


Hi there!

I'm a 32-year oldperson from Sweden. At the moment I am working as a Veterinary Technichian. Loving it - but the thoughts are never far from travels! 😉

I'm an all over the place girl that likes most things in life. Company and solitude. Music and silence. Party and cozy evenings at home with friends. Real life adventures and ones at the cinema. Adrenaline and oxytocin. Why be satisfied with one thing when you can have both? 😉

We only live once and I intend to enjoy my life to the fullest! =D

Sweden - a great country by all means, but it just don't have what it takes for me to be satisfied. There is so much to see out there, how can I possibly sit still up in the north of Europe? A bit too restless, but it's in my genes. My whole family is all over the globe seeing, experiencing, living. Nomads by heart is what we are. *haha*

Dream country to live:
SOUTH AFRICA. I would love to live there. Some days I have such a longing for this amazing country.
I loved the clima, the scenery and the wild life there. Maybe one day. =)

Favourite items

  • -My backpack. Closet, bathroom cabinet and 'nap bed' - all wrapped into one!
  • -Camera. "Look at this!" 😉
  • -My silk travel sheets. Dirty bed? No problem!
  • -Sewing kit. Things break...

Favourite destinations/experiences so far:

  • -Chobe National Park, Botswana
  • -The Inka Trail, Peru
  • -Bungyjump, Queenstown, NZ
  • -New York, USA
  • -The people we lived with in Kasane, Botswana
  • -Tofo, Mocambique
  • -Kangaroos outside our tent, Noosa North Shore, Australia
  • -Sky dive, Taupo, NZ
  • -Nha Trang, Vietnam

Travel goals

Would love to visit every country in the world!!! Which is a bit unrealistic, I know. Unless maybe I win the Big Prize one day and don't have to worry about funds. 😉 But untill that day comes I have a somewhat more reachable goal; Visit all the continents.

Love to travel without any schedule, and to just decide day by day what to do and where to go. You never know where you will find those special places. Always good to have some idea of what a country has to offer though! Coming home I want to be relaxed and full of beautiful memories. The most treasured memories seems to be the ones when things don't go exactly as you thought or planed - oddly enough! =)

New sights, smells, tastes, ideas, people, cultures, animals, sides of myself. One interesting fact of traveling (beeing me) is that I always seem to spend time with people that I, when at home, don't socialize with. That all comes down to me being lazy and hanging with my good old pals when home, how crappy of me really. Meeting new and interesting people is the spice that makes traveling my greatest passion in life.

A sunny day in may and me and my family decided to make a trip to the beautiful nature reserve Ålsjön located just a few miles outside Söderhamn. The forest is amazing to walk in with many different species and there is a bird tower where one can watch the birds that lives at the lake. In may the wood anemones and the blue anemorte, the typicla Swedish spring flowers, blooms among many other flowers. It is a nice walk along the lake. You will for sure see birds of many diffeent kinds and if you are lucky you might see grass snakes and little lizards. The king of the forest... the moose, leaves traces all over the reserve and the dropings create a place for some fungie, namely the Byssonectria terrestris.... read more
Breeding Greylag geese
Grass snake
Birch alley

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Hackås August 1st 2009

Been a while since we had a trip now so me and Jenny decided to try out an adventure in our home country. This time we headed north to my dads childhood village - Hackås. I love taking friends there. So anyway! We drove for about three hours before we reached that lovely red cabin. Since it was rather late we only had some sandwiches for dinner.. There is always the option to go up to Hackås Drive Inn for some burgers or a pizza, but we were a bit tired after the drive. The next day we spent utside. First of all we went to Strömbacka Kvarn, or as the locals say - Kvarna, a lovely old mill that serves as a restaurant and pub during the summers. Ah.. the food is great! Had the ... read more
The church
Contemplating life for a while by the waterfront below the church
Knights grave

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Tofo June 23rd 2009

The end of our trip had come. The plan was to see more of Moz but once in Tofo we decided to just hang out. The beach there is lovely and we met so many nice people! We mostly hanged on the beach and tanned, and played bao!! What a great game. SO easy and yet so entertaining. Hooked up with a couple of South African guys and they showed us around quite a bit. One day we went to a beach further up the coast and looked for cray fishes but we didn't find any. We saw all the nice luxorious places though.. But I still feel the hut we had at Bamboozi was better. Very close to the beach and under the coconut trees. I love palm trees but they are scary when the ... read more

-Animals! We wanna see animals! And we did indeed! =) Us, Sarah and Nikk went together with Jimmy from Nelspruit Backpackers as a guide. Left early tuesday morning to be at the gates when they opened at 6. The day was full of sightings! Black rhino, white rhino with baby, lion with babies, three leopards, one ugly old buffalo and many normal ones, elephants up close, baboons, monkeys, zebras and many different anthelopes. Even a turtoise hurrying across the road! He made it safely to the other side. ;) Also saw many different types of eagles and beautiful birds. Camped at one of the rest camps where we had a braii. Poor Jimmy had to do all the cooking... -Jimmy! There's flames! We grilled the marshmallows ourselves though. :) By the time the chicken was ready ... read more
The rare black rhino
Elephants walking in front of the car
Lion cubs taking a nap

