Page 2 of Spurins Travel Blog Posts

It’s our last day in Costa Rica (for now) and as I’m feeling pretty much back to normal, we can take an Uber into town for a wander. We decide to start to the north of the city centre in Barrio Amón, which Lonely Planet informs me is a “pleasant, historical neighbourhood, home to a cluster of 19th-century coffee grower mansions. Recently many of the area’s historical buildings have been converted into hotels, cafes, bars, and offices, making this a popular district for an architectural stroll.” Our driver pulls up at our chosen location. He looks a little worried and checks that we really do want to be left here! We do, so off we set on our architectural stroll. First, we head in the opposite direction as the old man has spotted a fire station ... read more
Fire station
Barrio Amón
Barrio Amón

It’s release day and we’re going to the park. After breakfast, I put on my shoes – they feel weird – I haven’t worn shoes in a while! We catch an Uber to La Sabana park. La Sabana was San José’s original airport, but is now a park and home to the National Stadium. The former terminal building has become an art gallery. We take a stroll round the park and round off with a visit to the gallery (Museum of Costa Rican Art). I have a slight panic on entering the museum when the security guard produces a thermometer, but I pass. Its official; I’m (a) covid free and (b) not hot! The interior contains mainly pictures. The walls of what was once the VIP lounge (the Golden Room), are covered with a 150 square ... read more
La Sabana Park
La Sabana Park
La Sabana Park

Another day of isolation. The morning is sunny, so I can escape to the pool, which is totally deserted again. A couple of swims, a nap and a couple more swims take up most of the day. The final swim was a bit much, leaving me totally exhausted, despite the fact it was only 10 minutes. In addition, the sun has gone in, so I struggle to get warm again. As my step count since I got ill has been pitiably low, I decide to kill two birds with one stone and take a walk around the hotel grounds, photographing some of the stained glass windows en route. Living the covid dream! Then, it’s time for tea (with 3 nights left in Costa Rica, the old man has bought a 1.8 kg sack of rice), FaceTime ... read more
Self isolating by the pool
Casa Conde windows

Today is another fun filled day of isolation. I insisted on a room with a private balcony and ended up with a room with a dirty window overlooking the car park and a wall covered with 45 km of barbed wire. On the plus side, after 3 days of feeling absolutely terrible, I have woken up feeling heaps better. As outside appears to be deserted, and it has been a full 5 days since my first symptoms, I decide to don a mask a take a walk round the hotel grounds. It’s my first time outdoors (unless you count getting in and out of the car) since I tested positive 3 days ago. It turns out we’re staying in a quirky hotel with courtyards and fountains and stained glass windows. The best news is the pool, ... read more
Casa Conde
Casa Conde
Casa Conde

We decide to stick with our original plan to drive to San José this morning. There are several reasons for this 1) the hire car is due back; 2) we are 60 miles from the nearest hospital if either of gets ill and 3) it gives us the opportunity to book a hotel more conducive to self isolating. I’ve only been stuck in this room one day and I’m already going stir crazy! First, it’s time for breakfast – a bit of a mission when every time I swallow is excruciating. I manage a couple of fork fulls of scrambled egg and a few chunks of pineapple whilst the old man hovers, waiting for any scraps. Then it’s time for the 4 hour drive north to the capital. Instead of our original plan to spend a ... read more
Warning sign of the day
Casa Conde
Casa Conde

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Uvita January 26th 2022

Today is not going according to plan. I had such a sore throat in the night I couldn’t sleep. I’ve been feeling ill for 4 days now, so I take another covid test. This time it’s positive. Well that explains the sore throat! We have flights booked for the day after tomorrow. I guess that’s not going to happen! I check the isolation rules for Costa Rica; 7-10 days from the date of testing positive. No chance to backdate to the date of first symptoms. It’s going to be a long week… The old man has a whale watching tour booked this morning, so he departs early, leaving me alone with a bottle of warm soda water. He has asked for breakfast to be brought to the room, which finally arrives some considerable time later. The ... read more
Breakfast in bed

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Uvita January 25th 2022

Last night was terrible. I coughed all night and my throat was so, so sore. I got up at 5 am, removed my bedding, built myself a little nest on the balcony and went back to sleep. This morning, it’s time to start the journey back to San José and civilisation. We’re doing it in two chunks (a bit like a diver trying to avoid being overexposed to oxygen); today we’re driving 92 miles north to Uvita, home of Marino Ballena National Park. We retrace our route around the Golfo Dulce and up the Pacific Highway. Another drive with no real need for navigation, so I just sit and watch the world go by for a couple of hours. At one point I open a pack of biscuits and realise I’m being watched by a gang ... read more
Sunrise from my nest
Warning sign of the day
Marino Ballena National Park

It’s our third and final day in Puerto Jiménez. I’m not sure if I love or hate it here, but with hindsight, two days would have sufficed. The all pervasive dust is giving me a sore throat and headache. I’ve done a lateral flow test as I know a sore throat can be a symptom of Covid. It’s a test I brought with me – there are no medical facilities in Puerto Jiménez. In fact, the welcome pack in our room suggests that in the event of an emergency, we contact the vet! Yes really. The first night I felt unwell and took a covid test (which was negative), but the next day it subsided. The next night, the same happened, only worse. I assume it must be because the room smells of mould. We get ... read more
My spot on the balcony

I awake at 6 am – rush hour in Puerto Jiménez as planes and 4x4s ferry visitors towards the National Park. I get up and prepare breakfast; as we have a kitchenette, I’m going to have a go at cooking plantain. At least, I think it’s plantain – as the Spanish for plantain is plátano, and the Spanish for banana is also plátano, there’s a 50% chance I’m cooking plantain. We don’t have much planned for today; we have aborted our original plan to visit Corcovado National Park as it would have cost $85 each for the opportunity of a long off road drive (check) to hike for several hours in the heat and humidity (check) to possibly see some wild animals (check). So instead, a quiet morning. The old man plays candy crush while I ... read more
Almonds for breakfast
Making friends at the pool
Warning sign of the day

Today we have a 135 mile drive south to Puerto Jiménez. It’s mostly a straight run down the Pacific Highway, then we turn off onto the Osa Peninsula and basically drive until we run out of tarmac. As today’s journey is predominantly just one road, it’s not the most interesting drive. And we don’t even need my expert navigational skills! We pass through mile after mile of palm plantations with the occasional palm oil refinery belching black smoke into the atmosphere. The further south we go, the narrower the road gets and the old man drives closer to the edge than I’d prefer. I spend the journey leaning to the left as if this will somehow affect the car’s balance if we get too close to the ditch. Finally, after 90 miles, we turn off the ... read more
Pacific highway
Drive to Puerto Jiménez
Cabinas Jiménez

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