Annoying Airline Passengers

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September 28th 2022
Published: September 28th 2022
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The Vacationer conducted an online survey of 1,098 American adults 18 years and older. They were asked, “When flying on a plane, which behaviors from fellow passengers annoy you?” There were frankly no surprises in the responses. The top two most annoying behaviors were tied: disruptive, drunk passengers and having the back of your seat kicked, both coming in at 59.11%! (MISSING)A close third with 48%!i(MISSING)s smelly co-passengers with either too much perfume or poor hygiene. Poor parenting skills also made it to the list with 46.81%!p(MISSING)eople hassled by inattentive parents.

Some of the other offences were smelly foods, armrest hogging, seat reclining, talking too much, boarding/deplaning out of turn, loud music, and taking off shoes. People are also vexed by couples indulging in PDA and fliers getting up to use the restroom too much. There were just 11.57%!w(MISSING)ho said that they’re not bothered by anything.
My pet peeve falls into the first category, loud talking! I hate anyone, particularly kids, kicking my seat. I generally do not have these problems in Biz class. Smelly is a problem when I fly economy airlines like Ryan Air or EasyJet. I guess backpackers do not carry any soap to use in their hostel showers? But the very worst was on a first-class flight to Phoenix. A guy who identified himself as an air marshal told the flight attendant who he was, and that he was carrying a weapon. He proceeded to get drunk on vodka and bourbon. She finally cut him off, and he got quite offensive. He then asked her for a date and would not stop. The captain came out and threatened to handcuff him if he did behave. It was ugly, upsetting, and embarrassing. Another was an older Costa Rican lady sitting in first class, directly in front of us. She was gassing up the place, I was fanning the air, and the couple next to us covered themselves with a blanket!!! BTW, they were laughing hysterically. Tied for second on my short list are: a barefoot man who clipped his toenails in the aisle, and a woman breast feeding an 8 or 9 year old child. Why does the plane ride alter the mind set of people so dramatically? Perhaps they feel like they are no longer bound to earth or country, and can do whatever they please? Perhaps it is just entitlement, or bad manners? One of the worst smells on board is the ubiquitous McDonald's bag, filled with burgers, nuggets and fries. If this is combined with body odor, I would request, rather demand another seat! On a recent Ryanair flight from Athens, a female passenger completely changed her wardrobe underneath a huge sweatshirt! It may have been somewhat acceptable, but why didn't she use the toilet? And why place her soiled clothes in the aisle next to me? I guess the odds are, flying as often as I once did, that the chances of finding annoying passengers becomes quite high!!!


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