Ben Craigen


Ben Craigen

Life is short - don't take it for granted. Live it for the now while you can. Use these travels as inspiration to get out there and live your dream!

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver March 3rd 2010

Words alone are hard to paint an accurate picture of what being part of the Olympic spirit is like in your own country. Take me for example; I meant to be here for a few days and ended up staying for the entire duration of the Olympics! I caught Olympic fever and just went with it! And what an experience it was! Vancouver was electric. I have never seen that much enthusiasm to be Canadian and to revel in the festive cheer for two weeks non-stop. Every day the streets were jam-packed and the mood was over the top joyous! That infectious spirit gripped everyone and the atmosphere was amazing. Canada is a hockey mad country, but try experiencing it in Vancouver after Canada has won a hockey game! Whaaa. Despite what it seemed like on ... read more
mini-IMG 0413
mini-IMG 0421
The Spirit is Everywhere

Pura Vida: A lifestyle term used in Costa Rica to describe the chill, the relaxed, the enjoyed - pretty much anything that adds contentment to life. The Ticos (locals) here live by that saying. And once you get here, you will too. Three weeks so far in Costa Rica chasing waves and living the Pura Vida beachside. Life here is simple. Wake up, surf, eat, chillax, play crib, surf, hammock session, surf, watch sunset, eat good food, meet new people, sleep, REPEAT. *Translation: a very desirable lifestyle compared to the rat race at home. First week here I met up with my good buddy Corey Rich and his cousin Kevin, followed by a random meeting with two great characters - Bill from Virginia and Alex from London. They happened to have a rental car for a ... read more
Barrel City

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh June 15th 2008

Up and Down and All Around. Well well. Onwards with this trip with many more stories and adventures to tell you all. Continuing our play in the Himalayas, our first stop was hippie central in the Kullu Valley. This is a rich and lush valley producing many fruits including apricots, apples, plums and delicious, delicious cherries that happened to be in full season when we arrived. The surrounding area including the town of Manali is hippie central with many travelling hippies mixing with an eclectic assortment of expats from a variety of countries. We decided to make a foray up a smaller valley off the Kullu Valley, called the Pavarti Valley. The town of Kasol and the Parvarti Valley is one of the more unique places I have ever been too. A quiet and tranquil valley, ... read more
Mountain Village
Cricket Infatuation
picture speaks 1000 words

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh May 28th 2008

The Indian Himalayas are a spectacular network of steep mountains and big valleys that are hemmed in by Pakistan and China on either side. The Indian military runs the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) which maintains a road network along their northern borders, right through the heart of the Himalayas. It is one serious feat of road building to carve these roads out of the colossal scale of these mountains; winding up and down one mountain pass after another. And it makes for one unbelievable array of stunning mountain scenery. Our first major traverse of these roads consisted of the 300km stretch to the regional capital of Ladakh, Leh. Always up for an adventure, we bucked the trend and monotony of riding buses and decided to hitchhike…And what an adventure it turned out to be. Over ... read more
Gompa overlooking Leh
profile - ladakhi children

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar May 15th 2008

This is the quote that convinced us to start our trip up in the state of Kashmir. It seemed like every single person in New Delhi could only dream of making a trip up to their so called paradise. After a day of +42 C while bombing around a dirty, smelly, polluted, mass of human existence also known as Delhi... this so called paradise to the north sounded pretty good. So off to Kashmir it was by plane, but not before getting the famous "Delhi Belly" (food poisoning) within the first 24 hours of arriving to India. Let’s set the story straight. Kashmir gets some pretty bad press from the western world. Granted, in the past, there was some truth behind the matter. Today though, relations between India and Pakistan are the best they have been ... read more
Jamma Masjid

North America » Canada » British Columbia April 20th 2008

As the season for snow winds down, I thought I would briefly recap how my last three months have unfolded in the eyes of a powder fiend. Yes I said it, it’s true. Sadly that is what I have become…but after 80 days of riding this year, I just can’t seem to get enough. The addiction only becomes worse. You want it more and are willing to work harder and put more effort into trying to get it. And even after you get it good, you still want more of it, for longer and longer…ahhhhhh. The feeling never ends. I will definitely be back next season. February found me busy showing off the ‘goods’ of what Revelstoke had to offer. We had numerous visitors who dropped by to check out the hype of North America’s newest ... read more
Skin Track to Heaven
Shred the Gnar!
Beautiful Day on Whistler

North America » United States » Wyoming » Jackson March 21st 2008

Ever gone on one of those trips where you look back and go, “Wow, that was seriously one awesome trip!” ? Well this was one of them. We took six days and did a road trip down to Jackson, Wyoming, USA, home of the Jackson Hole Ski Resort and the Teton Mountain Range. We took advantage of an above average year for snowfall and completely fluked out with a big dump followed by 3 perfect days of splitter blue sunshine. After skiing the impressive ski resort for a day (at $80 a pop), we hit the surrounding backcountry. Teton Pass has some amazing skiing with the easiest access you could ask for. We got perfect untouched lines and found some excellent trees. One the third day we made a foray into Teton National Park up into ... read more
The View

North America » Canada » British Columbia February 1st 2008

Hey All, Well January has been busy for me. Once I got out of the Monashees after New Years, I spent a little time over on Vancouver Island before moving out to Revelstoke, home of the new Revelstoke Mountain Resort. My friend Jordan and I decided that this would make an interesting place to set up shop for a couple months this year and be ski bums for the inaugural year of the ski resort destined to become the ‘next Whistler’. With almost 1 billion dollars in investment planned over the next 15 years, this sleeply little town of 8500 people is undeniably going to change. We felt that it would be interesting to get to know this place and the potential of its surrounding mountains before the big change occurs. So far we have been ... read more
Red Mountain
The Boys
Airtime Ben

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Blue River January 7th 2008

Monashee New Year 08 Happy New Years Everyone, Every wonder what kind of unique experience you can bring the new year in with? Well I think I found one that will be pretty hard to beat in my books. Assemble 14 friends that all share a common interest in the deep fluffy white stuff. Find a cool little winter cabin at 6500’ in the Monashee Mountain Range, interior BC that can accommodate us all. Add copious amounts of that sweet dry champagne powder that the interior is famous for, and what you get is one unforgettable week. We rented a backcountry hut that took all our food and gear in by snowcat and then left us to our own power. There was no one else for miles around the entire week. Backcountry touring for snowboarders like ... read more
Airtime Ben
Sweet Vintage Snowcat

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur December 18th 2007

They hold an annual off-road race down the entire peninsula of the Baja of Mexico. I always wondered why it was here and not somewhere else. Now I know. The 1000 miles that the Baja stretches is some seriously scrubby, desolate desert bordered on all sides by some beautiful water. The whole idea of this trip started back in Costa Rica a year ago where I met Dave. He had just finished telling Nastassia and I that we should definitely come stay at his place in California and do a road trip down the Baja with him sometime. “The Baja’s my backyard, I’ve been down there surfing at least 40 times,” I remember Dave saying to us. And knowing Dave as the surfer he is, I don’t doubt it one bit. And so it worked out ... read more
Sunset Surfers
The Boys
Shreddin the Knar

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