Page 5 of Spurins Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki December 4th 2021

Today we’re going to Hanauma Bay – basically a drowned crater full of coral reef and exotic fish. It’s not easy (or cheap – at $25 a head) to obtain tickets; there’s a strict quota with tickets going on sale at 7 am each morning and selling out in minutes. We have managed to score some tickets for this morning. To reduce pollution, they have withdrawn the bus route which used to service the reserve, so the only access is by private vehicle. Only in America would the banning of public transport be considered a pollution preventing measure. So, after breakfast (there’s some leftover bagel which I tear up and leave on the balcony for the birds) we book an Uber and ride the 12 miles up the coast to Hanauma. We spend the morning swimming ... read more
Hanauma Bay
Hanauma Bay
Hanauma Bay

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki December 3rd 2021

Today we are going to climb to the top of Diamond Head Crater. Starting from the hotel, it is an 8 mile round trip. I’m all for catching a bus to the trailhead, but daughter no 1 will not be persuaded; we are going to walk the whole way. The Visitor Centre is actually inside the crater, so we must skirt around the bottom then walk through a tunnel which passes through the middle of the volcano. Then after purchasing a ticket, we can begin our ascent. The first part is along a concrete path, then as we climb higher and steeper, we follow a trail around the crater. The final part consists a large flight of steep stairs, a tunnel and finally a spiral staircase inside a vertical tunnel. To make it harder, masks are ... read more
Walking through a volcano
We’re walking up there!?
Diamond Head Crater

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu December 2nd 2021

Before an afternoon of beach and cocktails, we are going to fit in some culture with a visit to Pearl Harbor. First, breakfast at a nearby bakery where I buy the cheesiest cheese stuffed cheese topped cheese croissant. Then we catch the bus to Pearl Harbor. We take a wander round the harbour and museum, which tells the story of the attack, which took place 5 days short of 80 years ago. The Americans had moved dozens of ships and hundreds of aircraft from the mainland to Hawaii (so basically half way to Japan) yet were totally unprepared when the Japanese turned up and attacked. In just 2 hours, most of the boats were sunk and most of the aircraft destroyed with the loss of 2400 lives. 900 men died on board the USS Arizona, which ... read more
Cheese croissant
Pearl Harbor
USS Arizona Memorial

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki December 1st 2021

This morning we are up at 6 am for our flight to Honolulu. We have already checked in, uploaded our vaccine QR codes and completed the form to obtain our Safe Travel Hawaii QR code, so once we have dropped off the hire car, we can go straight through security to the gate. Here, we are offered the chance to show our QR codes to obtain a pre-clearance bracelet, thus negating the need to wait in a 1-3 hour queue in Hawaii. Sounds like a no brainer, although it feels a bit weird when the government official applies the wristband. In the past, wearing such a wristband meant festival access (in my youth) or all-inclusive hotels (in middle age). Now it’s proof I’ve been vaccinated against a virus…. At least it will be something for my ... read more
Teriyaki carb fest
Waikiki beach
Waikiki beach

North America » United States » California » Mountain View November 30th 2021

Today starts with some admin. As daughter no 2 is busy in the lab for the next few days, we are doing the honourable thing and buggering off to Hawaii for a week. An added incentive; there are no Trader Joe’s on Hawaii so I can attempt to kick my recently acquired dill pickle crisps habit. So, this morning we do some laundry, pack, and complete the inevitable covid paperwork – uploading vaccine certificates and answering a health questionnaire. It’s quite detailed. By the time it’s done, I’ve got a headache, which is unfortunate as I’ve just signed an attestation that I’ve not taken Ibruprofen in the last 24 hours. Once we’re checked in and have clean pants, we spend the rest of the day on a tour of Silicon Valley. First stop Google. It’s somewhat ... read more
Google Android statues
Google Android statues
Google HQ

North America » United States » California » Pescadero November 29th 2021

Today daughter no 2 has lab time booked – lab time makes her very stressy so we say we will entertain ourselves, then return via the shops to buy/prepare food, so at least when she comes home, dinner is sorted (this is our intention – in reality, she returns to find us in the jacuzzi drinking cocktails). We are now well acclimatised to the US; not only do we sleep until 7.30, but we have blueberry waffles for breakfast. Waffles consumed, and daughter no 2 despatched to the lab, we head to the west coast, droning down Route 1 to Año Nuevo State Park. Here, you can follow a trail to a bay where elephant seals breed. Mating season is in December - we arrive just as the male seals are starting to come ashore to ... read more
Pelicans at Pescadero

North America » United States » California » Napa Valley November 28th 2021

Today we plan to hire bikes and cycle the Napa Valley Vine Trail. From the map, I had assumed it to be a ‘Dr Beeching’ style trail along a disused railway. In fact, the railway is still there and the trail is a tarmac strip which runs parallel to the track and the adjoining freeway. It’s not, therefore, as idyllically rural and scenic as I’d imagined, but it’s a pleasant 9 mile ride from Napa to Yountville in the morning sunshine. We reach the quaint little town of Yountville and stop for brunch amidst the tourists and Mamils at a café in a converted train. We take a wander along the high street, stopping to purchase the obligatory fridge magnet. Along the way, daughter no 1 manages to lose the card containing the combination number for ... read more
Napa Valley Vine Trail
Napa Valley Vine Trail
Napa Valley Vine Trail

North America » United States » California » Napa Valley November 27th 2021

We have an early start this morning – not a big deal for daughter no 1 and me, as our body clocks haven’t adjusted to the 8 hour time difference and we are up and raring to go by 5.30 am. When the kids were little and recently arrived in the US, I used to take them to Walmart in the middle of the night as it was the only place open where they could run around and let off steam until the rest of America was awake. Now she is older and less hyper, we make do with tiptoeing to the living room and checking our social media. This morning, daughter no 2 and I are running Byxbee parkrun. Daughter no 1 cannot be persuaded to join in. Byxbee park is an area of wetland ... read more
Byxbee parkrun
Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge

North America » United States » California » Palo Alto November 26th 2021

I’m off to the USA for a couple of weeks with daughter no 1. It’s been a while. Since the beginning of the pandemic some 20 months ago, I’ve hardly even left the county let alone the country. But as we are finally allowed to travel to America and I haven’t seen daughter no 2 since she left to work in California 3 months ago, we’ve decided it’s time for a visit. We have managed to get a cheap deal. The bad news is this means transiting Frankfurt, making a long day that much longer. We get up at 3 am and drive to the airport. The rules of travel are complicated – we have to adhere to those set out by the Germans, the Americans and Lufthansa. We join the check in queue armed with ... read more

Europe » Ukraine » Kyiv October 19th 2019

It's our last day in Kiev but our flight isn't until evening, so there's time for one last outing. We take the metro into town and then the funicular between its 100 year old art deco stations to Kiev's blue and gold domed skyline with St Sofia's cathedral, St Michael's Monastery and Saint Andrew's church. We round off our visit in style with lunch at 100 Rokiv Tomu Vpered (100 Years Ago in the Future), a restaurant run by the winner of Ukranian Masterchef. The food is a modern twist on traditional Ukranian dishes. There are some whacky things on the menu; I skip the edible bees and the celery with ash and order the chicken with beetroot kvass (bread made with fermented black bread). The chicken is served naked, whilst the waiter brandishes a blown ... read more
View from Kyiv Funicular
Kyiv Funicular
St Michael's Monastery

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