives we can do, and thus we will constantly be out at sea. For those who were hopping to get more information about land activities in El Nido, I am so sorry I am not able to write much about it. Anyway, while on this trip, I realised I am kinda "amphibious" - ... read more
Calao Resort
Tricycles of El Nido
Small Alleyway

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » El Nido December 13th 2013

El Nido is located at the tip of the main Palawan Island. It is really difficult to get to this place, but the view and scenery was really worth the hassle. It was beautiful. Whenever I go on such trip. It would really be a pain and it's not as easy as it seemed. However, when I finally reach the destination, everything suddenly seemed worth it - the view, the dives, and the company of my friends. This post will mainly focused on how to travel to El Nido. It was really difficult to source for information as El Nido is not a location which is widely travelled to by many people. After reading so many travel blogs and reviews of the place, we were totally overwhelmed as well as confused at what options we have ... read more
Flight from Manila to Puerto Princesa
Just the plane and airstrip

Asia » Philippines » Palawan » El Nido December 12th 2013

The Start of Our Journey to El Nido I sure wasn't looking forward to this part of the trip. But I have come to realise that, for the sake of beautiful beaches and untouched scenery, the extremely difficult and long travel to the place is the price to pay. This leg of the trip started on Dec 11th at 2pm and we only finally reached El Nido on Dec 12th at about 4pm. This included several places - Batangas City, Manila, Puerto Princesa, etc. Puerto Galera to Manila As we are flying from Manila to Puerto Princesa, we needed at least 12 hours of break between our last dive and our flight. As usual, I chilled out my morning while Ed went for his last dive in Galera. After that, we went through the entire hassle ... read more
Puerto Princesa Airport
El Nido Beach
El Nido Beach

Asia » Philippines » Mindoro » Sabang December 10th 2013

Puerto Galera Puerto Galera was beautiful. Mainly the place, and our dives. Most of the people were friendly, but I was a little paranoid when I was there, and Ed thought I was over-thinking some things. However, as a girl, I tend to err on the side of caution. Ed and I kinda over-packed, and our heavy luggages were killing us. Fortunately, there were the luggage carriers from the ports. They really saved our lives and helped us with bring our luggages from the pier all the way to our dive resort, Blue Ribbon Dive Resort. As our main aim was to dive our holiday away, we decided to stay at a dive resort to allow us the maximum convenience of moving our dive gears. As it was our first trip to Sabang Beach at Puerto ... read more
Collage - Blue Ribbon Dive Resort
Yummy Spagetti
Capt n Gregg's

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