mvkh Travel Memoires


mvkh Travel Memoires

We felt the need for airplanes... Back to Africa we went! So many amazing things in this world and so little time.

Africa » South Africa » Mpumalanga » Kruger National Park November 18th 2013

We spent 3 nights in Kruger National Park. Two nights at Pretoriuskop ( and one night at Crocodile Bridge ( The camps are fantastic! Everything was reasonably priced and we had fun making our own food and enjoying the area. Our time in Kruger was amazing. We saw so many things that were beyond beautiful! Here's a list of animals we know we saw: Wild dog Lion Zebra Sidestriped jackal Leopard African wildcat Buffalo Large-spotted genet Giraffe Vervet monkey White rhinoceros Warthog Elephant Hippopotamus Kudu Blue wildebeest l... read more
Sunset on a "sunset" drive!

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg » Sandton November 16th 2013

In Johannesburg we were spoiled by our friends Klara and Alex. They have a beautiful home with a garden to envy! The temperature was much cooler in Johannesburg and was a welcome break (at least for me) from the hot and humid Accra.... read more
Vertical garden
Alex and Kwesi "working" in the kitchen
Klara, Alex and Kwesi - and the Pi!

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra November 9th 2013

This was the fourth trip Kwesi and I did together to Accra. Kwesi has gone each year but I missed a few in between! The plants around Kwesi's mom's house are beautiful. We spent about ten days visiting in Accra with Kwesi's mom and also touching base with Faustina, the director of True Vision Ghana (TVG: Fausti and I managed to get a shopping day in to buy crafts that I then help to sell in Canada to raise a bit of money for TVG.... read more
Meghan and Faustina
Baby goats at home
Amazing cactus at home

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park June 16th 2013

The trip back was beautiful. It didn't rain at all! The landscapes were stunning, especially since it wasn't solid cloud cover. We drove back throug the parkway, from Jasper to Banff. You can see what is left of the Columbia Icefield. It's a marked omen of times to come.... read more
Kwesi contemplating life.
Perfect reflection in the water
View from the campground

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park June 15th 2013

On Saturday, we slept in a bit and then had a fantastic breakfast. (Food was awesome the whole time!) We headed out by canoe to a nearby valley to see a glacier. Kwesi and I didn't make it to the top (scrambling was a bit much!) but we did see some wonderful views. As we made it down before some of the others, we hid under the canoe and had a nap! It was great because it was POURING rain outside. We lived in our raingear...... read more
Grand poobah.
View from the cooking area

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper National Park June 14th 2013

We drove to our launch location from Hinton. I got to spend a couple of hours reminiscing about my time there eons ago! There is still only one car wash. ;-) I was impressed that I was able to find the building where I rented an appartment. I know I stayed on the 3rd floor but I couldn't remember which unit. It took a bit of coordination but eventually we got 14 people loaded into 2 voyager canoes with one regular canoe as cargo. Yes, when we go canoeing the regular backcountry weight restrictions go out the window! I do love canoeing because you get to see a remote location but still travel in style! We paddled ~22km to the other end of the lake. We stopped at Spirit Island (famous on all Jasper photos). It ... read more
Voyager canoes - they are large!
End of Maligne Lake
Maligne Lake - Beautiful!

We arrived in the afternoon after a very early start. ;-) We found our B+B in Old Town and then headed to the museum (Prince of Whales Northern Heritage Centre). The museum was was nice and we spent quite a bit of time there! Kwesi and Meghan managed to convince Kevin and Stephanie that going to Yellowknife in April was an awesome idea! It was Meghan's "I'm done my BA" present and it was worth the journey! It got cold at night (around -15C) to watch the aurora but the sky was spectacular. The whole trip was a lot of fun. We stayed in Old Town and walked or took taxis where we needed to go. There was lots to do. We stayed up 3 nights out of 4 to watch the aurora. We used up ... read more
Meghan and Kwesi on the pedestrian path into town
Snowmobile tracks
We walked this road many times

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca July 28th 2010

Saturday was a free day. We decided some R&R was the right thing to do! So, Jennilynn introduced us to the idea of going to the Baños (thermal pools). It was a good idea… We had planned on only spending the morning there and coming home for lunch with our host families but alas, we had to call and say we weren’t coming home! Kwesi and I got home just before dark… It was wonderful. It rained most of Saturday but the pool was warm. It was warm enough to sit outside for a bit but once we got in the pool, it was WAY too cold to sit on any lounge chairs. The place was beautiful. The water comes from underground and is pumped directly into the pools. On Sunday, we had a guided trip ... read more
CNP - Statistics
CNP - Kwesi all bundled up!
CNP - Trail

South America » Ecuador » South » Loja » Saraguro July 23rd 2010

We have had an eventful week since our time on the coast! Just to recap, our first week in Ecuador was spent along the pacific coast and week two was spent in the colonial city of Cuenca. For those interested in the history of Cuenca this is the scoop. Cuenca is located in the Andes at a height of 2550 meters. It used to be called “Guapondlics” by the original inhabitants: the “Cañaris”. It was later renamed “Tomebamba” by the Incas as it became an Inca strong hold. Modern day Cuenca was founded by Gil Ramirez Dávalos, a Spaniard, on April 12th 1557. The new city was later baptized by the Spanish as “Santa Ana de Los Rios de Cuenca” named after a city in Spain called Cuenca. For the Spanish to maintain control over the ... read more
Cuenca - The New Cathedral
Cuenca - Judicial building
Saraguro - landmark

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca July 13th 2010

It’s been a few busy days! We haven’t had a chance until now to sit down at the computer. On Sunday, we had a wonderful day. We took a boat to the Isla de la Plata. It’s about a 1.5 hour boat ride from Puerto Lopez to an Island that has some of the same species as the Galapagos! We saw some wonderful birds including the Blue-footed boobie, the Red-footed boobie, and Frigate birds. It was quite exciting and we loved every second! We did a 5km hike around the island and saw some of the higher sections and the coast of the island. It’s not a big island but the locals are very dedicated to preserving it. It’s extremely dry for half the year and green for the other half. We saw the island in ... read more
Isla de la Plata - Hiking Trail
Isla de la Plata - Cactus
Isla de la Plata - Cactus

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