Blogs from Pisco Elqui, Coquimbo Region, Chile, South America


South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui March 29th 2024

In the narrow country, there are only two directions to choose from - north or south. With snow still in and out of the Lake District, heading north seemed like a reasonable choice, so we headed to La Serena, 7 hours north of Valparaiso. At least a 7-hour bus ride allows you to see amazing nature, unlike flying, so the trip went pretty quickly. Fortunately the Chilean buses are closer to Argentinian standards than those in Bolivia or Peru!La Serena is a large seaside resort in the summer, but was quite quiet in the off-season. Arriving early in the evening, food was again on the priority list, and after checking out the pizzeria we recommended, red wine was on my mind. Unfortunately, the waiter decided to leave out the fact that they were out of red ... read more

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui March 20th 2018

We left Santiago bus station so that it could recover from our visit, and continued on a different whizz bang bus to La Serena, where a lovely German lady rescued us from the large road by the bus station and helped us find our hostel. We enjoyed the pavement cafes of Serena but it was a bit busy for us and we just stayed a couple of days. We had read about the beautiful and mystical Elqui Valley, where communities have been established believing that the magnetic centre of the earth is here rather than in the Himalayas, where apparently everyone else thinks it is. I have to say that the location of the magnetic centre of the earth has never, not once, been the subject of my thinking so I am happy to believe anyone. ... read more
Here's looking at Pete looking at the stars....
Taking photos of the night sky is not as easy as you might think....this is the Southern Cross, honest
What a place to camp! Can you see the little suspension bridge?

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui July 12th 2016

Leaving Valparaiso and heading off to the Elqui Valley on the advice of a local seemed like a good plan. I hopped onto a bus for the eight hour journey ($CLP 13,000 or $26 USD; buses here are expensive) to La Serena which is a coastal city and the jumping point to the Elqui Valley. I knocked on a few doors, found accommodation and really did not do anything nor do I have much to write about whilst in La Serena. Waking up the following morning I walked to the bus terminal, got a ride, and spent the next three hours climbing the Chilean foothills into the Elqui Valley. The valley is known for its many vineyards providing the fruit for pisco, its clear and pollution free skies for stargazing (many, many observatories on the peaks), ... read more

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui April 7th 2016

Du 22 au 28 mars 2016 Marie La Serena...une ville d'environ 200000 habitants à 470 kilomètres au nord de Santiago. Et surtout une vallée creusée par un fleuve, l'Elqui, surplombee par de magnifiques montagnes aux couleurs rouge et ocre, réputée par son ensoleillement quasi permanent, ses nuits étoilées, ses jolis villages et ses vignes qui donnent le raisin pour concocter le fameux Pisco. C'est surtout cette vallée incroyable que nous voulions découvrir en se décidant de faire une halte dans cette région. On est vraiment super enthousiastes car on a trouvé un nouveau lieu de Woofing dans une vallée attenante à la vallée de l'Elqui, la vallée de Cochiguaz ! Cela va nous permettre de découvrir cet endroit en pleine nature au contact de personnes qui y vivent ! Le souci, c'est qu'il y a très ... read more

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui March 30th 2014

Geo: -30.0715, -70.4677The skies of central and northern Chile are known around the world for their sharpness and clarity, thanks to the fact that it only rains about 60 nights a year. And given DH's fascination with all things shiny and sparkly, we knew we had to make our way there.On the way, we stopped in at the coastal city of La Serena (with a claim to fame as a summer beach escape). We didn't have any specific plan and started questioning our decision while checking into our hotel- the proprietor was a grumpy Scottish ex-pat (we think the grumpy part was just part of his shtick) who was not La Serena's best salesman. Since this was the second hotel in a row that we had stayed in which we were the only guests, we put ... read more
Our Domo
La Serena Street Scene
Iglesia Santo Domingo

