The Travelling Cue Ball



I'm a 34-year old male from Perth, Western Australia. Currently working as a technical writer and trainer for a software development company. A part-time booze hound and modern day hobo. I'm constantly thinking about road trips and adventures abroad.

Next port of call - Singapore, Thailand, North America and Jamaica!!

North America » United States » Colorado » Denver October 21st 2010

I touched down in Denver in the early afternoon after a rough flight out of Newark. The flight itself wasn’t terrible; it was more a case of me not getting any sleep the night before. I can’t say I was able to enjoy any of the sights that Newark had to offer while riding on the 5am shuttle bus out of New York. It felt good to be back in Colorado; the mountain views and the colours of the changing leaves. I drove up to Bailey to have dinner with Heather and Jon after having a quick afternoon nap. The drive down the mountain was quite stressful; winding roads, wet and foggy conditions, no street lights and plenty of deer on the road. I spent most of the second day running around town picking up items ... read more
At the Game
At the Game
At the Game

North America » United States » New York » New York October 20th 2010

After leaving Washington, it was an overnight stop in Philadelphia before heading up to New York. The main reason behind the return trip to New York was for New York Comic Con. Like the convention in San Diego, New York Comic Con caters to all things pop culture. Unlike San Diego, New York concentrates more on comics rather than the big movies and television shows. I was hoping to pick up a couple of sketches but most, if not all, were way out of my price range and budget. It was good to get an idea of cost so there’s always next time. One of the best moments for me was on Day 1. While lining up to get into the main floor, comic great Stan Lee (creator of Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, X-Men etc.) decided ... read more
Comic Con
Comic Con
Comic Con

After a hellish ride down, it was off to my hostel via a minor miscommunication with the taxi driver - I say “I” you think “R” I really understand what Louis Armstrong was talking about in his “You say potato, I say potahto” song. Washington is a great place for travellers that like to travel on the cheap. The museums are amazing and most of them are free. You really need more than a couple days here just to take in all that the museums have to offer. My hostel was located close to Chinatown - all my hostels seem to be located next to Chinatown. Seeing as it was such a nice sunny day, I decided to walk down the White House - the big O still owed me a game of basketball - before ... read more
The White House
Time to Get Your Rally On!
Time to Get Your Rally On!

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston October 16th 2010

Well here I am sitting in a coffee shop on the Upper West Side nursing a hangover and headache. Let’s get the Boston update up and out there. After making my way to the airport I had to run the Oh so familiar gauntlet at Canadian/USA border customs. I faced the usual questions - “What are you doing here?”, “Where are you from?”, “What do you do for work?”, “Are you currently employed?” etc. etc. The flight out to Boston was delayed by two hours due to some strange flight restrictions imposed by authorities in Boston. Unfortunately for us, we couldn’t get off the plane so we were stuck on the tarmac until take off. Fortunately for me there was a wide selection of movies so I kicked back and enjoyed my free coffee and peanuts. ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto October 2nd 2010

After leaving sunny Saskatoon, I was once again back in not so sunny Toronto. Thankfully the weather cleared up for most of my stay so I was fortunate enough to walk out to the outer suburbs for some sightseeing. The destination on the top of my list was Casa Loma (a 4.5 kilometre walk from the hostel). Constructed over a three-year period, Casa Loma was originally a residence for financier Sir Henry Mill Pellatt. The “Hill House” has been featured in a number of movies and TV shows - X-Men, Chicago, The Tuxedo, and Scott Pilgrim etc. A film crew was actually present during my visit so a couple of rooms were unfortunately closed off to the public. im... read more

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Saskatoon October 2nd 2010

Wow two updates within a couple of days ... either you guys are very lucky or I've got some spare time up my sleeve. So here we go with the Saskatoon update. After weeks of living in dorms and talking to perfect strangers, it felt great to be heading back over to Saskatoon for some R & R with some old pals. Rich and Cei-Cei were nice enough to provide me with a comfy bed to sleep in for a couple of days - something my back really needed after all these months of lugging a duffel bag around. I may be stubborn but I refuse to travel with a stroller bag. I find there is nothing masculine about running for a bus or train with a stroller bag. The evening of Day 1 saw us ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal October 2nd 2010

Well "Hi All". Currently in my hotel room in New York watching the world pass by my window. Once again, I'm weeks behind in my travel journal updates. So without wasting too much time let's get the Montreal entry up and out there. After the key snapping incident in the Toronto bus station I was thankful for the uneventful ride across to Montreal. I was hoping that the Greyhound bus would have WIFI or power outlets but no luck there. I think I slept for most of the trip and only woke up when we hit a scheduled pit stop or when someone prodded my shins on the way to the restroom. I do remember driving through some pretty towns - I think I spotted one named Perth Arriving into Montreal was a bit of a ... read more
Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal
Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal
Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal

North America » Canada » Ontario September 21st 2010

If I learn anything from this road trip, then it would be to book my hostel accommodation in advance … well not too far in advance. Some may call it tardiness but I prefer to call it “travel flexibility”. In the end I got stuck with a bunk in the Downtowner Inn. Despite the excellent looking exterior this stink-hole ticked all the boxes for dodgy accommodation - flame retardant mattresses (they must rent beds to pyromaniacs in the off season), filthy floors, shoddy exposed electrics that would make Mike Holmes have an epileptic fit, bunk beds built out of plastic straws and don’t forget the bugs. My travel motto has always been “It’s just a place to sleep, so I’m not fazed.” I think my motto is now “It’s just a place to sleep, so I’m ... read more
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff September 20th 2010

After all the fun and sun in Vancouver I was pretty disappointed with the weather conditions in Calgary and Banff. My stay in Calgary wasn’t very long. I have heard it’s a fun spot during Calgary Stampede but I always seem to pass through at the wrong time. I ended up staying town for two nights before catching the Greyhound up to Banff. I had originally planned to do some hiking during my stay in Banff. Unfortunately for me I was under the weather for most of my stay. I guess I either caught a bug along the way (one of the cons about hostel life) or the general pace of travelling finally snuck up on me. Despite my best efforts, I spent most of the first full day whacked out on cold and flu tablets. ... read more
Banff Springs Hotel
Sulphur Mountain
The Top of Sulphur Mountain

North America September 7th 2010

Well it’s raining in Toronto so I guess I’ve got time to add another update. Okay let’s see … Seattle was my last city in the US for the month of August with September 1st marking the start of the Canadian leg of my overseas road trip. Before leaving town I was able to chat with Paul who was in San Francisco. He actually texted me sometime in the early morning but I was getting my beauty sleep of course. Poor guy had a stretch of bad luck with his QANTAS flight back to Sydney. Seems there was a “contained explosion” in one of the engines which forced the pilot(s) to dump some fuel and return back to San Francisco. After hearing his story I was hoping that all of my future flights would be incident ... read more
The Samesun Hostel
Working on the Tan
Stanley Park

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