Blogs from Broome, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome October 7th 2023

Spring tide in Broome laps by the shore at High Tide and one has to walk about 300 metres to greet the low tide...only Nova Scotia has larger tidal flows. What will happen if we dip our toes in? Dinosaur tracks across the bay from Roebuck Beach...some of the largest bird migrations on the and culture of the World's oldest living civilisation...the First Nations indigenous people dreaming stories for over 60,000 years. The savage history following the coming of the white man...the clash of cultures...dispossession, disconnect, disadvantage to the aboriginal first inhabitants that has ensured...their human blight that many non-indigenous seek to avoid or forget. Red rocks millions of years & orange tracks into the remote...but on a map...the Kimberley is only a speck on this sunburnt country I am blessed to call home. ... read more
Gantheaume Point, Broome
Gantheaume Point, Broome

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 26th 2023

There's often a pivotal moment when a decision is made to travel to an exotic locale. For some it is prefaced by procrastination...others a whim...a spur of the moment idea acted upon...others gotta tick a bucket list. From a moment of vulnerability from a tennis match I never would have thought. Ours are usually spur of the moment..."I can do that" leading Denise and I on our David Hoo Tours in China ("your travel experts with minimal experience but major optimism"...that's me folks). A shock "Gooday" in an icy Pingyao walled city one Winter when all I was thinking was "How did I get us into this one?"...thus meeting Mike & Ros with whom we travelled to Mali & Ethiopia years later. An offer over a dinner table to drive me to a carved mountain in ... read more
Gantheaume Point, Broome
Rock Art
Sunrise over the Bungle Bungles

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome September 1st 2021

Issy didn’t sleep very well. She says she woke up in the middle of the night convinced that there was an intruder in our room. I think she might have been taking just a bit too much notice of what we’ve continually been told since we first arrived here - "put all your valuables in a safe and make sure you lock and chain your doors at night; this IS Broome”. They make it sound like the backstreets of Johannesburg. Issy’s intruder turned out to be me, so just as well she doesn’t keep a baseball bat next to her side of the bed. We head off to Cable Beach hopeful that the crocs that have kept it closed for the past two days have taken their business elsewhere. The “beach closed” signs seem to have ... read more
Crab artwork, Cable Beach
Crab artwork, Cable Beach
Crab artwork, Cable Beach

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 31st 2021

Yesterday's wind seems to have abated slightly so we head back down to Cable Beach. It mightn't be as windy, but it seems that the crocs are still here, so we head across to the Town Beach instead. There's no umbrella man here, but it's still very pleasant sitting under some palm trees on the grass above the sand. There are no signs here about the beach being closed, but I wonder how they can be sure that a few crocs haven't snuck around the point when no one was looking and taken up residence in the mangroves that are at one end of it. That looks to us like a perfect croc hangout. I go for a quick dip at the other end, making sure to stay very close to shore. The young lady sitting ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 30th 2021

Our accommodation is very nice, but neither of us are quite sure it’s as nice as the exorbitant price suggests it should be; or at least the exorbitant price that we’re paying. We got chatting to a couple at the pool the other day, and she let it slip that she’d negotiated a “special” rate with manager. When pushed further we learned that she and her husband were paying roughly a third of what we’re paying, for exactly the same type of room. Huh? What? A few dollars less we could cope with, but a third! There didn’t seem to be much to chose from anywhere in town when we booked this place so we thought we’d better jump on it straight away whatever the price, or risk having to sleep on the beach. We now ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 29th 2021

We settle into our now very routine morning of lazing around our hotel room interspersed with the odd dip in the pool. It seems that we’re here in the middle of Broome’s annual Shinju Matsuri Festival, so we head off into Chinatown to watch the parade. We read that the name is Japanese for Festival of the Pearl, and it's been going for 51 years. It's intended to celebrate the four very diverse cultures which have come together here over the decades - Chinese, Japanese, Malay and Indigenous Australian. There’s a large crowd gathered on the side of the road to watch. Based on what we’d seen to date we could have been forgiven for thinking that the local population was made up entirely of grey nomads and nubile South American waitresses. This crowd is very ... read more
Shinju Matsuri Festival parade
Shinju Matsuri Festival parade
Shinju Matsuri Festival parade

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 28th 2021

We seem to have gotten ourselves into a real routine here. We’ve been parked in Broome for so long now that this is no longer a trip; it’s turned into a static beach holiday. We think we’ve decided to go home in a few days, so we can’t even vary the routine by spending the morning trawling through and flight schedules... well not usefully anyway. We have lunch by the pool and I watch the football finals on the TV. I could be doing this at home, although that mightn’t be quite as much fun; it’d be cold for starters. On the off chance that he haven't quite yet convinced ourselves that we've got into a routine here, we again head off for our now customary sunset stroll along the beach. Issy thinks I might ... read more
Cable Beach
Patterns in the sand, Cable Beach
Cable Beach

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 27th 2021

We wake to the news that the number of new COVID cases back home has gone down over night. This sounds promising... well it did until we found out that it had gone down by a whole one, from 80 to 79. After days of indecision we decide that today is the day we need to work out what we’re going to do and when we’re going to do it. After much further debate we opt for staying here in Broome for another five days and then going home. The only risk now is a case suddenly turning up in Western Australia in the next five days and us getting locked up up here. But hey, they haven't had a case for months now so we’d need to be pretty unlucky. We head off again to ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 26th 2021

We wake to the news that there’s been another spike in COVID cases back home. The number of new cases had been going down for a few days so we’d hoped the end of lockdown might not be too far off. It seems further away than ever now, so we spend the morning trying to work out our next move. It seems a no-brainer to stay either here or in Darwin where it’s warm and free, but we can’t stay away forever.... or can we says Issy. Hmmm. I wonder who we're going to get to mow the lawn. As usually happens in situations like this we spend several hours poring over and flight schedules, and then decide we should wait a few more days before doing anything precipitous. I’m not sure what we think's ... read more
Cable Beach
Yachts off Cable Beach
Cable Beach sunset

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 25th 2021

We head down to Cable Beach for a walk, and see it for the first time with the tide in. Rocks that were several hundred metres back from the water the last time we were here are now being pounded by the surf. We'd wondered why someone had bothered to install a path up over the cliff behind the rocks; now we know. We wade through the surf around the rocks. In stark contrast to when the tide's out there aren’t so many cars here now, although we wonder how the couple that are managed to get themselves through the surf. There’s only one road down to the beach and it’s back behind us past the rocks, so they’ve either been here for several hours or they’re actually really well-disguised submarines. Fishing from the beach seems ... read more
Camel, Cable Beach
Cable Beach
Cable Beach

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