LivingTheDream's Guestbook

4th September 2023

400 Days at a bargain
It sounds like you designed this last leg of your trip perfectly. It is good you feel you could come back for more at some point. So many places and so little time... you can never see it all. Congratulations on not get robbed. Well done. We've enjoyed following your trip. Enjoy home and that first shower and sleep in your own place.
20th August 2023

I have enjoyed following your journey...
around South America.
28th July 2023

That coatis is cool!
We've seen a lot of nice waterfalls in our travels but have not made it to this one. Lovely. The bird park sounds fantastic.
23rd July 2023

Enjoying the Ride With You
Great stuff. A pleasant read while traveling myself.. I am currently in Bozcaada Turkey. I noted in your previous journey that you had been to Mongolia. Would you go back? I have never been but I think it just rose to the top of my bucket list. Happy travels. Kolay Gelsin. Mike Richards
20th July 2023

Dummheit ist halt Grenzenlos
Hallo Ben, Dummheit kennt keine Grenzen aber verdammt viele Leute:-). Deine Reise neigt sich ja bald dem Ende zu, viel Spaß in Brasilien. PS: Die Nachricht war wieder im Spam gelandet. LG TT
19th July 2023

traveling scene these days
hi! i guess your page remained in my bookmarks from your world trip times.. and when you started this trip i got email reminder. and gladly read all your posts. i especially like that you are doing old school backpacking and old school blogging.. things rarely seen, now everything is insta smh. my question would be - how is life on the road? how are hostels? do you book them in advance (booking..?)? is there lively scene of travelers in common areas - or is everone on there phones and headphones, closed in their own bubble? are lonely planets still a thing?:) is it easy to find/book places where u meet travelers (i guess hotels are not so "social"?). would love to read your opinion from the road:) cheers and thx for or the stories!
10th July 2023

Dumb Porn
Not all dumb porn comes from Germans. So far, the most outrageous one I've heard is that when a pregnant woman gets an ultrasound her baby is implanted with a microchip so the government can track him/her. That came from an American, and much as I hate to say it, most of the dumb porn I encounter comes from Americans.
1st July 2023
Horseriding in San Atonio de Areco

Looks like great fun
Sorry you got sore.
16th June 2023
Gaucho country

Exploring Argentina
As I read this blog I was thinking it is good to have you traveling and blogging again. We have not made it to this part of Argentina yet but hope to soon.
16th June 2023
Valle de la Luna in the Atacama Desert

Atacama Desert
We really enjoyed our time in the Atacama Desert. Thanks for the memories.
25th May 2023

Chile prices
You say it is expensive in Chile, Ben. Can you beat US$12 for a bunch of rotten bananas that explode when dropped in shock when the Chilean price is given?
21st May 2023

I agree with you that India is the filtiest country in the world.
Having grown up in Southeast Asia and been to countries, I feel qualified to make that assessment. When I was 8 years old I visited Bombay. One of the stops was to the Jain temple on Malabar Hill. Bodies were placed on the roof so that vultures could pick them apart! This made quite a negative impression on me. Consequently, I have not wanted to visit India again. My wife, however, would like to visit. My precondition is that we take a first class tour.
21st May 2023

New Zealander friendliness...
I found that not much had changed when I visited NZ in 2012. I found the Aussies to be much more fun/humorous.
21st May 2023

Inner ear infections...
I had the same illness as you when I lived in Bangkok in 1967. I was so dizzy that I had to lay flat in bed for two weeks. If I raised my head on a pillow I would throw up. I lost so much weight. It was easily the worst experience in my life. So reading about your experience brought back a distant memory. I am enjoying reading your blogs.
18th May 2023
Flamingos in the Salar de Uyuni

Lovely Flamingos
These are one of my favorite birds. I need to see them soon!
8th May 2023
Happy and exhausted at the summit of Huayna Potosi

What a great adventure. Thanks for sharing. You are amazing.
3rd May 2023
The perfect sunset in Sucre

The perfect sunset in Sucre
Just the mention of Sucre brings back wonderful memories, Ben. You got a cracking sunset here. I'll post it in TB's "My Mother in Laws Sunsets" thread in the Photography Forum. Check 'em out.
16th April 2023
Above Copacabana

Bolivia is Beautiful
What an amazing view!
11th April 2023
Happy and exhausted at the summit of Huayna Potosi

Happy & Exhausted
Definitely one for the Pool Room
11th April 2023
The way down Huayna Potosi

The way down from Huayna Potosi
Far out!!! What a fabulous pic of a stunning locale on a magical mountain of an adventure of the ages. 5 stars for sure!!!
9th April 2023
Above Copacabana

Above Copacabana
Fantastic pic of the spectacular view over Copacabana that should hold special memories for both of you, Ben & Susanna. That friends can meet and travel together and climb the mount for a magical view among the tombs up there is a treat indeed. Did you perchance meet a shaman on the way up who could bless your climb to the summit?
1st April 2023

Protesting Peru
Enterprising boat owners providing a needed service. The world is ever changing. Travel allows glimpses into the good, the bad and the struggles for change. Stay safe.
15th March 2023
Smoking volcano near the Colca Canyon

Smoking volcano
Absolutely love this photo. I will post it in TB's "Majestic Mountains" thread in the Photography Forum.
15th March 2023
Protests in Puno

Protests in Puno
A great addition to TB's "Demonstrations & Protests" thread in the Photography Forum that is highlighted by Sud American images.
15th March 2023
Promenade in Puno

Promenade in Puno
What a stunning picture of a more idyllic Puno...the Peruvian gateway to Lake Titicaca. I am posting some of your pics in TB's "Follow that Road" thread in the Photography Forum. Check 'em out.

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