Page 6 of Welf Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Binh Thuan » Mui Ne May 25th 2008

Sorry for the delay for this report, but the PC's in Mui Ne were just too slow and I couldn't sent it. So here it is...... Do you know how it feels sitting in a sauna, the sweat trickling down you back and you just want to clean out the fridge and sit in it…… Welcome to Mui Ne, the hottest place on earth. Well, maybe not but that’s how it feels. You guessed it; we are not in Saigon anymore. After the Long Tan tour we moved on yesterday morning and took a bus to Mui Ne, a little coastal town. Long white beaches, the China Sea and not much to do. When we arrived yesterday after a 5 hour bus trip we checked out the hotels and found a nice one right at the ... read more
Mui Ne
Mui Ne
Mui Ne

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City May 20th 2008

Man, it is hot…. Remember that phrase from the movie ‘Good morning Vietnam’? And he was not kidding. It is stinking hot and as soon as it starts raining it is like in a sauna. Well, that is Vietnam for you. Ok, what happened today? It was a great day with plenty of activities and grooming. Vietnam style…. More to that later. We had a pretty early start this morning with an 8.30am meeting with our guide to go to Long Tan, the famous battle ground. For the Australians anyway where 17 Australians and I New Zealander lost their life’s in August 1966 when they went for a bushwalk and stumbled over a couple off pissed of VC’s. In that one battle, which lasted for 18 hours, Australia had its biggest lost on personal in one ... read more
Long Tan
Long Tan
Long Tan

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City May 19th 2008

Well, it has been a while since I last sat down on a PC and wrote a report. But that’s how it gets when you are backpacking in Asia, or anywhere else. Time is just standing still and you just want to do one thing after the after and don’t think about writing reports. That’s for the business world, not the traveler one. Anyway, what happened since our tubing times in Lao? Well, I am sitting here in an internet café in …… Saigon. Yes, already in Vietnam. After I wrote the last entry for the blog we stayed another day in VV. It was just too relaxing and we had a pretty stiff tour behind us. The young kids just couldn’t handle it anymore and Michael had pitty on them. So the day after the ... read more
Vientiane HHH
Vientiane HHH

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng May 14th 2008

Boy, I am tiered. The whole day was spending in a tube in the river, watching other people get pissed and stoned. Yes, people, I am in Vang Vieng the backpacker paradise. Nothing to do then tubing, drinking, smoking and watching friends….. But let’s report first what happened the last few days. As you all know we made the trip to Vientiane in one piece on the train. We arrived Monday at lunch time and checked into our hotel. $18 per room. Cheap country again. The next mission was when and where the Hash House Harriers are running from. One reason we came up to Vientiane on a Monday was that I did want to do the run again as they always run on a Monday night. After we found out the details, on the blackboard ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok May 12th 2008

Well, here we go again. I am sitting in Vientiane in one of the many internet cafes and I am tiered as hell. We just arrived from a 12 hour train trip from Bangkok and are happy to stretch our legs. But let’s start from the beginning. As you all know we left Sydney on Friday morning. The flight was at 9.40am, but since I wanted to get a window seast I made sure that we all were at the airport at 7 am. Guess what, the ticket counter wasn’t even open so we had to wait for about 30 minutes to be checked in. Now I am pretty much every time on time or earlier, but this one was pretty much over the top. Ah well, shit happens. The flight from Sydney was pretty much ... read more
Floating markets
Floating market

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney May 8th 2008

Well, here we go again. It has been two years since I packed my backpack, kissed my wonderful fiancé good by, patted the dog and the cat, called my wonderful little daughters and hit the road again. OK, not really true since I decided to visit the good old US of A last year, but can you call it an adventure holiday going to the USA? Not really. It is a holiday, but of a different kind; still the western world, they speak English there (sort off) and you have one of these bloody McDonalds or Starbucks on every bloody corner reminding you why the people are getting fatter and lazier by the minute. It was different I have to say, especially in San Francisco where liberalism is being taken to the extreme and you wonder ... read more

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