Jian and Aaron


Jian and Aaron

we have left vancouver and moved to a new blog on wordpress. wherearejianandaaron.com ... see you there!... read more

People often ask us why we moved to Vancouver - or rather, why we chose Vancouver specifically. To be honest, we based it on those annual surveys that consistently proclaim Vancouver as the “Most Liveable City” in the world. When we got here, faced with problems of bed bugs, $8 minimum award wages, astronomical rental prices, high taxes and constant drizzling rain… we wondered what the heck the surveyors at The Economist were on about. But I think we have finally figured it out. They conducted the survey during the Canadian summer. It really is a different place here when you are a) employed b) not earning minimum wage c) you have a home and d) the sun is shining. We only had one of those going for us this time last year, so I guess ... read more
crowds at the festival
goat curry and jerk chicken

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver June 20th 2010

Litty is someone I've been good friends with since high school. A few years ago, she left us to take on a PhD scholarship in Cambridge and will be finishing that up this year. We caught up with her during our travels last year, and she showed us around her new home of Cambridge. She then joined us for the Alaska cruise with the boys and it was our turn to play host. The two of us have a lot in common and despite how few and far between our opportunities to spend time with each other, we remain close and enjoy each other's company when we do see each other. We both come from immigrant families with Malaysian-Chinese backgrounds, have an interest in creative and artistic pursuits, have very similar attitudes to life and friends ... read more
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North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver June 15th 2010

Back when we first arrived in Vancouver, we befriended a fellow Australian who was studying for the semester at UBC. We made numerous plans to check out the Museum of Anthropology on his campus but they never came to fruition for some reason or another. Six months after he left the country, we finally made it out to the MOA to check out this much talked-about museum. Of course we went on tightarse Tuesday (after 5pm you only pay $7, museum closes at 9pm so there's enough for you to check out the major exhibits) and brought Litty along with us. The museum building was quite impressive in itself. It was designed in the 1970's by Canadian architect Arthur Erickson and makes use of local Douglas Fir timber in its long-spanning post and beam structure. The ... read more
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North America » United States » Alaska June 4th 2010

Cruiseline: Celebrity Cruises Ship: Celebrity Mercury Sail Date: 30th May, 2010 Departure Port: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada My boyfriend, 4 of our friends and myself went on a 7-night cruise to Alaska with Celebrity Cruises. It was the first time any of us had ever cruised before so none of us really knew what to expect. We were all on a tight budget and managed to score a pretty reasonable deal by rooming 3 per (inside) stateroom, costing about AUD$850pp. It was pretty early on in the summer over here so that's why we managed to something a little cheaper, later on in the summer the fare rises a few hundred dollars more. The fare covered everything on board except for alcohol and some entertainment (like bingo and wine tastings etc). My friend Emma has kindly ... read more
Jian on Mendenhall Glacier
ice formations on Mendenhall Glacier
helicopter ride over Juneau glacier fields

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Penticton May 24th 2010

Finally..the boys arrived! Three of our best friends from home - Jamie, Rich and Dan - flew into Vancouver for a 3 week holiday in Canadia. The first week they will be spending with us in Vancouver, the second week will be our cruise in Alaska and the third week they will be venturing off on their own into the wilderness of Alberta! We were lucky enough to holiday with Jamie and Rich in Cardiff/London/Barcelona on our travels last year, but we had not seen Dan since the day we left him at the airport! We decided to welcome them to British Columbia by spending a long weekend in the Okanagan Wine Valley. Everything was perfect - we got a great new Chrysler to drive from Enterprise, we booked a cheap motel in Penticton, the weather ... read more

At the beginning of the year, we made a resolution to become more active in our lives. Working full-time in an office, it is very easy to get lost in a sedentary lifestyle. Our goal is to be able to hike the 4-day trek to Machu Picchu...without collapsing. We lead a fairly active lifestyle in that we do not own a car, so we are constantly walking everywhere and catching public transport, but we are not also running more, swimming more and going on extended (leisurely) hikes on weekends whenever we get a chance. We found an excellent site that lists and describes all the different walking trails in Vancouver - http://www.vancouvertrails.com/ and in the next 8 months until we leave, we are going to try and do as many as we can (though some are ... read more
lion's gate bridge
downtown skyline

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Hope April 4th 2010

I get very few vacation days a year. In fact, only 10 vacation days per year until I work for at least 5 years with the same company. One of the many things that sucks about Canada - one of the lowest number of vacation days per year out of all the countries in the world. Even China is more generous with letting their minions have a rest. Anyway, so we decided to make the most out of our Easter weekend, and rented a car to go out east to the Fraser Valley. After being stuck for hours in horrible Vancouver long weekend peak traffic (and also getting lost several times as every road looks like every other road in North America), we finally made it to our awesome bed and breakfast accommodation near Agassiz and ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Kerrisdale March 1st 2010

So it's been a year to the day (yesterday) since we left home. We have fallen into that awful awful vicious cycle of full-time work and routine, which we so desperately sought to leave behind in Australia. Wake up, shower, deal with public transport, work, eat packed lunch, deal with public transport, cook dinner, go for a run/swim, pack lunch for tomorrow, lights out. Five days a week (well 4 for me at the moment, because our company has cut our hours for the months of February and March in order to 'save money'). It was nice having a routine after having a complete lack thereof during the time we were traveling, but the novelty of it wore off after about...a week. Whilst I've worked full-time hours since around the age of 19, I've always had ... read more

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