Blogs from Dahab, Sinai, Egypt, Africa


Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab August 27th 2018

Snorkeling by the Red Sea Our first stop this morning was snorkeling by the Red Sea. I found snorkeling in the Red Sea intimidating and a little scary. There was a strong current pushing me towards the reef and I admit that I am not the best swimmer. I ended up cutting myself on the reef and decided not to go back in the water due to the strong current. Nevertheless, other travelers in the group said that they had an amazing experience snorkeling and would highly recommend it. I think Dahab would be a great area to visit for more experience swimmers. Dahab is known as the site for the "Blue Hole" nicknamed the worlds most dangerous diving site. It is also home to the "Canyon" another internationally famous dive site. It is one of ... read more
Bedouin Dinner
Dahab by the Red Sea
Dahab by the Red Sea

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab August 26th 2018

Today, was a long travel day. We woke up early in the morning to travel from Cairo to Dahab. Dahab is a relaxing small town on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. It is known to be one of Sinai's most treasured diving destination. The drive was very long with a lot of tolls and security checkpoints. We reached Dahab in the late afternoon, where we relaxed by the pool. Tomorrow will be more exciting, as Renata and I are snorkeling and then heading to a Beduoin Dinner in the evening. Until then!... read more
Welcome to Dahab

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab May 29th 2017

I came to Egypt for two things, ancient Egyptian temples/pyramids and diving in the Red sea. The Red sea is renowned for being some of the best diving in the world. Before coming to Egypt I'd taken note of the governments warning and decided that I would go diving in Marsa Alam to the south due to the high chance of seeing giant sea turtles (my favourite animal) and the very slight chance of seeing a Dugong! After doing some research it looked increasingly unlikely that I would be able to visit due to the lack of backpacker accommodation. The minimum was $20 per night! My whole daily budget!. So after meeting a number of other backpackers who had either been to Dahab, or were heading to Dahab, I decided I HAD to go to Dahab. ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab October 21st 2016

We are at the Sharm el Sheikh airport waiting for our flight to Cairo. We have about 4 hrs layover in Cairo, then we fly to London. No wifi here at the airport departures (there was in arrivals so don't know why no wifi now), and there are flies buzzing around. That's one thing I won't miss about the Middle East, all the flies! My legs are covered with bites of some kind but thank god they are not itchy. Last night we had an excellent grilled fish dinner at the hotel. It was grilled fresh sea bass in a really tasty sauce, accompanied by rice, grilled vegetables and arabic bread. The cats hanging around the hotel got the leftovers. We then went for a walk and found ourselves at the shop where we had bought ... read more
Turkish coffee and sheesha
Susan and sheesha
On the drive to the Sharm airport

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab October 20th 2016

Today was the first day of our entire trip that we did not have to set the alarm! It was so nice to sleep in after so many early mornings. We didn't get up till about 8:30 (I was woken briefly at 4:30 ish as usual for the really loud call to prayer. It's especially loud here). We had a really nice breakfast here at the Acacia Hotel. They don't have the breakfast buffet any longer due to the lack of tourists, but they have several different breakfast options you can choose from. We both chose the Egyptian breakfast, and it was delicious. It consisted of foul (fava beans), falafel, egg, cheese, cucumber, tomato, and pita bread. We started with a Turkish coffee, and then had regular coffee with the meal (they don't have brewed coffee ... read more
Selfie with new necklace
Close up of new necklace
Breakfast kitty!

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab October 18th 2016

So, today turned out differently than we had planned, but we had an enjoyable day. First to our arrival in Sharm el Sheikh yesterday afternoon. The flight from Cairo was just one hour and was on a pretty small plane (two seats on either side of the aisle). There were only a few other Western tourists on board. Tourism in this area has been hit very hard, as it has in the rest of Egypt and Jordan. There used to be lots of tourists from England and Russia going to the Red Sea resorts on package tours, but this has dropped off considerably (in the case of Russia I think completely). We got picked up from the Sharm airport and drove about one hour up the Sinai coast to Dahab. I had no idea the scenery ... read more
Arriving in Sharm
Welcome to Sharm!
Drive from Sharm to Dahab

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab January 1st 2014

Nur ein paar Bilder, eine Woche in Dahab und Umgebung.... read more

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab June 3rd 2013

Resumo: apenas relaxando; preparando os próximos passos; Estou bem. Tanto para a Ásia quanto para a África, a melhor conexão viria do Egito. Assim, fui eu novamente para este país que me encantou desde o primeiro dia. Estranho, ao deixar o Egito eu tive a sensação que eu voltaria para lá. Ok, não achei que seria tão cedo assim. rs. Consegui o visto para entrar novamente no país em Eilat-Israel. O visto saiu no mesmo dia. Ufa. Ao cruzar a fronteira para o Egito o 'perrengue' começa. Israel me deixou 'mal acostumada', pois lá tudo funciona. Ok, você paga caro por isso. O moço da alfândega vasculhou TU-DO na minha mochila. Fiquei fácil 30 minutos explicando até os remédios que eu carregava. =( .. depois, o busão quebrou no meio do caminho. O que levaria 2h30 ... read more
Brazilian Flag .. Mt Sinai
Tour to Sinai Mount
Chris .. crazy Brazilian guy

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab April 8th 2013

Greetings all and happy Easter from Dahab. Just over a week ago I arrived in the wee hours of the morning to our lovely resort in Cairo. It was great to reunite with Amy and we stayed up chatting until we heard the morning call to prayer at 4am. I very much enjoyed a bit of shut eye in my very comfortable bed after 54 days on a blow up mat, in a tent. The next morning we enjoyed a lovely buffet breakfast by the pool in the sunshine and heat. Amy was very excited to finally catch some rays after a dragging winter in London. We spent the day sunbaking, reading, and swimming which was very relaxing and that night we met our tour group and guide Meaga, to find out what the upcoming week ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab April 8th 2013

Greetings all and happy Easter from Dahab. Just over a week ago I arrived in the wee hours of the morning to our lovely resort in Cairo. It was great to reunite with Amy and we stayed up chatting until we heard the morning call to prayer at 4am/ I very much enjoyed a bit of shut eye in my very comfortable bed after 54 days on a blow up mat in a tent. The next morning we enjoyed a lovely buffet breakfast by the pool in the sunshine and heat. Amy was very excited to finally catch some rays after a dragging winter in London. We spent the day sunbaking, reading, and swimming which was very relaxing and that night we met our tour group and guide Meaga, to find out what the upcoming week ... read more

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