Blogs from Albania, Europe


Europe » Albania May 11th 2024

Wednesday 24th April 2024- Got the bus with no trouble, well apart from having to pay a bus station tax of 2 euros per person, as well as give the driver of the coach 2 euros each for our cases!! Beautiful scenery, just as well it was sunny today! After Budva, we took the road we should have taken yesterday to Cetinje and onto Podgorica. Stopped for 10mins toilet break and then took the E762 to the Border crossing. No hold-ups this time, and apart from having to get off the bus 2x (We could have walked as it was only about 100 metres!!) we were into Albania in about half an hour!! Carried on, past another part of Shkodra Lake, viewing the mountains that still had snow on them, to Shkoder. Saw the castle that ... read more
Views from the bus of Northern Albania
colourful zebra crossing
The Pyramid

Europe » Albania January 6th 2024

In June 2022 I travelled from the UK to Albania to meet up with a couple of friends and walk the Peaks of the Balkans Trail, a 192km circular walk in the mountains of Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro. From Tirana Airport I took a taxi to the hillside town of Kruje where I met up with my walking companions Cathy and her daughter Rebecca. I had previously met Cathy in Kyrgyzstan back in 2018. At the time she had been travelling the world for 2 years and I was just in the throws of selling up and quitting the 9 to 5. Although at the time we only spoke for maybe 20 minutes we had kept in touch since then via social media. When she asked if I would like to join them on this walk ... read more

Europe » Albania January 6th 2024

The father of the guesthouse owner in Drelaj showed me some photographs in a book that he had written about the Kosovo war, or more specifically the village's part in it. Amongst other things they showed all the houses burnt out and a cave in the mountainside where the villagers had hidden while the Serbian army swept through the village. Unfortunately the language barrier meant that we couldn't chat about it further but it did mean that he could get on with his job of cutting hay with a scythe and building a haystack in the traditional style that is seen throughout the Balkans. Seeing the photos put our problems into perspective but nevertheless a problem we had. Overnight Cathy had been ill and wasn't up to walking, so we had all taken an extra rest ... read more

Europe » Albania » West » Tirana January 4th 2024

Dear All Greetings from Tirana! I'm actually really quite excited to be here! After five days in the peaceful and traditional Albanian hinterlands, it was really quite exciting arriving in the country's Big Smoke. The city is buzzing and alive, full of energy - not just from the zippy traffic all around, but also from the vibrant people filling its streets. I believe few places will have seen such a rapid transformation in the last 30 years, from the capital of a completely isolated communist country akin to the likes of North Korea today, to this energetic and happening hub of activity. I felt excited to be there, and excited to explore. On the morning of my arrival, I took a four-and-a-half hour bus from Sarandë in the country's deep south, not far from the border ... read more
Lamb Casserole and Tirana Beer
Bunk'Art 1
Dajti Express Cable Car

Europe » Albania » South » Sarandë January 1st 2024

Dear All Greetings from Sarandë! This is a lovely gem of a port and beach town in the far south of Albania. I used it as a base to explore some nearby places of interest, and these have very much been of interest and beauty. I really enjoyed my time there, and as with other places thus far, I've very much had the place to myself, along with of course lots of very friendly Albanians. They are a real pleasure to talk to, very open and talkative, even if they don't speak English! Leaving Berat meant a really early wake-up call at 5.30am, to leave my amazing BnB with a delicious take-away breakfast prepared for me by my very kind hostess there, and a 40-minute walk back to the bus station. This time it was all ... read more
View from Venetian Castle and Museum
The Blue Eye

Europe » Albania » West » Berat December 30th 2023

Dear All Greetings from the mountainous interior of lovely Albania. After a great start to my trip in Durrës, I did what I often find to be the more nerve-racking journey on a trip. While I still find the flight to a new country exciting and a little daunting, I actually often find the first journey I make within the country slightly more daunting, as you have to navigate a whole new transport system with all that is unique and quirky about it involved. And thus it was so on a Saturday morning at the end of December, when the time came to leave my very comfortable and friendly hotel by the Adriatic Sea, and head off into the unknown Albanian interior. I first took a taxi to the Plepat Bus Terminal, located about four miles ... read more
My Accommodation
View from Berat Citadel
Ottoman Houses and Mt Tomorr

Europe » Albania » West » Durrës December 29th 2023

Dear All Greetings from Albania! Country number 92, and another one of the remaining few European countries now ticked off my list! Just five more to go now! I arrived in Albania the day after I got back from a wonderful week in Sheffield with my family over Christmas. Gone are the days that I'm away for Christmas, there's certainly no place like home when it comes to this important Christian celebration for me! I flew to Albania on wonderful WizzAir, a Hungarian-based budget airline which is pretty much the Ryanair of East Europe really, but with good customer service (nice!). I'd kind of gotten used to travel delays with train issues both to and from Sheffield just the week before, and this flight was no exception. Because I felt used to it, the 1.5 hour ... read more
Fisherman Statue and Sfinksi Structure
Venetian Tower

Europe » Albania November 23rd 2023

We arrived at Tirana's Mother Theresa airport from Athens and we are now accustomed to the fact that having a pushchair allows us to walk through the fast lane queues at check in and passport control - it's been one of the major benefits of having you travelling with us. So, if you're reading this at 14 years old and wondering why we are still pushing you around in your trolley, this is the reason. Firstly, I'd like to take everything back that I said about the roads in Greece. Albania was on a different level - absolutely wild. Back in 1991, there were only 3000 cars in the country, as private cars were illegal under the communist rule and they have definitely made up for lost time in the intervening years. Although the Albanian Highway ... read more
Walt Junior

Europe » Albania » South » Vlorë July 12th 2023

I forgot to spray my bed so the biter is at me again. I put socks, leggings and a hoodie on but he still leaves a line of bites on my face. I wake up not slept and grumpy when Deysha wakes me. I go down and my phone seems to be working but the case is missing. I search everywhere through breakfast but with no luck. Who steals a phone case but its the only explanation. My mood is not improved. We head to the bus station and Deysha buys me a coffee to cheer me up. My phone has now died and won’t recharge so I’m back to thinking its gone for good and I don’t think much is backed up. I have a little nap on the bus and by the time we ... read more

Europe » Albania July 11th 2023

The biter stayed away and I sleep really well and am one of the last up. I go for breakfast and order my Kat special again. We eat with the British girls who say that an English boy told them last night that he's the BBC presenter accused of sending nudes to a child. Deysha and I both think he's bullshitting her but she's adamant its true. After breakfast Deysha and I head to the secret beach. I stop to get a coffee first and use the bathroom but they won’t let Deysha use it because she didn’t buy anything. We heard there is no shade and the walk is a bit hairy so we want to go early. I struggle with the uphill in the sun so have to stop frequently. The view looking down ... read more

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