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South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa May 29th 2015

Well, here I sit in the north of Peru and I am hopelessly behind with my blog updates. The previous 3 weeks have been so busy and much happened that I really didn’t have time to update my blog. Carla has been with me the last 12 days and we had better things to do than sit in front of a PC and compose articles. That is called priorities. Nonethtless, let’s begin on my experiences in Puno and Arequipa After a fantastic time in La Paz it was time to move on. The day I choose to make the move was the 1st of May, a national holiday in Bolivia. So the city was dead in the morning when I went to the bus station to get my ticket to Copacabana. I purchased my ticket, went ... read more
On the way again
Crossing Lake Titikaka
Crossing Lake Titikaka

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 14th 2015

La Paz, one of the highest located cities in the world lies at a dazzling 3650 meters altitude. A city with over 1 million people nestled between mountains it literally takes your breath away when you enter the city. I have now been a while in the 4000 meter altitude region, but the smog from all the cars makes it even harder to breath. Nevertheless it is a beautiful city with heaps of things to do. After I arrived in La Paz and settled into my hostel I was on a mission to find a good dentist. After all that was why I was here so quickly in the first place. Though it was Sunday and everything was closed. So I went to a couple of hostels and asked of whom they would recommend and most ... read more
Inca ruins at Tiwanako
La Paz
La Paz

South America » Bolivia May 6th 2015

So here I sit in Puno/Peru after a 38 hour ordeal and I subscribe myself a rest day. After 3 weeks of constant travelling I think I deserve a day of doing nothing. Well, not completely nothing, but getting two updated done so I am not falling behind too far. This update is about the amazing salt flats of Uyuni, also known as the Salar de Uyuni. What a fantastic display of nature it was! But let’s start where I finished last - at the Silver Mines of Potosi…. After I finished my Silver Mine trip I spent one more day in Potosi, mainly to sort out my credit card issues. You see I tried to use the card on several occasions and it was always declined. So I rang the hotline and I was told ... read more
Train cemetery at Salt Flats Of Uyuni
Train cemetery at Salt Flats Of Uyuni
Into the Salt Flats Of Uyuni

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department April 26th 2015

Potosi, one of the highest cities in the world and with an interesting and brutal past like not a lot of cities have. But most people in the world don’t even know that this place exists, even less, know about the tragic history it presents. So here is my story about Potosi and my experience in this city. I have read briefly about Potosi when I was in Sucre and the history of the city is fascinating. Officially founded in 1545, it is a city grossly linked to silver. Legend says that a local Indian found some silver by accident and word reached the Spanish very soon. So they started to exploit the silver, using at the beginning the local Indians and when that supply ran out they exported some African slaves. It is said that ... read more
Me on 96%....... - Potosi

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre April 19th 2015

So here I sit in Sucre and it is raining. To be honest it is one of the few days it has rained in the last few weeks so I am not complaining. It also provides me the opportunity to update my blog with what has happened in the last few weeks. After I was forced to have a rest in Santa Cruz, because of some serious health issues, I tried to make the best out of it - to simply rest. I had my own tent, which I called “the hospital” then, and all what I did was pretty much sleep, read and watch some movies. After about a week I ventured out into the city and explored it a bit. To be honest there wasn’t really much to see. The main square was pretty ... read more
Inca ruins of El Fuerte de Samaipata

So, here I am now in Santa Cruz in Bolivia since 7 days and all I have done is rest. I can honestly say that the last two weeks were very interesting as I nearly met the Grim Reaper in person. You might think that this is an exaggeration, but believe me it is not! More to that later and lets continue where I finished off on the last update. After visiting the Jesuits ruins in Encarnacion and my arrival in Asunción there was really not much to do. I only spent another day in Asunción as it was my third time there and, while it is a pleasant city, there is really not much to do. So I just sat back and made my plans for the next 4 weeks. My plan was to go ... read more
On the way to Filadelfia
Cantina on the way to Filadelfia
Bus to Filadelfia

South America » Paraguay » Encarnacion March 29th 2015

So here I sit in Asuncion again, writing this update to not postpone the communication of this wondrous continent to you. The next few days I will visit the Chaco area, one of the most remote and impenetrable areas in South America. So farewell to civilization and wilderness here I come. But more to that later. After I spent some time in Ciudad el Este and experiencing the Iguazu Falls it was time to hit the road again. I have read a lot about the Jesuit ruins in the south of Paraguay and since it was only a 6 hour bus trip it would have been a shame not to go there. So on an early morning I made my way to the bus station and off I went. Now I have traveled many times in ... read more
Enconception by night
Jesuit ruins Santisima Trinidad del Parana
Jesuit ruins Santisima Trinidad del Parana

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este March 27th 2015

What a week. What sights I saw and what places I have been. After my “escape” from Brazil to Paraguay, to avoid further complications in the future to enter Brazil, it was time for me to see some of the most wonderful places on the earth. Without a doubt I was not disappointed. But let’s start where I finished my last update. After I arrived in Asuncion it was time to get back into my travel mode. Having spent two weeks in Brasilia preparing to settle down for a while, only to pack my bags and rush to leave the country, it was time to readjust myself to travel again. It didn’t take me long and after a day I had worked out what my travel route would be. Well, as far as one can plan ... read more
Ciudad del Este
Ciudad del Este
Iguazu Falls

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn March 22nd 2015

So here I sit in Ciudad del Este, the most eastern town in Paraguay, on the border to Argentina and Brazil, and gateway to the Iguacu Falls, one of the 7 natural wonders in the world. And before I can tell you about them I better update my blog to what has happened the last few weeks……. My last blog entry was about my adventures in the north of Argentina and how I escaped the floods in Miramar. And while it was pretty tense for a while for me, and I had a cool ride in an army truck as well, it was one of these trips that I will remember for a long time. After I arrived back in Cordoba I had a long trip to Asuncion. They told me it would be 18 hours ... read more
Border crossing into Praguay
Me at the crossing
Presidential palace - Asuncion

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba March 3rd 2015

A bit of culture, meeting friends on the way, lots of hot days, being flooded and, evacuated and to top it all off a mad bash back to Cordoba to take a bus to Asuncion. You might call this a boring few weeks but it wasn’t. Just another day at the office of my backpacking life…. After Carla left Buenos Aires I spent the Sunday afternoon just walking the streets and enjoying the last hours in that amazing city. As I mentioned in my BA update, this city captured my imagination and I could easy see myself living here. I hope that one day I will return was and explore the places that escaped me this time. On Monday I had to catch the bus to Villa Maria to catch up with some friends from Facebook. ... read more
How they fix streets in Cordoba
Main plaza in Cordoba
Jesuit church - Cordoba

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