Blogs from Gallipoli, Marmara, Turkey, Middle East


Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli June 29th 2022

Having been to Gallipoli twice before, both times just before Anzac Day to visit the historical sites and then for the Dawn service, I wasn’t sure whether a third visit would be a bit same same. But visiting in summer, when it’s hot, and away from Anzac Day, when it’s far less crowded and more peaceful, brings a different perspective. Bringing kids (I’m hot, how much longer, can I have icecream) also changes things slightly. We arrived in Eceabat after an early start and long drive from Istanbul. A few refueling stops along the way and we were pleased to see that conditions were overcast with a very strong breeze whipping up the Dardanelles keeping the temperature reasonable. A quick lunch stop before we collected all the other Aussies and, inexplicably, an Italian and headed for ... read more
Come to Gallipoli, Pat a dog - worker from the Australian War Graves Commission
Family shot - Anzac Cove
Anzac landing spot Ari Burnu looking towards the Sphinx

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli November 8th 2015

After checking out of our hotel in Selçuk we were dropped off at the station where we eventually boarded a train to Izmir Airport which is about an hour away. At the airport we found our way to the car rental area and picked up the car we’d booked before arriving in Turkey. This car was a whole lot nicer than the previous three we had hired so far in Turkey which was fortunate as we’d be driving from Izmir to Istanbul via Gallipoli; a total of about 700km (excluding wrong turns). We were supposed to be picking up our friends Kat and Rob along the way to Çanakkale and spending the rest of our holiday with them but unfortunately they had to cut their trip short due to illness. After checking the fuel tank was ... read more
Pergamon - Temple of Trajan
Pergamon - Temple of Trajan
Pergamon - Temple of Trajan

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli October 7th 2015

The time we spent on the Gallipoli battlefields was so informative. I thought i knew the history but until I listened to the tour guide, and reading all the information at the various memorials I did not really have the full story. Our Turkish tour guide told the story with such emotion, he had a few of the tour group in tears. After being in Turkey for a few days and hearing about the last 4000 years of their history I would say that warfare was part of their culture. These people had been fighting for their bit of land for a long time. Their other secret weapon was their general, later to be called Mustafa Ataturk. He ... read more
Beach war cemetery
Lone Pine Memorial

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli August 18th 2015

Slept well in much cooler room, and even had a nice hot shower. Down to check out and leave a case behind as we are going to Gallipoli this morning for a 2 day tour. Breakfast is happening, we are due to be picked up by our guide at 0830. A Mercedes mini bus pulls up at the hotel and the porter says this is our taxi. Hmm, no English speaking guide so not too sure what is going on. He moves bus out of the way as anothe bus wants to get past, not much space out the front. Try to communicate but the driver doesn't have any English. The driver is on the phone and next thing the bag is in the back. Still not sure what is going on when a guy comes ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli July 11th 2015

Gallipoli I grew up on a diet of annual commemorations on 25th April. Over time I have collected mental images of vast cemeteries with white symmetrical crosses all in columns and rows. The reality is starkly different. So I was surprised at how small the first cemetery I visited was. But then it sinks in – there are lots and lots of cemeteries each containing the remains of those of a particular segment of the campaign. Another unexpected discovery is how big the Gallipoli battle fields are in the minds of the Turkish people. The very first memorial site we came to in the Gallipoli peninsula was a huge Turkish memorial. From there on we got to see the effect of the Turks losing about 3 times as many as the British and allies. When we ... read more
Blog  Anzac Cove Gallipoli Turkey 047 (7)
Blog  Lone Pine Gallipoli Turkey 062 (8)
BLOG A Better beach to land at KUM campsite Galipoli Turkey 013 (1)

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli July 8th 2015

After getting up I had to clean & dry everything we'd left out or under Billy – the rain had bounced covering everything in earth. The couples on the bikes got up really early to get their kit dry before packing up & heading off, one to Istanbul & the other to Thessaloniki & both long rides in a day of heat The ground took a while to dry out despite the rising we just relaxed & kept busy doing nothing...In the evening we sat on the beach watching the sunset which was truly magnificent, much clearer than in Cyprus for example as the air was clean & by this time very still. Our last full day in Turkey...... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli May 9th 2015

Left the nice camp site & hippy types with the beautiful sight of Samothraki Island to our right in the Sea of Thrace ('I'm Spartacus!' & all that apparently). Cathy had a fight with the Dyson & after exploring' a few town back streets eventually got back onto the main road towards the Turkish border. We weren't that far away so were there inno time. We were waved through the Greek checkpoint, then stopped at the Turkish passport control, then the Customs control, then the documents control & finally the 'not sure what it was' control as all the chap did was to scan the bar code the previous controller had stuck on my passport – no wonder he looked bored. It was obviously a dangerous job as he carried a hand gun. At the Customs ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli April 30th 2015

We start the day of going to The ancient city of Troy wow, how cool is this place, feeling a little over seeing rocks, but the history that comes with it is rather amazing! We spend a few hours there and head off to the supermarket to get some supplies for the Anzac ceremonies. Got some cool gifts and a few things for me too yah! We walked into the shopping centre excitedly to head to the supermarket and were so surprised that we saw a Burger King! Omg. Large chips, chicken tenders come at me baby! YUM! We get a whole bunch of Pringles, pretzels, some dark chocolate for me and some other for Kaine, get some lollies, Kaine got some sandwiches, and I had some fruit from the fruit platter we got at Adina ... read more
Can you see me in the pink top

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli April 29th 2015

Here is our final entry from Gallipoli.... 26 April 2015 As we sit on our balcony soaking up the warmth of the late afternoon sun, we are reflecting on ANZAC Eve and ANZAC Day in Gallipoli. All Mum can say is “It’s an experience I’ll never forget. I can’t believe I’ve done it. It’s a numbness that I’m really here. Amazing! I came. I saw. I conquered.” Once through all the bus registration, checkpoints to have passport checked and ballot tickets scanned we finally arrived at Mimoza Park , the ‘holding bay’ until our bus shuttle number was called. So thankful for the assisted mobility pass for Mum; it was a 3km walk to the commemoration site. A final check point and bag check we were ushered to our seats. There were lots of volunteers from ... read more
Our vigil
Plugges Plateau
Silent battleship

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli April 25th 2015

We have not long arrived in Istanbul, very weary but very fulfilled. Much more to come! And about why we were really there :)... read more
Double ummmmmmm!

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