Will Abney's Guestbook

1st August 2021

Nice summary Will. You've given us the down and dirty, not the romantic notion. Other countries sure do the rails better than we do.
1st August 2021

It's so true!
I was hoping for better, and I know that it CAN be better. Maybe someday, I'll be able to give them a glowing review in response to the one I just wrote!
28th June 2021

This sounds like a nice one day getaway. It was a lot cheaper than I thought it would be as well.
28th June 2021

Right time, right price
It truly was. It was originally supposed to be a road trip with a friend, but when he wasn't able to do it, and I found a flight that would basically be the same price as the gas it took to get down there in a car but in less than half the time, it was a no-brainer.
5th January 2021

Travel in the time of Covid...
I too love Wyoming - it's so peaceful! Spent a summer there in the NE part of the state for my field camp for university (go geological museum!!!). But yes, I too am shocked, disappointed, and a bit fearful of the airplane 'regulations'. The only positive on my end I think is that we at least have to take the PCR test before we fly, so in theory people should not be infected, but there is no way to guarantee that, especially with the period of time when you are contagious. But so ridiculous is having to social distance throughout the airport, security, etc and then sit on a flight for 6 hours with someone in your lap. My flights were all packed. I was shocked! Then the nice little reminder when we get off the flight to 'please remember to maintain your social distance.' Say whaaaaat?
19th December 2020

Thank you for sharing this.
This was a thoughtful read. Matthew Shepard deserved - and deserves - more.
17th December 2020

Tears in the Snow, may it find many readers
I hope hundreds of people send this to hundreds of others. This is both heartfelt and an example of how observing the details in a place can make it personal for everyone.
14th December 2020

Matthew's Memory
Thank you for sharing your experience. I work in tourism here and it would be incredible to someday make a better tribute for Matthew. If you're back in Athens, my friend Patrick (Paddy) now lives there and was an angel blocking the Phelps protest of Matthew's funeral. You might find some good stories talking to him about your trip to Laramie and your experience. He works at The World Famous.
14th December 2020

Thank you :)
Thanks for reading and even leaving a comment. Laramie is one of my favorite places I've visited in the US, and frankly I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to relocate here on a more permanent basis. I'm here until tomorrow, but perhaps I'll look up your friend when I get back to Athens.
7th December 2020

a fan who goes every weekend to a college game and then writes about it.......that person should be profiled
Enough said.....
7th December 2020

service writing
Will, you knew all about service writing from the start
7th December 2020

Service Wriring
Thanks, Mel! This blog post is actually doubling as my final essay for the Travel and Food Writing Course
3rd December 2020

This led to a clickhole...
...In which I asked what happened to Darude and discovered that he used to live in a very modest neighborhood close to downtown Roswell, where all of the housing seems to be exactly what my mom is looking for.
3rd December 2020

Roswell lol
Well I hope that maybe my random blog post has been helpful in a completely unexpected way!
26th November 2020

The Knights That Never Die
A great place though really would love to travel to this place but this pandemic has brought the world to a standstill
25th November 2020

If you had to sum up this year's football season in just a few sentences, what would you have to say about it? What things have you seen/ done at games this year that you hope will be implemented at games in 2022?
25th November 2020

Contact-free payments and free hand sanitizer, for starters. Also the contact-free ticket scanners. I think I've only paid for parking once all season, which has been fantastic (though that's probably more a function of the games I've attended and/or being able to park off site and then walk). Unfortunately, there's no way in hell the social distancing or mask wearing will continue once pandemic conditions ease up. Money and free-dumb and all that.
8th October 2019
Players warming up before the game

College Football
You've been getting around to some great stadiums.
8th October 2019
Players warming up before the game

College Football
You've been getting around to some great stadiums.
3rd October 2019

Home Teams
Sounds like these teams should pay you to attend!
19th September 2019
Now let's all sing "Country Roads"

Nice shot
Love college ball.
1st September 2019
Dusk at Spartan Stadium

Nice view
The joys of college football.
16th March 2019
Art Deco in South Beach

South Beach
Amazing architecture.
15th March 2019

Architecture and more
Looks like you are having a great time. Strange having the St. Patrick's celebration a week early.

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