Africa » Swaziland » Ezulwini Valley May 31st 2009

Time for a bit of an adventure out of South Africa again - the kingdom of Swaziland. =) Dean and Jill was heading that direction too so we decided to go all four of us. Stupidly enough we decided to walk to the minibus station with our backpacks... It's not insanely far away but it was heavy!! Got there anyway and found the bus we wanted. They don't have any departure times for the minibuses, they depart when they are full. But we ''only'' had to wait for about one hour before the bus was full, so that was not so bad. ;) Arrived in Mbabane where we had to take a minibus taxi to Gables in Ezulwini Valley. Stayed at Legends backpackers which is located behind the Pick'n'Pay, across the fields. Swaziland is beautiful with ... read more
Tess and Dean on the mini bus
GOOD salad! ;)
Swazi mountains

Africa » South Africa » Mpumalanga » Nelspruit May 28th 2009

Arrived in Nelspruit and went straight for a cafe - we wanted coffee!! Jenny was walking ahead a bit when two older women called Tess over and told her to wait. This part of town was dangerous!! ''Don't you worry we will find your friend!'' Can't say we were worried... Come on, it was in the middle of the day and the (black) people around us looked wealthy. Some white people... *sigh* Went to an internet cafe after we had had a bite to eat, needed to find accomodation. First two hostels we could find were fully booked... Third time's a charm?? We were Very lucky! Got the last two beds at the third one we called. Took a taxi there and met the hostel owner - a slightly confused man, but very sweet. We had ... read more
This is so much fun!
Nikk, Sarah and Jenny

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg May 25th 2009

Had breakfast and headed towards Johannesburg with Grant. Last trip we will make togehter for a long time we assume. Ended up in trafic jam as soon as we entered the city... Sigh is all we have to say. Good we had crisps, makes time go faster! =) Went to Laws house in Honneydew, where we were supposed to stay. Got a warm welcome by him and his mother, and Mike and Jo where there too!! Found some warm clothes, it was cold in Johannesburg now when we were used to lovely Kasane weather!! Grilled some chicken for dinner and then headed out for a few beers at a pub called Keg. Us, Grant, Law and his friend Dog. Had a nice evening out and then went back to the house where we sat up talking ... read more
Presenter and owl
Colourful beak

Africa » South Africa » Limpopo » Louis Trichardt May 23rd 2009

Today we were in for a very special occation - a wedding!! Since Grant was going and we needed to get back to SA we tagged along. ;) Arivved in Makhato and found a backpackers called Zebra Inn. Fixed ourselves for the wedding, thank god we brought some nice clothes! *hehe* The wedding started at four, and was held at this beautiful lodge at the bank of a dam surrounded by mountains. Said hello to the people we knew from Kasane. Mike and Jo, Rex and his wife, Paul was there too. And we met Law, a friend of Grant. Very nice guy! =) Sat down and the bride, Lindie, came walking towards the groom, Clive. She was beautiful in her dress, just glowing with happiness! Listened to the ceremony and then mingeled around a bit ... read more
Clive and Lindie are officially married
Jo and Mike
Law, Jenny, Grant and Tess

Africa » Botswana » North-West » Kasane May 21st 2009

What an experience this has been! No info about prices unfortunately, since we did things in a slightly different way here. So here we go... Took the bus from Maun to Nata where we were supposed to take the next bus to Kasane. The bus never came, so instead we hitch hiked with a pipeline worker in his pick up. Yes, it is safe to do so in Botswana! =) Arrived late afternoon only to discover that the accomodation was very costly, almost P600 per night! Went to an internet cafe to get some directions about a backpackers place. Instead we met Jo, a woman from New Zealand, and she arranged for us to stay with her brother in law! Well sure! What an experience! And it turned out to be these two lovely, polite, friendly ... read more

Africa » Zimbabwe » Victoria Falls May 20th 2009

Now that we were so close to the Victoria Falls we could of course not skip them! Went to the town called Vic Falls and stayed at Shoestring Backpackers. Great place with a pair of massive great danes guarding the place. =) Had a walk to Pizza Inn for dinner, nom nom, but the walk home was Scary! Pitch black, who knows what is hiding in the dark? Buffalos, elephants, stray dogs, crazy people... But we made it home safely. =) The next day we walked to the Falls, about a 20 minute walk. Rented ponchos at the gate, trust us - you will need them! Since it had been heavy rainfalls during the autumn the falls were foaming and powerful! What a sight! Walked around in the park and had a great time allthough we ... read more
Victoria Falls

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