Page 3 of Will Abney Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta » Midtown October 31st 2020

Perhaps some of my readers will have seen the url= photo of masked fans attending a football game at Georgia Tech in 1918, during the Spanish flu pandemic. This week, I wanted to see the same place as it confronted a new pandemic, just over a century later. As luck would have it, one of my favorite teams, the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, were playing at Georgia Tech on Halloween afternoon. This game was on the calendar before the pandemic, but originally scheduled to take place at the Mercedes Benz Stadium instead, presumably to accommodate the larger crowd expected for Notre Dame. As such, it had been one of my must-see games before the pandemic, and since it’s the only game this season (so far, and most likely will continue to be) that regular fans... read more
Nice green space on the Tech campus
Pink for breast cancer awareness (sorry not sorry for not wearing Irish green)
Shame that it still needs to be said (peep the guy in the upper right)

North America » United States » Alabama » Troy October 24th 2020

I know what you're thinking: another lower-tier game in Alabama. Guilty. But in my defense, the lower level of FBS football has been much more attractive this season than in previous seasons, mainly due to price and availability. But one of the schools that I wanted to attend even before the pandemic was Troy. I drove past the school on the same trip that I visited Southern Miss, five years ago, and I was equally desirous of attending a football game here as there. the schedule for this season, however, favored Southern Miss in September and Troy in October. To be honest, Troy was a potential site for me for several weeks this season, but since I skipped last week (after attending for two weeks in a row), I felt the need to go somewhere this ... read more
Central fountain on the Troy quad
The square in downtown Troy
Flo's door is easy to miss if you aren't looking

North America » United States » Alabama » Jacksonville October 10th 2020

I wasn't sure if I would go anywhere this week, at least when the season began. My undergraduate alma mater, Mercer University, was one of those programs that decided to sit out the full season for 2020. I don't normally go to a Mercer football game every season, but I try to get back every other year. The school didn't have a football program while I was a student there, but I know people who still live in Macon, so it's usually a semi reunion when I get to go back and see Mercer football. I was surprised to find that Mercer actually was going to play football this season; I noticed only after I saw that they were going to be playing at West Point at the end of October. That led me to the ... read more
Mercer swag, before the torrential downpour
JSU drums warming up
Right, right

North America » United States » Texas » Austin October 3rd 2020

This entry will be different from most that came before it. One of the things that sets this road trip off from the others is that it was not a solo road trip. Jack and I had planned this trip for at least a month, and it would be his only trip for the season. Since it was a Big-12 team, we've begun to think of this as our annual road trip. Last year, we went to see West Virginia, and this year it was Texas. Of course, I did not want to go just to see Texas; the visiting team for this weekend's match up was my alma mater, TCU. Last year, I went to see them play at Oklahoma, and we knew from the outset that it was hopeless to expect TCU to win. ... read more
The only state entry sign I photographed on this trip
Love Buc-ee's, and love his 'mask'
Common sight for this football season

North America » United States » Mississippi » Hattiesburg September 19th 2020

Dear readers, if I develop Covid symptoms in the next week to ten days, I’m pretty sure it will be because of this game. Fingers crossed. I hope this doesn’t become a common theme in my football travels this season. Once the current season began to take shape—and it still is taking shape with each passing week—I staked out a few places in the “lesser” conferences that I wanted to visit. Some of them were out of necessity, due to weird scheduling, ticket prices, and distances. But the University of Southern Mississippi, in the Conference-USA, was one that I wanted to make sure to visit. I drove through Hattiesburg about five years ago, on a trip to Texas, but I remember thinking how nice the campus looked and how big the stadium was (they call it ... read more
M.M. Roberts Stadium is also known as The Rock
Student Union at Southern Miss
The Administration Building at Southern Miss

North America » United States » Alabama » Birmingham September 3rd 2020

Why the hell am I in Birmingham, Alabama? And on a Thursday night? Under normal circumstances, those would be good questions. But 2020 has been anything but normal, and when it comes to college football, everything has been up in the air. So the short answer to those questions is, because it’s actual FBS-level college football where fans are allowed to attend. Spoiler alert: this post will have lots of reflection in it. In a year when most of us have been concerned about surviving, or on the other end of the spectrum, about government overreach and conspiracy theories, I’m just glad I got to attend a college football game at all. As it turns out, the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has cheap tickets, is allowing fans to attend, and also hosted the very ... read more
My first glimpse of the field at Legion Field -- it was a hot day
Quite a few health concerns to be aware of on the big screen
rusty tower outside Legion Field

If DC in the daytime has been eerily lacking in throngs of tourists, nighttime is downright spooky. If I believed in ghosts, my stroll along the National Mall after sunset would’ve been filled with fear or, perhaps, reverence. As it was, though, my only (visible) companions were the ducks at the Reflecting Pool until I got to the Lincoln Memorial. Even then, the small group of students loitering and posing at the top of the steps to the Memorial were positively tame. Global pandemics and the specter of authoritarianism will do that to you. But that was the end of my day. What about the rest of it? I parked my car at my hotel when I got to DC because the key fell apart on the way up here, and my duct-tape job feels rather ... read more
The US Grant statue and lion facing away from the US Capitol
Some of the views of the National Mall after dark are otherworldly
Illuminated WW2 Memorial and Washington Monument on the National Mall

I suppose today is as good a time as any to write my first post about my first trip in the time of Covid. I went to the nation’s capital, which so many terrorists have occupied at this writing. I hadn’t intended to put off writing this post so long; but since I did, a lot of it will necessarily be a reflection of my time there through the lens of what’s happened since that time (especially today, January 6, 2021). My first views of Washington, DC, were at night as I drove past the back of the Lincoln Memorial, beside the Kennedy Center and the Watergate Hotel, up to Connecticut Avenue and back down to my hotel near the University of DC. It had been a long drive, and I knew I needed some sleep ... read more
Union Station
The Supreme Court
The Capitol sans terrorists

North America » United States » Louisiana » New Orleans January 1st 2020

In the world of college football, bowl games are beauty pageants at the end of the season that both end the year and set up the next one. Unless you’re playing for a national championship, that is. All the other games at the end of December and the beginning of January are understood to show the direction of your program—if you win the bowl game, you’re in good shape and get a little boost going into next year. Lose, and some people may get fired, but questions will certainly be asked about the health of your program. There are also several levels to bowl games; let’s call them tiers. The Playoff is the top tier, since only the four teams involved in it have a shot at winning the title. The next tier comprises the “New ... read more
It will never disappoint you
Make sure to get cheese on your burger here
The Superdome in New Orleans

North America » United States » Florida » Orlando December 28th 2019

This was an odd experience, since the game itself was fantastic, but everything surrounding it was a bit lackluster (and even downright frustrating). First off, let me say that I was excited I would get to attend a second game involving Notre Dame in which none of my loyalties would be questioned. Also, I could attend a game for a reasonable price. When the matchup was announced in early December, I was also thrilled that it would be in a location relatively close to home. I contemplated making it an overnight trip, especially since the kickoff time was set at noon. But with the money situation, the decision to do a day trip to Orlando was much more palatable. Wake up around 5:00, leave before 6:00, and then be back home in time to watch some ... read more
Welcome to Orlando!
The ticket that caused such a headache
My bowl pin, the only swag I purchased

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