Blogs from Saskatchewan, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Saskatchewan May 31st 2023

Flying into Reginawas a hymn to the prairies. Under heavy clouds, the pale untilled fields shone around the green squares of the home farms. A few ravines traced with spring bushes meandered across the flat landscape. Thin grey roads marked the section lines. Fat drill-straight rain-storms obliterated the scenes to the north and west of Regina. Later after two drenching, flooding bursts of rain, the almost-wild green grass in Wascana Park fed the Canada Geese and their goslings. Bird calls rang out through the cover of trees. The lake’s bullrushes rustled in a faint breeze, still dry from last year. North of the city, ravines shone with bright foliage. Driving south to Weyburn revealed the patterns of fields not yet ready for planting... read more
Wheat sculptures, Weyburn
River valley
Sweeping rain storm

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Moose Jaw July 25th 2021

Day 24. Since I was staying put today the day began with bacon, eggs and toast. I cook bacon and eggs ever Sunday at home but a little more often while camping. I rarely ate eggs in the past 55 years but it’s another source of protein and cooking them over easy still let’s me dip my toast in the yoke like I did as a child with a soft boiled egg that mom would prepare. I still don’t enjoy egg whites to be honest. Without toast I don’t think I would eat them. When I unloaded the bike yesterday afternoon I figured I’d ride into Regina to go to the gym but things are always changing right? Since I got a case of Diet Pepsi Lime in Sicamous when I was there I’ve been looking ... read more
Water pump success
tonight’s fire

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Moose Jaw July 24th 2021

Day 23. 5459Km. I was up at six and it was six degrees this morning in Cochrane. I started to wonder how many days or months I’d slept. I had a slice of toast and some yogurt again to make a quick exit. I really should have looked at the route the GPS was taking me on because I went right through Calgary since the Trans Canada Highway is a main street. I came into Cochrane from the South and I should have left that way too but there was very little traffic that time of morning on a Saturday so the delay was minimal. I’d received a Subway gift card last year on my birthday and finally used some of it today. I usually just pack a bit of cold meat, cheese and crackers for ... read more
Just 652
A bend!
This amazes me.

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Moose Jaw July 7th 2021

Day 6. 2884Km. I got a roadside education from the RCMP today. It’s been a lot of years since I was stopped last. I don’t know if he was in a good mood or if I showed the proper amount of respect but I’m told I avoided a $1200 fine and I suspect some demerit points as well. The only constant is change. I did it again. Because the drive from Thunder Bay to Winnipeg is a long one my original plan for today was to make a shorter day and stop in Indian Head, Saskatchewan and then have another long day tomorrow. Having spent an extra day in Winnipeg I decided to go further today and shave some distance off tomorrow’s drive so here I am in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I still got here about ... read more
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Proof of Saskatchewan hills
Saskatchewan hills

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Regina January 4th 2020

It is late December. We are about to start our 2020 travel adventures, and as we all know, traveling can be very stressful at times. Just days before we are set to depart, Mother Universe decides that we need a refresher course on controlling our emotions and anxieties, to prepare us for our journeys. And so it is that the roller coaster ride of emotions begins. Six days before our December 31st departure we wake up to a cold house. The furnace had stopped working during the night. For those of you reading this from elsewhere in the world, we live in central Canada, in one of the coldest regions of the country, and this is our winter season. Worry and anxiety begin to take hold. A non functioning furnace is the worst nightmare to experience ... read more
Mercury Tower, Bangkok
Bangkok - Chana Songkhram
Bangkok Lumphini

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Swift Current May 29th 2019

Monday 27th May 2019 We spent the morning exploring Regina, a real oasis in the middle of the prairies. Regina is the provincial capital of Saskatchewan. Once, it was a hunting ground of the Cree who named it Wascana, which means “Pile of Bones”! It is an elegant, leafy green city with a splendid park and lake right in the centre of Downtown, called Wascana. The lake and park are full of Canadian Geese and their little chicks right now, no bones around! Later on today, we drove just seventy kilometres to Moose Jaw, where we are now. Spring has arrived at last with sunny days (18 degrees today) but still chilly nights. The forecast is for the temperatures to increase as the week progresses up into the 20s. Hooray! Camping weather at last. We have ... read more
Beautiful park in the heart of Regina City
Spring is here at last!
Fountain and Legislative Building

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Regina May 26th 2019

Saturday 25th May 2019 The Riding Mountain National Park sits on First Nation treaty territory so the park works closely with a coalition of First Nations, mostly Ojibwe and Cree. It is an amazing place with an abundance of wildlife. Riding Mountain is renowned for the diversity of its wildlife including moose, bear, elk, deer, grey wolf, cougar, coyote, lynx, badger, otter, mink, ermine, fox, rabbit, hare and birds of prey. In our short two-night stay we saw a fox, two Douglas squirrels, several white-tailed deer, two bears and eleven bison as well as numerous birds including a little bright orange “Orio”. We left our B and B early to journey to the Bison Range where a herd of about thirty are to be found. It is about 50 kilometres from the hotel. Bison graze out ... read more
John walking towards the bear (top right of photo)

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Saskatoon May 10th 2019

Wow! Just a few more days before I fly out from this little Saskatoon nest I call home for the longest international trip of my twenty-two years of life. It would be an under-exaggeration to say that I am EXCITED (yes, even if I write it in all-caps), but unfortunately my feelings are more intense than what the English language can capture right now. *sigh* A question I get asked a lot is: "What are you most looking forward to in this Uganda trip?" I'll try to channel the essence of my answer in a few sentences. I am looking forward to the many learnings that lay ahead--about health/nutrition, about culture, about people, about myself. I am looking forward to having my knowledge and faith stretched as I get pushed into that uncomfortable place where growth ... read more

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan April 10th 2019

Just checking to see if they are sending notices this time . Sure hope so .... read more

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Regina January 1st 2019

You definitely have your beautiful moments, Saskatchewan, Canada, and there is something very peaceful and restful about your winter months, which allow us to slow down a bit, watch movies, read books, and me, perhaps play a little more guitar, as there are no lawns to cut, no gardens to tend to, and no compelling urge to be outside every day just to enjoy your beautiful Saskatchewan sunshine and extensive “living skies”. The vast spaciousness of this province alone is a thing of beauty. We have tried and failed on many occasions to convey to our Asian friends the possibility of driving down a country road in our province for twenty minutes without seeing another vehicle or any sign of human habitation - an incomprehensible concept in Asia, where in Indonesia alone, 260 million people live. ... read more
Forest of White
Winter Road
Saskatchewan Wide Open Spaces

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