Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome
October 7th 2023
Published: October 7th 2023
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Spring tide in Broome laps by the shore at High Tide and one has to walk about 300 metres to greet the low tide...only Nova Scotia has larger tidal flows. What will happen if we dip our toes in? Dinosaur tracks across the bay from Roebuck Beach...some of the largest bird migrations on the and culture of the World's oldest living civilisation...the First Nations indigenous people drea... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 120, Displayed: 21


1942 Japanese attack on Broome1942 Japanese attack on Broome
1942 Japanese attack on Broome

15 Flying boats destroyed & many burnt alive

WA Native Administration ActWA Native Administration Act
WA Native Administration Act

Restricted Aboriginals to particular areas

7th October 2023

The Kimberley
As always, some top photos!
14th October 2023

The Kimberley
Thanks for your thoughts from England, John. The Kimberley is stunning...the issues in my blog I hope you found compelling.
7th October 2023

I have heard a bit about the upcoming election to give aboriginals say in legislation affeting them.
Thanks for clarifying the issue. I hope that the YES vote will prevail. And Broome sounds interesting.
7th October 2023

I have heard a bit about the upcoming election to give aboriginals say in legislation affeting them.
Thank you for your support, Bob. I know the World is watching and am not surprised that you in USA are aware of it. It really concerns me what will the World say, if Oz votes "Nay". How will Australia be able to comment on humanitarian issues in other countries if we lack empathy for our own indigenous people? Shortly we will find out!
8th October 2023

Wow dancer that was a confronting read & so beautifully enunciated - I have read the Uluru Statement from the Heart & am compelled to walk forward together with my indigenous brothers & sisters & it’s a privilege to do so.
8th October 2023

Thank you my love. And thank you for weathering the flying red herrings of misinformation...and devoting your time for what is so obviously right.
8th October 2023

Yes, is the only right answer
But in this day and age, reasonable or right, is under fire. Misinformation, disinformation, confusion, ruthless politicians who seek to gain power, by turning something that would normally never have become an issue, into something polarizing, in order to garner votes or attention. It's not just an Australian problem. It's happening everywhere. Scaremongering is big business these days, and fear has always been a powerful ally of those who wish to gain power. Fear of change, fear of the unknown. I suspect, that the nay voice will win, not because most Australians are racist, or even against the idea, but because the no campaign has successfully managed to hijack the agenda and grotesquely distorted what it's about, using the all powerful tool of fear. What will the world think? Don't worry, the world's attention span is pretty short. Before long the world will have forgotten about the whole thing, because the next pressing issue has pushed itself into the foreground. Remember, there is war in Ukraine, fighting in Israel, forgotten conflicts in Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and most of the Sahel, right wing, pro-Russian party's are gaining ground in Europe, migrant crises, poor old Afghanistan which nobody cares about anymore, Haiti, border walls in the U.S.... the list is endless. I haven't even mentioned China and Taiwan. Best to concentrate on the good. Broome is nice! And you are doing what is right! That's what counts.
8th October 2023

Yes, is the only right answer
Wow Ralf. Your comment from the Netherlands confirms the World is watching as you set out the particles of smog that have highjacked the Yes #23 debate so succinctly. Yet I have no doubt what the World will say, if Australia votes "Nay", and that concerns me. Do the majority of Australians care? The polls seem to indicate they do not! Is it indicative of another pandemic? Your observations seem to indicate the World is in the grip of one! I keep my fingers crossed that Australia can survive this one.
10th October 2023

Proud of you for 'Yes'
Canada woke up in recent years discovering the unmarked Graves of indigenous children taken away from the catholic schools. A 'Yes' vote on 14 October 2023 and towards the truth and reconciliation is the minimum that we can do to free from our misdeeds in the past....
10th October 2023

Proud of you for 'Yes'
Thank you Tab and greetings to you in Canada. The comparisons with Canada's embrace of Treaty with the indigenous is often referred to in Oz, but the resistance here is unfortunately strong. As an immigrant country there is a perception that there be no separate rights for our indigenous but that ignores that they were living in our vast land for thousands of years before the first English settlement in 1788. We heard with sadness of the finding of mass graves you refer to. Our First Nations peoples regard truth-telling of the atrocities of the past is a necessary step in reconciliation. I have referred to some of our dark history as I believe albeit it is horrifying, it must be acknowledged.
10th October 2023

thanks for the history lesson
Really appreciate your providing some of the details as they relate to the indigenous peoples of Australia - it seems very unfortunate that many countries can relay similar histories. I do hope that the YES vote prevails on Oct 14th. Will be watching to hear the results.
10th October 2023

thanks for the history lesson
Thank you again Janice. A sobering blog but our Referendum this coming Saturday may define us as a Nation. I at least will vote "YES" with my head held high.
12th October 2023
Dinosaur Footprints

I think I migh've been there
I think I might have visited that sight when I was in Australia. I took a guided tour there. Unfortunately, the strongest memory of that tour is that the guide was in a bad mood. He was quite rude and unprofessional and for some reason he took a dislike of me. /Ake
14th October 2023
Dinosaur Footprints

I think I might've been there
A comment from Sweden, thank you Ake. If you have been on a Dinosaur Cruise I doubt it was Miles (the one in the crazy hat) as he is Mr Enthusiasm. May the issues in my blog lead to a positive outcome as so many of our First Nations peoples need it to succeed.
12th October 2023
Gantheaume Point, Broome

Stunning Broome
14th October 2023
Gantheaume Point, Broome

Stunning Broome
Thanks MJ and hope Dave & you in Florida are well. A mutual friend was unsure if he wanted to be ID'ed so I'll post his comment here "Don't know how to respond to this. It has been one of the best explanations for the YES vote. It is amazing how much rubbish is posted on Facebook by the NO vote people. I have been tracking it and much has been posted from overseas - not Australian". Yep I agree. We are receiving trolls on our sites in Oz from Trump sites seeking to disrupt our democratic is a worry!
2nd December 2023

What a place. Magnificent. Thanks for your words on the indigenous issue. We too voted 'yes' as we felt it was the right thing to do, but what an incredibly complex issue. There is this absolutely fantastic 50,000 year old culture, which I think few would argue must be preserved, but how and in what form???? It's a hunter gatherer culture that might be preservable in the outback, but is fundamentally incompatible with western culture where the two coincide. And then there's the issue of us westerners having totally stuffed a lot of these poor folk up with alcohol. We've got so much to learn from them about land management, but do we listen? In many cases no. If only there was a silver bullet.
9th December 2023

Broome, the Gateway to the Kimberley
Thanks for checking out my Frozen Fire blog, Dave and advising you also voted YES. What a sad indictment that the majority of Oz voted NO. Our First Nations people have been used to being downtrodden for over 200 years...a vexing issue indeed. Yet it was an honour to walk with thousands and be part of the YES campaign where we met so many amazing people. And then there is Broome, the Gateway to the Kimberley...a gem of an area of many colours, hues and absolute treasure that you also have had the pleasure to travel through. Happy memories!

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