Blogs from Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières September 6th 2023

The big trip was coming! Finally I was to going to Africa.....That's what I thought.... Medical condition at the last minute forced to me to cancel it at the last minute. The medical problem is not completely fixed yet, so I may be limited, travel wise for at least a year! :-( That's life and in these moments, it's better to focus on the positive things. I kept all my preparation for my South African trip so t's going to be easier next time. I might even find better places! I decided to visit lots of little places not too far and wide in the last weeks. In the spring, If I can't go abroad still, I might go further in my own country as some canadian provinces I have never been to. Some of the ... read more
Turtles at a marsh
Viallge cafe at Yamachiche
Can you see the racoon sleeping?

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières July 23rd 2021

The pandemic is still lingering..... :-( There are options to go to some countries, because you had your covid-19 vaccine shots, or your wear a mask, or both, but resurgence of cases in Europe and in the USA, makes that a possible risky business... Let's hope, things would be better at end of this year! :-) Meanwhile, I continue to explore my region, going to places I never thought to go before, and found little jewels. First went to a nature's park, on the shores of Saint-Pierre's lake, (an enlargement of Saint-Lawrence river), a region of great importance for its abundance of wetlands. Place is called "Reserve naturelle de pointe Yamachiche". Although the entrance does not look that great, there are very long trails on boardwalks, overlooking at seasonally flooded forest and marshland, with excellent viewpoints. ... read more
Echinacea, my favorite flower
Landscape near Charette, Quebec
Lavender's field

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières August 18th 2016

Trois-Rivieres & surrounds along St Lawrence River Ontario 19 August 2016 After leaving Montreal we drove north, making sure we didn’t go on the freeway so found many beautiful little villages with beautiful houses and shops. Sheryl was driving and was enjoying driving on the ‘wrong’ side of the road for the first time. We arrived at Trois-Rivières which is the second-oldest city in Quebec, founded in 1634. The main (arguably only) sight in Trois-Rivières is the old city (vieille-ville), concentrated by the river along rue des Ursulines. It's far smaller than those of Montreal or Quebec, but picturesque in a low-key way and was worth the stroll we did through the main area. We had lunch and gazed over the St Lawrence River and the long span of the Pont Laviolette (bridge towards New Brunswick. ... read more
Trois-Rivieres & surrounds along St Lawrence River Ontario (1)
Trois-Rivieres & surrounds along St Lawrence River Ontario (2)
Trois-Rivieres & surrounds along St Lawrence River Ontario (3)

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières October 23rd 2014

The settlers who colonized the harsh land of New France took strength and inspiration from their Roman Catholic religion. The best known and most significant of the shrines they built have grown over the centuries into the basilicas of Notre-Dame du Cap at Trois Rivières, and Sainte Anne de Beaupré east of Quebec City. They are both renowned pilgrimage sites that are visited every year by millions from around the world, often pilgrims in search of a miraculous healing. Here are some photos I took during recent visits. Notre-Dame du Cap (Our Lady of the Cape): Trois Rivières was settled in 1634, and Jesuit missionaries built a small chapel on a nearby piece of land in 1659. In 1720 it was replaced by a stone chapel, the “Small Shrine”, which is still in use. The present ... read more
the shrine in Trois Rivières
The Basilica seats 1,660, the dome is 125 ft high, and the organ has some 5,000 pipes.
walls with stained glass

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières August 10th 2013

À Parc Mauricie, il y a les causeries/contes. On est allé à une la première nuit. C'est causerie était à propos de la perte d'une population de poisson. Les causes étaient les pêcheurs, les bloquages des bois, les castors, et le club des pêcheurs. C'était tous en Français alors j'ai du concentrer très fort. Aussi, les personnes parle toujours en Français avec nous sauf quand on demande un mot en Français. Ma mère a dit qu'il y a été une tempète dans la nuit, mais je n'ai rien entendu. Alors, on est allé a Trois Rivières à la place d'information. Le Monsieur nous a donné une passe pour le parking, mais la place avait un toit sous lequel notre kayak ne pouvait pas aller. Pour le dîner on a eu la poutine superbe. Il y avait ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières July 30th 2013

Today we hike. There are many hikes at many levels of difficulty in the park. We chose intermediate and 5.5 kms. I made us wear our packs to get an idea of how we might do in Peru. It was great. The path is well marked, rises really quickly and makes your heart pound but maybe not as much as the vistas that open up as you walk. Jacob acted like a mountain goat, this is his forte. Each thing that we do here reinforces how much I love being out in this camp world. Our last night here,sweetly sad to leave. Good night and sweet dreams .... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières July 28th 2013

Parc Mauricie July 24-27 They have lecture/stories 4 nights a week here. We went the night we arrived, and the naturalist explained about the trout in the park. There is history, power point images, searches in the huge covered tent for hidden treasures that are worked into the story for the children who are in the audience. It is fascinating and full of information that is neither dull or overwhelming. En plus c'est tout en Francais. Jacob and I have been speaking in French all of the time that we have been in Quebec. We have been able to understand almost everything the naturalists are saying, and no one here has switched to English to talk to us. There were intense thunder storms in the night, but this time we were protected from the winds, so ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières July 11th 2011

As we mentioned in the last post, we had full kitchen facilities in our room, so after dinner on Sunday night we stopped at a grocery store to buy some food. Knowing that we would spend two nights there gave us the ability to buy some things that we haven't really had a chance to get yet. For example, we bought a dozen eggs, which we hadn't been able to do before - half a dozen eggs each over two days is pretty easy at this point. When we got up on Monday morning, we had a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs before heading out for the day. Eric has some blisters on (the top of) his feet from walking around Montreal - to save on weight, the only non-biking shoes we brought were flip-flops, and ... read more
Tiny Cell
Swinging Therese

North America » Canada » Quebec » Trois-Rivières July 10th 2011

What a difference a day (of rest) makes! After our day off in Montreal, we woke up refreshed, and our muscles were the least sore they have been since day 2. We started at about 7:15 am, and for the whole morning our speed was good, and our breaks were infrequent, short and efficient. During our planning on Saturday, we decided that we wanted to make sure to spend more time enjoying our ride, and be careful not to spend the entire trip rushing to get from place to place. For this reason, we have decided to take the ferry from Sydney to Argentia instead of to Port Aux Basques, thus allowing us more days to enjoy places of interest. As we don't have the necessary camping gear to properly enjoy Gros Morne (a place we ... read more
Our room

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