Blogs from Orange, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange February 22nd 2023

Leaving Wellington, we wanted to visit one of the local regional cities that we inevitably drove through in a rush on our way to and from Sydney, where we had moved to after we left Wellington. Orange was our chosen destination for our first stop, and we settled in to the Canobolas Tourist Park. Orange is the home of the Wiradjuri people, and in 1822, Captain Percy Simpson established a convict settlement at Blackmans Swamp, now known as Orange. The city is warm in summer and freezing in winter. It snows regularly in Orange during winter, and many a time I played winter sports there, ending up feeling like an icicle. The climate has enabled the area to be a major apple and pear producer, and a centre for cool-weather wine production. Wineries abound in the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange June 26th 2022

There we were in a taxi in Buenos Aires looking out the window as we do. Then I started screaming...well not quite screaming...but I was leaning forward begging the driver...louder than he was probably used to. It's not as if one of the front wheels was coming off like that time in Beijing...nor like the taxi overtaking around blind wet mud corners in Zigong. Nor the tone I screamed at the soldier who boarded our bus in Tanzania who demanded my camera at gunpoint, "You are not stealing my camera." This was unbridled our guide in Uzbekistan yelling "Luli..Luli" whenever a gypsy cart went by. "Turn it up please...more...more...more" pleas getting louder and louder as he turned the radio knob. Midnight Oil's "Beds Are Burning" belting out in a taxi in Buenos Aires...who'd have thought!!!! ... read more
Emily Wurramarra

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange May 4th 2017

Set out at 8.00 am Tuesday morning. Got up at 5.30am and completely re-packed the car because I had nightmares all night about getting the spare, spare tyre (Cyril) on the roof. Pretty uneventful really. Had the greatest pie ever at the Canobolas Tea House in Orange. Got half way to Parkes and then Becs realised she'd left her handbag in the tea house, drove back and just got there before it closed. Had to miss "the dish" in Parkes. Got to Condobolin just as it was getting dark. No accommodation (including cabins at the caravan park) due to the Abba Festival in Trundle and had to set up the tent in the dark. Had a great meal at the Railway Hotel, actually anything would have been great. Highlight was that in typical Sydney fashion I ... read more
Canobolas Tea House
Bogan Gate
Map Day 1

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange July 18th 2015

Orange workaway stay 6th July-15th July. Digging, baby kangaroo and snow! We had an amazing first volunteering experience helping develop a farm property to accommodate visitors who will eventually sleep in the vintage train carriage that mysteriously founds its way onto the site from its origin in Sydney over 100km away! We were fortunate to meet a brilliant group of people from France, England and Scotland who were also staying with our host family and we had many interesting nights around the table eating a variety of meals cooked by all those staying. The family were very kind to us and we also were very lucky to be sharing the house with a rescue kangaroo whose mother had sadly been run over, sadly a common occurrence on Australian roads. Fortunately Baxter was thriving by the time ... read more
Baby Baxter the rescued roo

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange December 20th 2013

After returning from our big trip earlier this year, I found myself unemployed and not particularly liking the job prospects in the Central West of NSW. It was the middle of winter, and there were few job ads to search through. Businesses were nervous about the upcoming election and what that meant for future taxes and costs. And well, there aren't just that many jobs in the field of science in most country towns, despite the nearby gold mine. So I set about trying to re-taste Orange. I hadn't had the chance to have a strong connection to the town, as my previous job saw me leaving town before shops opened, and getting home after most closed. Traditionally everything closed early on Saturday and nothing opened on Sunday. I didn't know very many people in the ... read more
They don't grow oranges in Orange!
Central Western Sunrise
Fresh Hazelnuts

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange July 16th 2013

This was my last big trip before I turned the big 3-0. And today, as I have crossed over into another decade of life, I celebrate by reflecting on the last three months. The following are some of my musings from this trip. Enjoy! One never plays tourist in their own city! Before I departed Australia on this trip, I had signed up for a photography course through the New York Institute of Photography. It was part of my attempt to get out of my rut. In Yosemite National Park I finally ventured into putting my camera onto manual under the guidance of the photo walk leader. In each national park after that, I tried my best to keep an eye ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange April 12th 2013

Gee time flies! In the blink of an eye, six months passes by. And here we are, less than one week before our next big trip. Our house is being packed up, our bags will be ready for another adventure, and before we know it, we will be boarding the plane to San Francisco. This summer was a great summer - much better than the year earlier. We actually had nice warm weather instead of rain and floods. The season flew by as we participated in many activities such as Space Racing and the Summer Series of Orienteering. I also attended yoga workshops and went to some free photography workshops with the ABC Open project. We had a flourishing tomato garden, which had grown to epic proportions over Christmas and completely took over the garden. Next ... read more
Dragon Boating Carnival
Flix in the Stix
Brass Reflections

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange January 4th 2013

It was a new year, and my old travelling buddy, Lucy, was in town, so what better excuse to take to the road? The selected destination was Orange, about 3 ½ hours west of Sydney, in an area famous for wine and food. Sounded perfect to me! I was quite small when I heard that there was a town called Orange, and as a child I thought that this was extraordinary – a town named after a fruit? Turns out however that Orange was named after a Prince, William of Orange in fact. NSW has no shortage of suitable destinations for a summer road trip, but my childhood fascination with a strange sounding town, and my adult appreciation for wine and food, saw that Orange made the top of the list of potential destinations. The road ... read more
View from Borrodell winery
Views from "Young Man" Canobolas
Lucy liked the Three Sisters!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange December 1st 2012

Today we set off on the Oxley Highway from Waichope (pronounced Wye hop) to Walcha. The route is also known as the road with 300 bends! We didn’t count them but would guess that that would be about right as we drove up and up and up the mountain pass and down, down, down on the other side! We are now camped in a national park all by ourselves with thunder and lightning going on all around us. It has rained constantly since we have been here but we are not at all bothered as what with books to read, dinner of fried rice and sausages now cooked and eaten along with a couple of glasses of red wine, we are comfortably settled and relaxed listening to Pete’s ipod with its huge variety of artists to ... read more
Apsley National Park
Honky Tonk Queen

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Orange October 18th 2012

It's currently 6:30pm and I am happy. Why? Because the sun is still up and it's deliciously warm. I don't have to wear a coat. I can let my little toes be free in sandles. Spring is here and I've never been more glad. In the northern hemisphere, seasonal affective disorder, SAD, is common enough to be common knowledge. But a northern hemisphere inhabitant would assume that inhabitants in "sunny" Australia would not suffer from such seasonal mood swings. I figured that too. The first few times I experienced Aussie winters, I was shocked at the lack of proper heating and insulation, and thus shocked at the single digit temperatures (Celcius, below 50F) that it would commonly reach inside buildings. Aren't buildings meant to protect you from the elements? One of which being extreme temperatures? But ... read more
Cherry Blossoms
More spring blossoms
Apple Blossoms

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