Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome
August 26th 2023
Published: August 25th 2023
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There's often a pivotal moment when a decision is made to travel to an exotic locale. For some it is prefaced by procrastination...others a whim...a spur of the moment idea acted upon...others gotta tick a bucket list. From a moment of vulnerability from a tennis match I never would have thought. Ours are usually spur of the moment..."I can do that" leading Denise and I on our David Hoo Tour... Read Full Entry

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27th August 2023

Walking down the memory Lane!
Really Dave, what part of the world haven't you touched yet! Love the reminiscence of your never ending journey in this planet. So, it was the tennis match or Rafa - what really prompted you to take a trip to Kimberly valley? Great photos...my favourite ones are "Our First Sunrise on the Trail" and the reflections of "Magnificent Sunsets". And lucky you...must be a memorable trip with lots of like-minded crowd. Last but not the least, I would have loved to take a drive down the dusty Gibb River Road - my type of wilderness thrill. There is a saying "You either make dust or eat dust". On Gibb River Road, I guess it is both...LOL! “Pulvis et umbra sumus. (We are but dust and shadow.)”
27th August 2023

Walking down the memory Lane!
Thank you for spending the time to comment, Tab. And so eloquently written...well done! I hear your Alberta is suffering wildfires so thinking of you. How do I start my blogs of the most ancient landscapes on the planet but by reminiscing, as I have? How do I capture the colours, the dust, dark history, amazing rock and modern indigenous art, corrugated Kimberley massages, the joy of swimming under waterfalls and in remote waterholes, flying, camaraderie, campfires, sleeping under the stars, and getting out of there minutes before it flooded again?
27th August 2023

Your fans have missed your blogging!
Great travel memories and experiences can never be taken and continue to shape our view of this wonderful world, The sky offers the world such beautiful colors and the rock art speaks to us of times gone past. Thanks for the music. MJ
28th August 2023

Your fans have missed your blogging!
'Tis a while I know MJ...but Dangerous Dave & you scored a mention in this blog so I have not forgotten we planned and met at a music festival somewhere in the World and the music keeps us going. The track in this blog has the Pigram Brothers from Broome on guitar. I'll feature more indigenous artists in forthcoming blogs as the Kimberley has breathed their culture and an appreciation of country that has touched my soul.
27th August 2023

Your Australian adventure sounds captivating!
How did your experience in Broome's diverse landscapes leave a lasting impression? regard Tel U
28th August 2023

Your Australian adventure sounds captivating!
Nice to hear from you Tel U. I hope this blog has given you a taste and may my further Kimberley blogs be what you are hoping for.
27th August 2023

Good split-second choice...
I only cruise when there is no land alternative. It looks like you had an great adventure with like minded people! In my case, we just booked a 14 day Caribbean cruise to 14 island countries which will allow me to reach my goal of visiting 100 countries...and also decide which island we would like to visit for a week or two. It is kind of a belated 50th anniversary event. And thanks for your mention of our times together...hopefully to be repeated someday!
28th August 2023

Good split-second choice...
We well remember our times together Bob, and only thanks to Travelblog would they have been possible. You are approaching 100 countries, but my greatest admiration was you walking the Camino after twisting your ankle, on virtually one leg!!! I hope my Kimberley tales take you to places that dreams are made of.
20th September 2023
Follow that Road

That's awesome
That is really an awesome photo. /Ake
27th September 2023
Follow that Road

That's awesome
I am not one to read or absorb myself on my mobile phone while travelling, Ake. I look out the window and watch the world go by. We followed roads into the remote Kimberley that had only months before had been covered by annual floodwaters from the wet season that were now dusty or rattled my bones through sparse scrub to forests. This pic is entering a pandanus palm and gum forest that fortunately I was able to capture in focus. Very different to your lush deciduous Swedish forests but my pleasure to present pics from this remote corner of the sunburnt country I call home. Thanks for commenting.
10th October 2023

another impressive entry
As always, enjoy the photos and your interesting write-ups. You definitely find some interesting ways to decide on where to travel next - think you win the prize on it being a tennis match. You sure do find great ways to travel around an area once you get there as well - enjoyed seeing parts of the country that not many see as it is "off the beaten track" - wonderful indeed - thanks as always for sharing
10th October 2023

another impressive entry
Thank you for reading and commenting Janice. Not sure where your sailing craft has you in England or Turkey or between but great to hear from you. This is a blog from the heart...a call for humanity to prevail.
18th November 2023

That part of the world just has to be one of the most bountiful on the entire planet. We have never been anywhere even remotely like it. Lets just hope it never suffers from the same over tourism of say Europe....
21st November 2023

Couldn't agree more, Dave. Stunning part of Western Australia for sure!

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