WorldWideWanderers' Guestbook

10th July 2022

Nice article with useful details !!! For info about MBBS in Fergana, visit :
30th March 2020

Nice Photography! Thank you for sharing the information. Nostalgic feel about the Spicy Sea Food of Kerala..... Recently I spend one night in Bethlahem Homestay near kallimalai View Point near Munnar. Superb Dinner. Good Hospitality. Visit
16th June 2019

The photos of the various Mosque are fabulous. Thanks.
11th October 2018

Great and superb
Its an awesome, appropriate, customized information one seeks for. You have mentioned everything in a proper way. Whatever question I had got cleared by just reading your blog. Thank you for giving your time in writing this unique and important INFO …
9th August 2018

Gujarat Blog
A great Blog. Very informative and really motivates to visit gujarat.
16th March 2018

Continues to sound fabulous. Very much enjoying reading the blog and looking at the photos. It's still very cold here, so make the most of the heat!! Xx
8th March 2018

The return of the Beast
Snow in West Yorkshire again today Really bad morning and gone by lunchtime! Seems like you are having a great time and love the birds/animals photos. Hope you don't need a celebratory glass of claret at the weekend!!
7th March 2018

Glad you managed to get there! Looks like you are having an amazing time as always! Xx
29th January 2018

Fantastic Colours...
...but thought that you might have had a balloon ride.
28th January 2018

Looks idyllic and sounds like you are having a great time. Xx
26th January 2018

Glad to see you back on the blog! Lovely photos and a great written description. Glad it's all going well. We are living it vicariously through you!! Xx
24th January 2018

The Long Winding and Beautiful Road
Nice to be back reading the blog, especially after a wintry few days here. As usual fantastic photos, really like the bridge at sunset.
24th October 2017

Vague Recall !!
Hi Both, Interesting for me as I and two friends drove through Iran in the mid-seventies, pre-revolution, including down to Shiraz from the Gulf and then to Isfahan, Persepolis, and Tehran, so covering some of the same ground as you did. I can remember the Isfahan mosques, and we still have a rug in our hall that I bought in an Isfahan market.
31st March 2017

Love Nuwara Eliya!
I love Nuwara Eliya! I've stayed at Amaya - Lakeside and it is one beautiful location. The best parts of the hotel were the stunning views and the gardens. They really managed to bring the greenery to life here in the midst of Sri Lankan Hills. If you are looking for a hotel in a great location, which is ever so charming and with a pleasant climate - this is just the place to visit! Super food and cozy bedrooms. A must visit to all those scenery lovers! :)
7th March 2017

Excellent as always
Obviously a very interesting trip although the travelling may be tiring. However, if the food is as good as described and on the photo it will be worth it. Such clarity in photos. Enjoy the holiday
2nd March 2017
Nut sellers - Madurai Tamil Nadu

What a wonderful array of photographs Peter, and great commentary .
Love to you both DA and Muriel x x
19th June 2016

Excellent Blog
As always an excellent blog. Lots of colourful descriptions and photos Condors put the Red Kites I saw on the M40 today to shame. Not sure the Inka Kola looks very appetising. Off to Madrid on Tuesday, temperature in the 30s!!
19th June 2016

Excellent. Loving the descriptions and the photos too. The condor photos are stunning. Made me think of that documentary 'the flight of the condor' back in the day. Continue to enjoy. I assume you are not suffering from altitude sickness as you haven't mentioned it xx
16th June 2016

Sounds like your trip is off to a great start. Loving the descriptions and photos! X
10th March 2016

Best Blog Yet
Photos of birds amazing. Curries look mouthwatering. Looking forward to tasting them when Peter makes them!
6th March 2016

4 Ayala National Park
Hi Always good photography , and interesting commentary. Many thahks
6th March 2016

Sri Lanka
It sounds as if it has been a fabulous trip. Enjoy your beach r and r, and we look forward to catching up when you get home. PS, the amaryllis you gave us has four beautiful flowers and looks gorgeous in our sun room! X
2nd March 2016

Hi glad. To see. The hard walk, didn't think you could do it ! , !
28th February 2016

Colourful Sri Lanka
As always an eloquent description which is surpassed by the amazing pictures. The elephants were great and the sky is always blue!
28th February 2016

Sri Lanka
Amazing as always! You paint a very good picture. I realise I forgot to comment on the first blog but we enjoyed that too. It sounds like a lovely trip, if rather hot! Looking forward to hearing about it in real life! Xx

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