Elysia La Viajera


Elysia La Viajera

I am a Kiwi (a New Zealander) who loves to travel. Big shocker there.

here is a map of where i have been so far...

This blog is for me as a diary of my travels, as well as for people wanting to know what I get up to. Enjoy!

Europe » Spain February 15th 2011

Post numero uno. Here's what's going to happen. I will be heading off to Europe in December this year to work and play (mostly play) around the UK, Germany and Spain. Then, in October 2015 I will get to start my career in teaching!!! By start, I mean really start. At the bottom. A low paid, entry level job which I don't even need my degree for. But it is a start, and I'm sooo EXCITED!!! Anyway, so far I have a nannying job lined up from July through September in Catalonia, Spain. I just have to figure out what to do from December until July... I'm hoping for bar work somewhere in the UK, and I'd love to spend Christmas in Germany. We shall see what happens. I'll keep this first post short and sweet. ... read more

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