Bekah's Guestbook

17th August 2022

Hey! Please read this... from Jade <3
Hi, I do not remember you sadly but I was scrolling through the internet and I came apone a photo of me wering a over sized cow costume ! My Dad (Craig reacanized it and ya :) Hope you reply
14th January 2024

Yes I remember! It has been a long time since I have used this site. I hope you are doing well! I am sure you have grown so much!!!
30th July 2016
Yoga Room View

What an incredible journey to find yourself! Doors opened so easily for you, it was clear that you were ready! How wonderful to have had so many opportunities for going deeper at Vibrant Living (what a name!), and now to have found your true place and service--congratulations! I felt uplifted just reading of your journey.
4th October 2015

Green is Beautiful
Thank You Rebekah. I can't remember, when I have ever seen a photograph depicting such a vividly green island, I wish I could be there with you. Now you have received my attention and I am looking forward to your next blog, Sari & I have been to the Hawaiian (3 different islands one each year, and didn't see any thing as gorgeous).
1st October 2015
Faces of Regret in the Botanical Gardens

The Phoenix
Good for you for visiting and sharing this--the city needs tourism to help it rebuild. One can always choose one's perspective--broken building or ones being rebuilt, as well as the fabulous, innovative solutions--container cafes, washing machine discos, streetlight sculptures and all the public art. Not to mention, watching cranes in action is pretty interesting. Sounds like a lot of fun!
1st October 2015

The Afterlife....
Somehow the soul of Christchurch - like our own - has endured the loss of it's material clothes - just as we must and will endure the loss of our bodies when we transition ... What is left is illuminatingly poignant and paradoxically beautiful - life 'real life' has been unveiled - as if the heart is exposed in open heart surgery ... maybe we would with our material eyes want to close up the gapping chest but to a surgeon - to a lover of the anatomy this sight is just perfect ... Christchurch is a soul unclothed, a heart exposed ... maybe in time it will reincarnate into new clothes ... the heart wound will with the best plasrtic sugeon become invisble - and then some people might decide it is 'worth' a visit. However to me last time I went to Christchurch - once the home of my past ... I surrendered all that I had held her to be; and became immersed in who she is ... and my feet trod the paths, broken, my eyes the shambled houses and like the poet turns sorrow into a treasury of love - I too felt my love emerge - for love never changes, and I loved her once before. This was reassurring for my soul. Thank you Rebekah for this moving (no pun intended) work of love on Christchurch! Regards, S :)
22nd September 2015
Flying in Kaikoura

There's something about meetings of the'd think it was meeting of the minds but it is the former. Your blog leaps with the thrill of companionship and meetings of the mind...then there was the music. Hope you are checking Song of the Week...Rock til ya Drop regularly Rebekah...'cos if you'll always be flying!
21st September 2015
"Take me with you?"

how sweet, he looks like a little puppy. how do you keep yourself from trying to cuddle them??
20th September 2015

Seals, Squeals!
This is such a sweet blog entry. I'm sure Linda is somewhere grinning ear to ear. I feel like I know her too. Also, the photographs are some of your best yet! Wonderfully captured! I want to squeeze those little seals so hard. I miss you. Keep having fun!
20th September 2015
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Traveling Soul Sisters
There are so many ways to travel that it's a miracle to find someone sharing your style though I must admit I also prefer your "whatever" ways, letting the path unfold organically. And I love it when plans fall through (house sitting) and something replaces it, much better than you could even have imagined. I'm so impressed that there were so many hot tub hostels--NZ is even more magical than I'd imagined, not to mention the snow, seals and dolphins! Great journey--and so much better than the desk job you'd wanted a year ago. Wise woman!
10th September 2015

I am so proud of you and I'm glad you r having such a great time gandalf next time
8th September 2015

Raw Beauty
Well Bekah, we traveled to Hawaii 3 years in a row, visited 3 different islands, saw volcanoes, etc. but your photos show us some of the raw beauty that we didn't see in Hawaii. How fortunate you are to be experiencing all this and more... Love you!
6th September 2015

A Magical Mystery Tour
I love your prose--so beautiful and evocative of your magical places and adventures. Congrats on getting to play with a baby seal, try some new yoga and stay in Nirvana--your massage is a perfect traveling skill! The Grove's Labyrinth does indeed sound like a dreamscape--great photos too. Thanks for sharing!
6th September 2015
Which way?

A Magical Mystery Tour!
I love your prose--so beautiful and evocative of your magical places and adventures. Congrats on getting to play with a baby seal, try some new yoga and stay in Nirvana--your massage is a perfect traveling skill! The Grove's Labyrinth does indeed sound like a dreamscape--great photos too. Thanks for sharing!
5th September 2015

Wow, I am flabbergasted, what beautiful photographs, those colours make you fly, I want to spend one year in Golden Bay. Thanks for sharing.
4th September 2015

Sheep again!
Thanks for sharing the wander and wonder. Nice to know what you are up and down to.
2nd September 2015

Loved it
Hey Bekah! Great read! It was even calming to read about your peaceful trip. My heart traveled with you along the beach exploring and I was saying farewell to an invisible peacock I've never met ;) much more than that it is such a gift to have you share yourself and your adventures here. It helps is not feel so far apart <3 You know where to find me- I'm still not done exploring here....
2nd September 2015

pre read guess
Ok so I haven't read it yet but I'm gonna guess true!!! now off to read it...
4th August 2015

Great Post Bekah. I absolutely loved reading it and found myself wishing I were hiking with you in the New Zealand wilderness. It sounds exciting and raw. (Okay so maybe I just want to do henna tattoos? Lol) Love the detour bit hahaha! Love you and miss you!
24th July 2015

Thanks again. I feel like I hiked right along with you. Except, I felt more scared than you did. And my feet hurt more. And... And... And. R
20th July 2015

Beautiful, once again.
So is it a single person bridge because you have to cross single file or is only one person allowed on at a time? I love this post and it made me laugh out loud about that poor girl Amanda. I can empathize with her greatly. :) You're fun but also precarious to adventure with.
20th July 2015

Wonderful bush adventures in the Juarrasic forest
Thanks again for your lovely read. I was transported again into the ancient forest and quite forgot about the work I have today. Now back to it, but just for a little while I wasn't in front of my computer and working. Thank you!
20th July 2015

To My Oldest Adenturous Grand Daughter
This is the best blog entry I have ever seen you write. The photos are outstanding, colorful, and interesting. It makes feel like I have been with you on your trek. This one will be hard to top. Keep up the good work. Who would have ever thought the when you were a little girl in Eureka, CA that you would become our world traveler.
19th July 2015
One Person Bridge

An adventure out of time
Majestic scenery, exotic wildlife, silence and spiritual renewal, luxury, death, fabulous bridges, friends new and old, and an unexpected, sloshy adventure--fantastic! I hiked where Jurassic Park was filmed on the Na Pali trail on Kauai--also in a black plastic garbage bag. Intrepid trekkers won't be stopped by a little rain!
19th July 2015

What a beautiful part of the World Bekah. I expected grey sand but your pic of Scotts Beach it is yellow. And no bug spray!!! I thought it was obligatory on the West Coast to escape the kamakase dive bombers a.k.a. NZ sandflies or is that only further South or seasonal? Paradise always needs something to keep the hordes away or it wouldn't be Paradise!

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