Theresa Edwards


Theresa Edwards

We are George & Theresa.

We took early retirement at the end of 2010 and intended to spend an extended time travelling.

First we visited our favourite location of Tenerife where we intended on staying for three or four months and possibly buying a property ready for our finally settling down.

We have enjoyed our time here in Tenerife so much we have bought a property and have decided to change our travelling plans.

We still plan to travel the world, but will now be doing so over a longer period of time with regular stays in Tenerife in between.

We are keeping this blog as simple as possible so that relatives and friends, particularly those that are unable to visit us here in the sun, around the world can see, read and understand what we are doing on a regular basis.

We are sorry if some of you find the style of this blog is boring etc.

We will report and remove any inappropriate messages / material left as a result of this. Your email subscription to this blog will also be removed. Those concerned, know exactly who you are.

We write these blogs for our own enjoyment. Feel feel to add yourself to the subscriber list, but be aware that we check the list regularly and promptly 'delete' those who we do not feel are neither interacting or interested.

We do not write travel blog entries on a daily basis, we normally publish in bulk.

Thanks for visiting our blog.

Europe » Spain » Canary Islands » Tenerife May 28th 2019

Our flight today is not until later in the afternoon, so we had a relaxing morning in the hotel and another great breakfast provided by them. We enjoyed our lounge experience so much when we flew from London Gatwick to Dubai that we have booked again for today. Not sure if it is the difference in time we were there, but we found the food selection to be very very limited. (Aspire) It is a shame because we enjoyed the selection last time. Theresa did get to have a couple of nice glasses of wine though. We are going to try the Aspire Lounge at London Gatwick just one more time. Our flight home with Easyjet was lovely and uneventful and we arrived back to Tenerife about our scheduled time of around 9.00pm. We have a ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » West Sussex » Crawley May 27th 2019

Another lazy start and a great basic breakfast supplied by the hotel. Today is a bank holiday here in UK, so everywhere is still very busy. Shops today are Tesco and Sainsbury. Between the two of them we manage to clear all the remaining items from our list. Today, we had lunch at the Toby Carvery in Crawley. As it was a Bank Holiday we got there early so that we would not have to wait for a table. The food as always was really great. Again, we did not need another meal tonight so finished of the picnic items from yesterday we have in the room.... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » West Sussex » Crawley May 26th 2019

Nice breakfast offerings at the hotel was egg or bacon baps and some cakes plus hot drinks. More than enough to get us started in the morning. As today is Sunday, most of the shops do not open until 10.30am, so it was a nice opportunity to have a lay in. GeorgeĀ“s eye is still hurting from when a fly flew into it in Singapore, so first stop today is Boots to get something for it. It turns out he has a small infection in his eye, so the pharmacist gave him some antibiotic drops and no prescription required. Next stop B&M stores. This is a new shop for us, but we hear they are good value. We were not to be disappointed. There was enough savings here to pay for suitcase one of two. Next ... read more

We have an early afternoon flight today from Dubai to London Gatwick, so had plenty of time to relax in the plush hotel before going to the airport. At about 11.30am, we boarded the hotel shuttle back to the airport. Although we have not bought anything since the flight yesterday, our hold bags weighed in today at two kilograms more. Not sure what has happened there as we had not added anything to them. Dubai International Airport is very compartmentalized so we decided it would be best to find the gate before getting anything to eat. Unfortunately, when we got there all we could find was a Costa Coffee. Got a couple of toasted sandwiches and some hot drinks. Not really what we planned but they were nice. Our Emirates flight left about 20 minutes late ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai May 24th 2019

Today we are flying from Singapore back to Dubai - About 3500 miles - About seven hours in the air. We had a leisurely last breakfast. Thankfully, not too many people in there today. At Changi Airport, we had a lounge booked to start off the journey. This gave us a chance to have a light lunch and for Theresa to have a free glass of wine. Our Emirates flight, call sign EK353, left about 20 minutes late. The food on the flight is as good as it normally is. The drinks service was very slow though. Tonight, we are staying at Millennium Dubai Airport Hotel. It is a five star hotel, but they offer a free shuttle to the airport so no need to pay for taxis. With our arrival back in Dubai, we have ... read more

Asia » Singapore May 23rd 2019

Since we left Dubai three weeks ago, we have both had niggling coughs. George's got worse earlier in the week, and then this morning he woke up and his eyes were all swollen. Not sure if he has a cold or it there is something in his eyes. We decided to find a pharmacy to see if we could get something to calm down his eyes. The pharmacist suggested some eye wash might help clean out the eyes. As we are starting our journey home tomorrow, today we had to do all the packing, and it had to be 100% airplane compliant this time as hand all luggage is normally weighed on Emirates in Dubai. This evening, we thought that we would return to our favourite hawker center for one final meal. It did not disappoint. ... read more

Asia » Singapore May 22nd 2019

This morning, we visited ION Orchard Mall as we had a food tour booked. We did this tour last time we were here in 2016, but it was nice to see the changes since then. There was only the two of us on the tour today, so it felt it was very personal. The tour is now called a heritage and food tour, so we got to hear a little about the heritage of ION Orchard which was very interesting for us. Afterwards, we were taken down to the food court and given some samples of the typical Singaporean food. Once inside the food court, we were taken around the different stalls and explained the local food that they offer and the history of each stall. At the end they provided us with small samples of ... read more

Asia » Singapore May 21st 2019

George is still having problems walking long distances with his sciatica, so we decided we would do the Skypark at Marina Bay Sands. This was something that we had wanted to do in our last visit, but we ran out of time. We took the metro from our hotel and it stopped directly under the hotel. It was then just a short walk to the lift for the Skypark. The Skypark at Marina Bay Sands is an open air observation deck on level 57 of the hotel. It gives spectacular views of most of Singapore. With the current heat and humidity it is impossible to stay up there for too long as there are no shaded areas. It was great to have done it at last though. We think about 35 - 38 degrees. After that ... read more

Asia » Singapore May 20th 2019

This morning, we went down to breakfast expecting the same as yesterday. We were pleasantly surprised to find it half empty. We managed to have a relaxed tasty breakfast. We now understand about the Big Bus and have an up to date map. We decided that the best place to start today is where we got off the Blue route last night. This then took us back to the central hub. Next, we took the green route. This is a coach rather than an open top bus. It goes off to Sentosa and through Marina Bay Sands and the gardens. We did the full circle with this and ended back at the hub again. Next, we took the yellow line. We went most of the way round, but decided to get off at Orchard and get ... read more

Asia » Singapore May 19th 2019

George is struggling with sciatica pains in his leg this morning, so we have to try to minimise the walking. We decided that a couple of days on the Big Bus would be just the tonic to sort it. It would also get us around a lot of Singapore. The hotel offers free buffet breakfast every morning, so at about 8.30am we wandered down. We were horrified by the scene that met us. The room was full to overflowing with people. We did find two seats. Theresa went to get coffees, and whilst she was gone someone came and took her seat. Much as George protested he could not make himself understood. At this we asked the reception if it would be ok if we took a tray back to our room. We went back into ... read more

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