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui October 5th 2013

My next destination was La Serena, situated about 500km to the north of Santiago. It's the capital of the Coquimbo region and is the second oldest city in Chile. I planned to use it as a stepping off point before heading to the Valle de Elqui- an important area for the production of pisco (grape brandy), the base for the very popular pisco sour, national drink of Chile- and Peru. In addition, I'd hoped to do a trip to see the Humboldt Penguin National Reserve about 130km further to the north, but unfortunately the trip is weather dependent and the weather gods were not being cooperative during my short stay. I have other opportunities later in my trip to see penguins, so no real drama or disappointment. So, I grabbed a bus and headed east to ... read more
Wind Farm
La Serena
Public buildings near the plaza

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui April 3rd 2013

Journée chargée à nouveau aujourd’hui, direction la vallée de l’Elqui, une vallée réputée pour la production de Pisco, mais avant tout très fertile, impressionnant le nombre d’arbres fruitiers (citronniers, pommiers, poiriers, avocatiers…). Premier arrêt dans une plantation de papaye, le seul fruit qui montre tous les stades sur le même arbre, car il se développe en continu, toute l’année. Puis arrêt à Monte Grande où l’illustre Gabriela Mistral originaire de la région, a vécu et été aide-institutrice à l’adolescence. Le musée (l’ancienne école/poste) est minuscule mais il est plutôt émouvant de voir le télégramme (télégramme !) de félicitations du directeur pour annoncer l’attribution du Prix Nobel de littérature en 1945. Puis direction Pisco Elqui et Los Nichos pour la plus vieille distillerie du Chili. Alors le sujet de l’origine du Pisco est sensible et pour le ... read more

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui March 21st 2013

This weekend, 10 other people and I went to Valle de Elqui, about 8 hours north of where I live in Chile. It was quite an amazing trip! Though it would be impossible for me to describe everything in detail, I will try to hit on some of the biggest/most important parts of the trip. I am also going to try to write in chronological order, as otherwise I will confuse myself greatly:) So we left Thursday night at about 11pm. We went on an overnight bus, which doesn’t make for a great night of sleep. However, it beats driving 7 hours in the day and wasting a whole day of an already shortish trip. So we arrived in a city called La Serena at about 5 in the morning. We hung out at the terminal ... read more
a look inside the pisco distillery
some cool, if morbid, taggings
A beautiful view of the valley and moutain

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui September 18th 2012

Con meses de preparación de este viaje mágico con Jiwan Mukta Singh, cada reservación, cada plan, cada detalle, doblemente preparados y cómodos. 8 días inolvidables y muchos encuentros y reencuentros con mi infancia. Me costó sacarme el agotamiento mental de Santiago. Isla Damas, la visión panorámica de esta región desde la Cruz del Milenio, La Pampilla, paseos en la bahia de La Herradura, La Serena y Coquimbo...y luegola travesía dulce al Valle del Elqui... Muchas aventuras y reencuentros. Encontrarnos dos veces con Sat Mohinder Singh fue fantástico, él se rodea de seres que entrelazados tenemos una energía muy rica de diversidad y arte por las venas. Las mejores fotos de nuestro primer viaje juntos a un lugar nuevo. Disfrute del alma juguetona. Gracias por el Encuentro!!... read more
Conectando y anclando
Marce en Isla Damas
Nicolas el Perverso

South America » Chile » Coquimbo Region » Pisco Elqui April 14th 2012

To the north of Valparaíso begins El Norte. As in the south of Chile, such is the extent of this stretched-out region that it needs subdividing: Norte Chico (the little north), giving way to the Norte Grande (the big north), with some people even referring to a Norte Extremo even further up. We've definitely been dawdling. Such has been the attraction of the south that we've almost forgotten than there's a whole other half-Chile waiting to be disovered beyond Santiago. On arrival in the far south we were given a standard 90-day stamp in our passports, of which we've spent over 60 already. This leaves us barely a month to cover the two thousand kilometres which separate Valparaíso from Arica, Chile's most northerly town, almost sitting on the Peruvian border. A slight upping of the pace ... read more
Elqui Valley - a splash of green on the landscape
Grapes sweetening up in the Elqui sun
Unloading tons of gorgeous, sweet muscat grapes!

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