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Middle East » Iran » West » Esfahan March 10th 2017

Roam abroad in the world, and take your fill of its enjoyments before the day shall come when you must quit it for good. – Sa’adi Arrived in glorious Isfahan, only a four-hour bus ride from Yazd, in the early evening. The jewel of ancient Persia and one of the finest cities in the Islamic world, according to the guidebook, and famous for its Persian-Islamic architecture. The most well-known Persian saying about Isfahan is “Esfahan nesf-e jahan,” or Isfahan is half the world. A wonderful city to explore at leisure, drinking tea and wandering the bazaars, if you can manage it. Amazing mosques, fabulous palaces and elegant bridges, and shopping which will empty both your days and your pocketbook. We stayed at the lovely and atmospheric Sunrise Traditional Hotel, a bit far from the Naqsh-e-Jahan Square ... read more
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque
Imam Mosque

Middle East » Iran » East » Yazd March 7th 2017

My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there. - Rumi Passenger trains in Iran generally run overnight between major cities, a perfect travel solution when you’re on an independent journey because you save the expense of a hotel while getting to experience the best way humanity has invented to travel overland. When you’re on a tour you spend the day taking the bus, like we did – six hours to Yazd with one stop to stretch our legs. No tea for me, please. To be fair, the journey was lovely, passing through the eastern section of the Zagros mountain range where we experienced snow flurries, flocks of goats and sheep and distant snow-covered peaks on our way towards Yazd, the driest major city in Iran as well as ... read more
Bus Ride to Yazd
Bus Ride to Yazd
Tekiye Amir

Middle East » Iran » South » Persepolis March 5th 2017

Drink wine and look at the moon and think of all the civilizations the moon has seen passing by. - Omar Khayyam Our second day in Iran began a bit earlier, and we were picked up by our guide and his driver to make the journey outside the city to several ancient historical sights – particular highlights for Clement. We began at the Necropolis, the dynastic burial place of four Achaemenid kings, Darius II, Artaxerxes I, Darius I and Xerxes I (from left to right). There are bas-relief renderings of their palace facades carved above the tombs, and the openings lead to funerary chambers, where bones were stored after vultures had picked them clean. All the tombs had been ransacked by the Greeks – a common practice at the time for invading powers – but the ... read more

Middle East » Iran » South » Shiraz March 4th 2017

This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you. - Hafez Within moments of entering the Islamic Republic of Iran, the secret police were on our trail. A man stopped our guide, whom we had only just met, before we had gone more than ten paces from passport control, and asked him in Farsi for his credentials and for details about our trip. It was a routine inquiry; American, Canadian and British tourists must be accompanied by a guide at all times while in the country, and even taking oneself to one’s hotel from the airport unaccompanied is illegal. I was so pleased to be waived into the country after weeks of nail-biting about potential visa retaliation against US citizens, given Trump’s executive order banning Iranian visitors to the US, that ... read more
Karim Khan Citadel
Karim Khan Citadel
Karim Khan Citadel

I've been interested in visiting Iran for nearly a decade, ever since I interned at Global Exchange, which runs tours to various exciting locales including Iran. Since then I've spoken to many Iranians and to Americans who have traveled there, who always give it rave reviews for its beautiful architecture, fascinating bazaars and wonderfully friendly people. With thousands of years of history, twenty-one world heritage sights and a complex and fascinating culture, there really isn't any reason not to go. Issues have arisen for nontraditional travelers, journalists and Iranian-Americans attempting to visit Iran. Those situations, though unfortunate, do not reflect the experiences of the vast majority of Iran’s five million international visitors each year. There are additional screening and tour requirements for American, British and Canadian visitors but they are still welcomed (until... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London June 15th 2015

London wasn't as beautiful as Stockholm, Amsterdam or Paris, but the museums and cultural activities were incredible, as expected. I could have bounced from museums to meals to plays for days on end, and nearly did. The gardens, too, were impressive - although I had to save Kew Gardens for my next trip - and, of course, the historical monuments are a top draw for any visitor. We only had a few short days on this return trip, and I'm looking forward to a longer visit the next time around. We did the best we could and managed to make it through the National Gallery, the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Courtauld Gallery and the Tate Britain, and it was indeed time well spent. Each museum was better than the last, no mean feat considering I ... read more
The Man in Seat Sixty-One
The Woman in Seat Sixty-One
The Walrus Bar & Hostel

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 12th 2015

No matter has wonderful the cities on your journey have been, once you arrive in Paris everything else melts away, and you're left wondering why you've ever gone elsewhere. Every glance is perfection, every bite and sip a delight, every moment an opportunity to admire the most beautiful city in the world. I'm always prepared to return to Paris, drawn by an immense desire to see and experience everything that the city has to offer. While I can leave other cities believing that I've seen something of them, I always feel like I've barely scratched the surface of Paris; every museum, park, church and cafe can be visited again with the guarantee of further delight and discovery. London and New York are overflowing with events and exhibitions, San Francisco is at the Pacific cusp of culture, ... read more
Notre Dame
Brasserie le Nesle
Hôtel de Nesle

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam June 8th 2015

While I was aware and prepared for the aspects of Amsterdam’s reputation that had kept me away from the city thus far, I was not prepared for its overwhelming beauty, richly interactive history and patient hospitality. Amsterdam is a city filled with historic cafes, picturesque canals, beautiful architecture and surprisingly reasonable food and drink, particularly after Stockholm. Although we tried to explore the various neighborhoods we spent quite a bit of time in the Medieval Center, as it was close to where we were staying, and which ended up being my favorite part of town, always lively and quite beautiful. Le Maroxidien, a small houseboat bed & breakfast not far from Central Station, comes highly recommended for its location, lovely décor, reasonable tariff, delicious organic breakfast and of course the kindness and conviviality of its owner, ... read more
Amsterdam canal
B&B Le Maroxidien
B&B Le Maroxidien

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 3rd 2015

My first day in Stockholm - Venice of the North - was also my first day in Scandinavia and the furthest north I'd ever traveled. I'd been so excited about my first visit to this city, where I have distant and unknown relations, a place I've wanted to visit for years. Once I finally arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the familiarity of the foreign, as well as the greenness and vibrancy of the flat landscape. Everywhere I looked was brilliant green, or watery blue, or grey clouds or stone. Not unexpected was the orderliness and efficiency of the city and the kindness of its people, the beauty of old city, and the embrace of the natural and the well-designed. After dropping our luggage at the Old Town Lodge, where we were offered an early breakfast, ... read more
Gamla Stan
Fountain in Gamla Stan
Old Town Lodge

Asia » Macau » Macau October 29th 2013

Macau has a long and intriguing history. Administered by the Portuguese from the mid-16th century until late 1999, when it was the last remaining European colony in Asia, currently Macau may be best known for its gambling industry, the largest in the world, with many famous casinos as major tourist draws. Disregarding the promises of glitter and gold that exist for most tourists to Macau today, I spent my time there exploring its past glory during one very busy day. Highlights for me weren’t the museums (Macau Museum of Art, Macau Museum), gardens or historic homes as much as the beautiful architecture, churches and temples and witnessing some of the visible fruits of centuries of cultural exchanges in terms of food, shopping and street life. The temples – Kun Ian Temple, A-Ma Temple, Na Tcha Temple ... read more
Kun Iam Temple
Guia Fort
Guia Lighthouse

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