Mikki Lauren Lalich

Mikki Lauren

Mikki Lauren Lalich

I see my life as an opportunity to walk this earth and experience things that words and photos can't justify. With traveling I plan to come across the unexpected, learn different languages of the world but most importantly explore the true values in several cultures that influenced what society once was, is and soon will be.

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao August 13th 2015

Serenity. Serenity is a word that I believe we humans continuously seek to feel. For many of us, there are moments that nearly reach that perfect, serene sensation. For some, the feeling is unclear. My serenity was discovered underwater. I'm someone who always has countless thoughts continuously circulating. Mental over-stimulation is my greatest strength, yet my greatest weakness. It perpetuates a constant desire to ensure that i'll lock in future flights to valuable moments, relationships, experiences and challenges. The weakness? The weakness is that this overdrive quite possibly has, does, and could affect my present. I've discovered that finding the switch to perfect this balance is the true journey. But what i'm realizing is that i've already begun this journey, and i'm determined and to travel the hell out of it, and celebrate the endpoint. Until ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand July 9th 2015

Well here I am, two months later, finally somewhat acclimated to Thailand. Pre-departure, I was kindly warned that you're basically thrown into the lions den immediately upon arrival. While several refer to the "lion's den" to be a slighted negative connotation, it's more so my own personal encryption of capacities. In this case, my capacities were how quickly could I adapt to a brand new foreign culture? Considering i'm 100% linguistically and phonetically challenged in the Thai department, how do I communicate? After 30 hours of travel, can I really sit through a week of orientation fresh off the plane? And then there's that point, the key point, the all mighty premise of why I came to Thailand in the first place..... to teach. Not only are you fresh off the flight, thrown into a week ... read more
Wat Pho Temple
Wat Pho Temple
Reclining Buddha

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phuket May 4th 2015

My next adventure to teach in Thailand has officially begun! It's safe to say that continental hopping is quite habitual for myself, and is surely a characteristic that will stick for the long run. Some people know exactly who they want to be, where they want to be, what they want to do and when they want to do it, from the start. Then there are the people that wait on the chance of opportunity, and choose to spontaneously play "trial and error". And of course, there's the people scattered throughout this broad spectrum of lifestyle. I find that several walks of life are incredibly enticing. Sure, a beautiful house, stable career and a family sounds fulfilling, and like everyone's ultimate aspiration. However, the route of beautiful, unconventional disaster is full of exciting promise as well. ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Viña del Mar December 1st 2011

During our break from school Sophie Laura (two of my best) and I decided to get out of the country and check out Chile. We had two options for transportation either A - Take a flight which is about 1 1/2hours, which also means as American citizens we have to pay an entrance fee of around $130 or there was option B. Suck it up and take a 20 hour bus ride. It was an easy decision, being poor college students that live in a foreign country we easily met the qualifications of bypassing that nasty entrance fee... Bus it is! To be fair, the buses are extremely luxurious offering movies, food and plenty of sleeping space which is hardly enough to bitch about, except one thing.... people who bring their toddlers. In my experience with ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires November 3rd 2011

It's been over two months since I last updated. Partially because I finally hit a somewhat normal routine and because this is my third time in Buenos Aires,Yes, I repeat my third time! When individuals question my logic for returning to this beautiful city AGAIN, I have often been left without a explanation that truthfully justifies the impact it has had and continues to have on my life. I have found that the best approach in explaining is by striking people on a more intimate level, with that said, my closest response is this: Remember when you fell in love for the first time, it provoked sides of you that you never knew once existed. Gravity starts to pull you in new directions, new powers hit you and all the walls that surrounded you before, have ... read more

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora August 15th 2011

Before I left the states, I had a general route planned out. After hustling from city to city, conquering treks, exhausting my verbal communication and engaging in new experiences, I figured I would want to spend my last week or two relaxing. When the time came I headed up the coast to Trujillo, which typically is supposed to consist of sunny beaches overcrowded by surfers. Truth be told, there was a beach but it was cloudy and cold, and I knew the minute I arrived I had to get my ass out of there! I decided to stay the day so I could sleep, when I woke up I met Libby, a earth loving california dreamer. We agreed Trujillo was robbing everyone's happiness and took an overnight bus to the infamous beaches of Mancora. We stayed ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon August 4th 2011

Since I had seperated from Julia and Anna, I had planned on actually being on my own for awhile. I had arrived to Arequipa completely on my own, but ended up meeting some pretty incredible people. Because of this I ended up spending a lot more time there than I had originally anticipated. I took the bus (about 7 hours) and it was a peaceful ride. This was the first time I really had a solid amount of time to myself to seriously reflect. However, I found myself distracted quite a few times for the following reason.... In many places in South America, buses are the main form of transit, however, if you pay the right price, you can get a bus thats rather luxurious meaning the seats can go all the way back and you ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island July 31st 2011

In transit to our next destinations, Julia Anna and I stopped in Puno to check out Lake Titicaca (Pronounced Teeteehaha) which is at the border of Peru and Bolivia. I had to make a decision on whether I wanted to visit the Jungle or visit Lake Titicaca and Arequipa. Prior to my arrival in Peru I was already a little anxious to pay the Jungle a visit, the following reasons being; I´m terrified of creepy crawlers and snakes that have the capability of biting me with toxic venom ISH! Another reason being that I always happen to come across someone with a horror story from the Jungle, For example: About a month ago there were two travelers floating down the river in the Jungle, when natives happened to spot them and naturally assumed that they had ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco July 22nd 2011

I arrived to Cusco early in the morning, the sun was shining and the air was warm! I was worried that I would suffer from altitude sickness but thanks to my personal pharmacy, there were no problems! When I arrived at the hostel (which by the way had a beautiful terrace, bar, tv room and lounge area) my room was not ready so I stored my bags and began exploring the city. I hit the main square of Plaza del Armas and began working my bargaining skills at the market. When I returned to the hostel I passed out in the sun and then made it to my bed once it was clean. It was really hard to sleep though because I was too anxious to see more of Cusco. Once awake I began my search ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu July 18th 2011

At the very last minute I decided to join Anna and Julia on a four day trek to Machu Picchu. I believe this was the most beautiful opportunity I have ever taken, and a story that I will forever have to share! They say that when you are traveling, at one point you step out of the zone and begin tampering with opportunities you would normally turn down. This trek is by far one of them! We began the trek Wednesday morning and met the rest of our group. The group consisted of four boys from Ireland (all teachers) and our guide Jimmy John "JJ". This was the perfect group because the boys were surprisingly well behaved and we all got a long really well (I have to admit its very pleasant listening to Irish accents ... read more

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