Team Ireland

QC Team Ireland

Team Ireland

This will be a communal blog for all our team - a great way to keep our beloveds informed on what's cookin'

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 14th 2012

And off we go again for a final swing through Dublin. The Eireanne bus to Swords to drop luggage, then into city centre for lunch. Off to tour St Patrick's Cathedral, a date made when we visited St Patrick's in Montreal last September. We have officially come full circle! Just time to catch the Dublinia exhibition before closingto put all the things we have seen and discovered into a historical context. Off to Eddie Rocket's Diner for supper, and a final stroll through the Temple Bar area, really jumping with stag and stagette parties and festive souls on a Saturday night!Back to the hotel for our last night in Ireland. Thanks for your encouragement to all our friends and families!... read more
Desserts make the meal
American Grafitti??
Perfect mix

Europe » Ireland » County Louth » Drogheda July 13th 2012

Friday began with a full pack march to the bus to Drogheda. A pleasant walk without a pack, we were all glad it was our last long trek with the bags! Ruth Heaney had a wonderful day arranged for us. We dropped luggage at Anne Cassidy's and picked up her daughter Sophie and headed off for lunch in the town centre. Then a guided tour of this old medieval town. Shopping closed the afternoon followed by a dinner prepared at the Scout Centre by Drogheda Guides and Guiders. Ruth further arranged luggage transfers as well as our dorm and breakfast and Sophie spent the night too.... read more
Cadaver tombstone

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 12th 2012

After a comfortable night on real beds,Our big Dublin day started with a walk to Trinity College for a guided visit including the Book of Kells. Well over 1000 years old, this was an impressive attract! Then enough academia, we headed to the quite new. Leprechaun Museum, a dubious destination that was ultimately excellent, a place that celebrates the oral history of Irish legends and the underworld mythic creatures that make Ireland magical. Don't mess with a fairy tree! Then it was off to the Guiness Storehouse, as usual with some shopping along the way. The visit is "topped" with a trip to the Gravity Bar, where they pull a pint with style. The walk had been long so when the rain greeted our exit we cabbed it back to our hostel for dinner in a ... read more
Barrels for a Pint
Pub Crawlers
No pints for YOU!

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 12th 2012

Dublin arrival half twelve. IGG transfer brought us to two blocks from the hostel on a lovely coach with other Canadians (Ontario ) and Michigam GSUSA folks - some down time to wash and recharge then off shopping and then to dinner. Portuguese chicken and a stroll back through Temple Bar. As with every day in Ireland, there was a bit of rain, but this evening was only the second time on the trip that the rain was enough to really wet you. It was a quick downpour followed by an amazing rainbow. Somewhere in Dublin there was surely a pot of gold!... read more
Exploring the Shops
Look! Timmm's!!

Europe » Ireland » County Roscommon » Boyle July 10th 2012

A program day here from Camp 101's Got talent puts Daphne and Erica's gang in the finals. The Kildare group with Valerie opted to be audience. Jedwardians placed 4th and were great. Tuesday was our final program day and most started with the high ropes. Haven't had the debrief on it but they are whole, so good enough for me. Today is Christine's birthday and the wonderful Guiders of Kildare made it an authentic Irish celebration with her special breakfast and while off site her tent was festooned with balloons. Our hostesses got into it with banners and cards and a HUGE burthday cake. Then they enlisted helpers and gave her the bumps!! There is photo evidence!! We are fine though the constant changing heat, cold, rain, breezy weather, not to mention late nights, busy days ... read more
The Canadian Sea
The Magic Tree

Europe » Ireland » County Roscommon » Boyle July 9th 2012

Visitors day. 3000 people on site, families of the Irish girls seeing what the camp is all about. Local radio broadcasting from the hub. Look on Facebook at our ceremonies. They streamed on line live. Guide's Own was phenomenal today. The why that brings us here , beautifully done. The girls monopolized Boda Borg. Erica & Daphne were part of the Guides Own. Patty pulled together a group photo of the 101 Canadians The clothing order appeared. The food has been grand. Our wellies are essential but yet the rain is twice a day but never soaking. The sun comes hot for a 20 minute stint and back under cloud but hot while it's there. The tuck shop knows all our girls by name. People are lining up for how they can help us see Dublin ... read more
What great puppets!
Ceremonies are beautifully done

Europe » Ireland » County Roscommon » Boyle July 7th 2012

A concert for Opening, horseback riding, falconry, pistol range, archery, horse grooming and an obstacle course First Program day Friday Program. A Boat cruise for international Guiders. A hot sunny start to a quickly cloudy day. Spotty showers. Marisa and Kayla worked in the shop Friday - Marisa on cash -go figure! Mehendi painting on palms for some. Swapping is a Canadian tour de force. Lovely little things for our Dollarama treasures. Our QC kerchiefs are gold!Weather is horrible in parts of Ireland but we have to date been spared. Bits of short showers. Sunset around 11 pm this far North makes for long evenings but a bit of a lie in the next day Valerie & Patty have great new friends among our sub-camp hosts. The food has been very good and plentiful. Many potatoes ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Galway July 4th 2012

Will likely go quiet for a bit - nowireless for a week All's well... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Clare » The Burren July 2nd 2012

A misty day on the Burren - the Cliffs of Moher in the fog are still impressive!... read more
The Karst of The Burren
Put that ancient antiquity down!!
A Thatcher at work

North America » Canada » Quebec » MontrĂ©al » South Shore June 27th 2012

And that's about it! This blog entry becomes the test for those who are the newest subscribers - to make sure you are access enabled before we take off! We are so ready, and hearing back from owners of stuffed bags all over the region - it is the biggest challenge, packing for camp and real life, city and hiking, restaurants and picnics, and mostly rain/ shine/ hot/ cold! - one bag! Girl Guides SO Rock!... read more

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