Chris Whittle


Chris Whittle

North America » Mexico » Campeche » Campeche September 27th 2019

It’s our last day in Campeche and second last day in Mexico. Despite being by the sea the humidity is very high. We have a leisurely start at around 9 and by 5 past I’m soaked in sweat. Breakfast of scrambled eggs and then a walk around the square. The girls go to the market and a museum. A dog befriends them and waits for them outside the market and follows them till he buys them a hamburger. They name him Ratty. I head back to the hotel to work on the blog and my photos. Wilko is very keen to see the sunset. First he has identified a cantina for a beer. I’m sceptical as it doesn’t look overly inviting for foreigners, but I am proved wrong and our host is clearly very excited to ... read more
Catherine nails it again

North America » Mexico » Campeche » Campeche September 27th 2019

Breakfast at Santa Rosa is lovely. We interrupt the Monday team meeting as we arrive. Seems to me that there are about 5 staff per guest assuming we are the only guests which seems likely as we haven’t seen anyone else since we’ve been here. With Wilko navigating we head off for Uxmal. The roads we have experienced in Mexico have generally been very good and the drivers are also easy to deal with. There are a lot of motorcyclists and also a lot of 3 wheeled motorcycle things that usually contain a whole family or just your mate who you can talk to as you cruise along. The only issue is that they do about 5kph. We arrive at Uxmal and as per usual there are very few people here. Again you require two tickets ... read more
Flat out
Wilko's fish

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Celestun September 25th 2019

Today we are picking up a car and driving from Mérida to the Hacienda Santa Rosa. As always the price of the rent a car ends up being double the online price because they won’t accept that insurance is provided via my Amex card, I ring Jacquie McAleer but she doesn’t answer! The car fits us in perfectly and we find our way out of Mérida even though Wilko is navigating (at least he’s not driving). The population of Mexico is about 130 million, but we can’t figure out where they all are. Sure they are small but it still doesn’t make sense. The drive to Santa Rosa is an easy one. Becs and I decide to drop Catherine and Wilko of at the hacienda and head to Celestún to see the flamingos. Wilko is exhausted ... read more
Corona Ad
Ah flamingo

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida September 25th 2019

We have been told that it is best to arrive at Chichen Itza early to avoid the crowds and the heat. Our driver Alberto picks us up at 7 and we are at Chichen Itza by 8.30. There is hardly anyone here we buy our tickets. Our guide, Omar, checks that we have both tickets. In fact you need to buy a ticket at each window and then give one ticket to one ticket collector and the other to the other ticket collector (follow?). Chichen Itza is the archeological site in Mexico. Catherine is relieved because you can’t climb anything and the site is close to sea level also there are no tunnels. As we arrive the souvenir sellers are setting up. It must take them hours carefully laying out everything. I’m thinking 2 hour set ... read more
Second rate cenote per favor
Catherine nails the hotel again

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida September 24th 2019

This morning we fly out of Oaxaca to Merida in the Yucatan for Spring Break. It's exciting as Erik, not Erik the viking on the front desk, but Erik the boss is driving us to the airport. As we load the bag I notice that a substantial amount of the rear wheel is in the boot. Whilst it is exciting it is also a sad day as Louise is leaving us for New York. But on a positive note she was starting to get the flu and given both Wilko and I have the squirts the last thing we needed was the flu. Given Becs and I only have one case we have had to do aittle bit of bag shuffling to get it under 25kg (Wilko made us fly economy). At check in the bag ... read more
The square

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca September 24th 2019

Today our driver who is Elmundo and is Erik the boss's, not Erik the viking's, brother and Plina and Rupret's brother drove us to Mont Albon a historic site outside Oaxaca. On the way there was a noise from the back of the car. Elmundo assured us it was just the back wheel, which is clearly nowhere near as important as say steering failure. Monte Alban is an impressive archeological site built by the Zapotecs an others, however it fell into decay and largely disappeared around 700AD. These Zapotecs were clever little buggers. They had devised a game which was kind of like Quiddich in Harry Potter. Elmundo was also our guide and he did an excellent job, although I did notice that he left most of the stair climbing to us. Monte Alban was discovered ... read more
No altitude sickness here
Mexican botany

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca September 21st 2019

This morning we have a lovely breakfast in the hotel. I'm not really one for meeting random people that I'll never see again (Wilko is). I grudgingly spoke to Fred and Cheryl from somewhere in the US. Apparently neither of them like Mexican food but they've decided to visit Mexico to see how well the Mexicans do Italian food. Talking about food, Catherine has booked us into cooking class with Rupret's sister, Plina. We meet her on the terrace of her restaurant and then head into the food market. There is a lady out the front sitting on the ground selling herbs and vegetables. Becs trying to get a bit of colour asks Plina how far from the city she lives and how she gets in. She is quite fair way out so she catches a ... read more
Mixed Platter

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca September 20th 2019

I have been trying to get some interest up about the Nacional Railway Museum in Puebla which sounds amazing with a gallery of photos of derailments and other Mexican rail disasters of which I'm pretty confident there would have been a lot. Wilko had promised to come with me first thing as for some reason Catherine, Louise and Becs weren't interested. Wilko pulled a sickie which was very disappointing, however Becs stepped into the void. We started out early for the museum stopping at a café in the main square to yell Viva la Mejico and have a coffee which tasted like a mix of coffee and ash. On the way to the rail museum we stopped by the Iglesia de Santo Domingo to check out the church. I have to admit that we've seen a ... read more
Mexicos per capita GDP

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City September 19th 2019

The next morning we were woken at 8 am for the Independence day parade. Almost everyone had a uniform although no guns. All the school kids marched and they were all smiling and super happy as if they remembered getting rid of the Spanish. A woman gave Catherine a flyer for joining the military service which she was very excited about and it's possible she won't be back by the 27th as she may not have finished basic training. You get your own machine gun and nightstick so it's really worthwhile. Given everything is still shut we decided to head to Choloula which is about an hour out of Puebla. We booked the Cafe de Frida which sounded promising with a fantastic view overlooking the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de los Remedios, a view of the ... read more
Rodeo escapee
Wilko the camera's here!

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal September 19th 2019

Unfortunately today we say goodbye to Benjamin and Wilko stays with us. After the usual 1/2 hour of arguing we finally agreed to do a walk from Roma up to near Centro. Mexicans are not only short, but there are more dogs than Mexicans (and they aren’t for eating). Any walk in the city is like an encyclopaedic excursion through different dog breeds. Today we even saw a blue cattle dog! We walked through the redlight district (pretty tame) checked out some lovely plazas and Art Deco and colonial style buildings. At the Plaza de la Independencia they had a publicdance thing which was fun and most of the streets are blocked off for the independence celebrations. The winged statue of liberty has been defaced by feminist protestors, I'm pretty sure they been deal with appropriately. ... read more
Independence Celebrations

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