Blogs from New South Wales, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Sydney Airport April 12th 2024

Ohhh… I write this blog with a heavy heart. It’s my final day! We agreed with a sleep in today, especially after the tiredness that we both felt yesterday! It’s bloody typical, I was awake at 7:30!! So annoying! I persisted, I laid in bed, watched a couple of Chateau renovation videos, then snoozed a bit more. I finally got out of bed at about 9:15. Bernard doesn’t work on a Friday, so he was doing a bit of sorting out in the living room. He’s been sleeping on an inflatable bed, and sharing Gavins bathroom for the last two weeks, as he gave up his bedroom, and en-suite for me. Bless him, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of it. I stripped the bed, he hoovered the lounge. Bernard was sorting out the washing, whilst I ... read more
Saw a funny brick insert
Wandering around Leichhardt
Wandering around Leichhardt

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney April 11th 2024

I stayed in bed this morning, not that that’s a surprise lately! Ha ha. I was watching the Chateau renovation programmes in bed. The I randomly got a text from Bernard. He’s not at work today! Oh, nice surprise! I got up to have a cup of tea, and to catch up with him, to see what’s occurring! We have both received a text from Kevin, informing us, what is for lunch today at his workplace. His workplace has a very modern approach to work/life balance. It’s an ultra modern environment that I’ve heard lots about, so I’m looking forward to going there today! Bernard and I, made our plan for the day, then set off for the train station. We are going to Summer Hill for breakfast. The sun is out today, so it will ... read more
Breakfast at Envy
Breakfast at Envy
The Gym area

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Harbourside April 10th 2024

Day 50 - Contemporary Art Museum, Banksy Exhibition and a night out The starts to the day are getting slower, I can’t believe it Day 50! I did hear Bernard Making his smoothie this morning, but only put ecause ut ecause I was already awake. I was watching my iPad, as I knew it was far too early for me! I popped my earphones in, and lair browsing. I’m comfy and warm, chances are that I will nod back over to sleep! Well, that worked, I woke up again at about 8:45. I am purposely having a later start, as I’m meeting Bernard and Kevin at 5:30 in Town Hall. My plan is that if I set off later, I can fill my day, constructively, without having to return to the apartment, or have to hang ... read more
Leaving The Nurses Walk
The British Lolly Shop
Aniseed Twists

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Haymarket April 9th 2024

Ooohhh… I can feel myself slowing down as I can feel this amazing holiday coming to an end. When we got home last night, I intended to make a cup of tea before bed. It didn’t happen. I went into my bedroom to get sorted, and what actually happened…was absolutely nothing! No shower, no teeth cleaned, no cup of tea, I don’t even think I managed a good night…. Because I intended coming back out of the room!!! I saw the bed, got my pjs on, and stayed there until 9:15 this morning!!! You know what they say….. I must have needed it….ha ha Both Bernard, and Gavin went to work at the crack of Dawn this morning. I heard nothing! I’m unsure of what I might do today, but I’ll definitely do my best to ... read more
A visit to the hairdresser!
Tram to QVB

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales April 9th 2024

Early start this morning. Thought we were doing really well arriving at airport early. Just a 5 min walk from hotel so it was great. Then we hit customs. Oh dear God! Louie never wanted to go to Bali because of the fear of people planting drugs in your bag. To put his mind at ease we are travelling light. So light that we only have carry on luggage. Sounds good in theory, doesn't it. We head straight to border control. It's been over 10yrs since ove travelled overseas. The last time Jazz was 3 so 11yrs ago. I had completely forgotten that you can only put aresoles in your checked I baggage that goes underneath the plane. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬Arghhhhhhh. So my excellent organisation meant throwing out our new deodorants and new can hair spray. Not happy! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darling Harbour April 8th 2024

It’s a relaxed start today, which I’m ready for! Especially after the early morning yesterday! Then when we got home last night, Gavin informed us that the clocks had been put forward an hour. So we were up early…. An extra hour… and even worse… we didn’t even know!!!! I was actually awake quite early today, about 5:30. That was probably because I was in bed by nine, and probably asleep by ten past…. I couldn’t keep my eyes open last night! The beauty of today was that, even though I was awake early, I could snuggle down, get comfy, and catch up with the Chateau renovations that I follow on YouTube! I stayed there until about 8:30!!! Bernard is working from home this morning, as he has an appointment this afternoon. So, I caught up ... read more
Coffee to go
HMAS Onslow.

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Mascot April 8th 2024

Off we go to the airport! We have been counting down to this day, or well I have. Louie was suppose to be flying from Perth directly from work, however our plans changed when he was sent home early from work on Good Friday. This resulted in having to change flight details and rebooking flights from Sydney. Lucky for him I was able to arrange it so that he's not only the same flight as me, I managed to change my seats so we could sit together. We are probably lucky that he is flying with me with it being his first time going through customs etc. I feel pretty organised. Managed to sort most things out online - visas, tourist tax, customs declaration and have the itinerary and all documents printed off. Thanks to all ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Blue Mountains April 7th 2024

Today is an early start. We are expecting decent weather, so we hav earmarked today, based on the weather forecast, to go to The Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains is a rugged region west of Sydney. It is known for dramatic scenery, and my any waterfalls and beautiful view points. I got up at 6:30, to my alarm, it wasn’t very easy, but I did it! I think Bernard went for 6am! We were showered changed, and ready to go by 7am. Perfectly to the plan! We checked our bags for brollies, snacks, water, phone wires, and phones. Gavin, who apartment shares with Bernard, has really kindly let us use his car, which makes a huge difference for us today. We headed down base level 2, to collect Gavin’s car, we set off, ready for the ... read more
Arrived in Katoomba
Morning coffee
 Breakfast in Katoombe

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney April 6th 2024

Today was another lazy start, which was good for me! I had a really easy night, followed by an easy morning. I've had a message from Bernard, he is on his way home. I'm pleased that he went all out, on his night out. I don't want him to miss out of his own life, just to sit at home with me! A job that I need to sort out, whilst I have the time, is my SIM card. I have had an email to inform me that I have only 3 days left. It’s so important when you are travelling to always have access to the Internet. I will only need 4 days short of data until I leave, but I still need it for those 4 days. I managed to access the app, and ... read more
Entrance to Chinatown, Haymarket
Coca Cola billboard
Still thriving by Dylan Mooney

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » CBD April 5th 2024

Today I slept in . It was a late night last night. I woke up naturally at 9:30. I noticed a message from Bernard; he actually got up for the 6:30 Vicious cycle class!! WOW! It’s his day off, he had a late night…. And he still went! That’s dedication. I can’t remember being that dedicated to anything! Ha ha. Maybe it’s an age thing! I just relaxed around the apartment, I chatted on with Gavin for a while whilst I had a cup of tea. Then Bernard came home. (The arrival of Chez Bernard!) Last night, we had discussed going for bagels for brekky, but due to the endless pouring rain, Bernard had picked up some shopping on the way home from vicious. He set up his pots and pans, whilst I did an excellent ... read more
St James Station
The huge spider in entrance to the gallery
Just working it out!

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