Daniel Hutchinson


Daniel Hutchinson

July 2006 - July 2007: I embarked on a round the world trip with the small distraction of two semesters of study at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

November 2008 - November 2009: Embarked on another RTW adventure with the small distraction of working at Breckenridge Ski Resort in Colorado. I spent time in the US North West, Europe and the Middle East.

July 2013 - October 2013: After working for 3 years after uni, its time for a holiday. Europe Bound.

Well that's the plan, we'll see what really happens along the way...

Middle East » Israel November 19th 2009

Jerusalem is Great Jerusalem reads like a check-list of historically important and religiously significant sites for the three great monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Within a five minute walk of each other you have the holiest place in Christianity, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Jesus died and was resurrected, the holiest place in Judaism, The Western Wall, the sole remnant of the holy temple, and the third holiest place in Islam, The Dome of the Rock, where the Foundation Stone is located, this is where Muslims believe Mohammed ascended to heaven. The Foundation Stone is also claimed as a holy place by the Jews. Not to mention the various other churches (158), mosques (73), synagogues (1204), holy places and relics built, stored and worshipped next to, around, past, through, over, under and ... read more
Prayer Candles
In Eilat

Middle East » Jordan November 14th 2009

Dead Sea Not wanting to see anything of the apparently rather bland capital of Amman (In fact I didn't spend one day there, isn't travelling on a time limit fun), I decided to head to the Dead Sea instead. I managed to recruit these two Australian girls to come with me and we all headed off to the lowest spot on the face of the planet, 422m below sea level, to float around in water so salty that nothing can survive but microrganisms and the bizarre creature known to science as the "elderly German tourist". After a pain free trip there, I ignored all the warning signs which recommended not putting your head under the water, what else is new, and dove in only to immediately have the salt burn my eyes almost out of their ... read more
Travel Reading
The Treasury

Middle East » Lebanon November 7th 2009

Beirut is a city of contrasts and one undergoing rapid change. On the one hand you have tall, modern apartment buildings, ubiquitous with any city in the west, on the streets below numerous sleek designer stores compete for your Lebanese Lira. On the other hand though you have the bombed out and bullet riddled remains of a civil war era concrete shell, an armed military presence on most corners in the city and check points on the country's roads. Beirut is not a great city for tourists in my opinion, not too much to do and keep you occupied apart from walk around and soak up the atmosphere. I'm sure it is a fantastic place to live in though as the night life is meant to be fantastic, given my poor travelling status I was reduced ... read more
Al-Amin Mosque

Middle East » Syria October 31st 2009

Finally the Middle East, after a few weeks galivanting around Europe in an erratic, expensive and unblogged sort of way I had finally arrived in the destination I had planned to come to for months and had done no planning for beyond the rough outline of a route. Isn't travel fun! Aleppo (Halep) I'll admit it, I wasn't much of a fan of Aleppo. For reasons unknown to me (it could actually have been a number of things really, culture shock, missing someone, tiredness) the city and I did not really click. While the famed Souq was nice in parts it just looked a little dirty and rundown, although work is going on to fix this, as detailed below. I couldn't help comparing it to the Tunis Souq and it came out second best, although time ... read more
The Temple and the Moon
A Camel by Day
The Three Musketeers

North America » United States » Tennessee June 16th 2009

The sky grew darker at 2 in the afternoon on Thursday as storm clouds rolled in and the wind picked up. A massive bolt of lightning streaked across the sky followed seconds later by the accompanying rumble of thunder. We could see the torrential rains sweeping across the tent grounds and as they reached us a few minutes later we took shelter in a vendor tent and laughed. Off to a good start and we hadn't even seen any live music yet! Bonnaroo is a 4 day music and arts festival held in Manchester, Tennessee, which attracts some 80 to 90 000 people, held this year from the 11 - 14th of June. Matt and I had only managed to secure a ride down to Tennessee the day before, which given my organising abilities is about ... read more
Night Time
The Storm Clouds Gather
Exiting for the Last Time

North America » United States May 8th 2009

We left Breckenridge late at night, the car full, the winter over, the mountain closed and my snowboard packed away. The next stage of adventure was about to begin. Las Vegas Matt took the first shift driving and I fell asleep for some much needed rest. When I woke we were out of the mountains and down the western side of the Rockies, the snow was gone, replaced by the dry, dusty brown landscape of eastern Utah, a stark contrast to the winter white. We were heading west, towards the bright lights and false reality of Las Vegas. That oasis in the desert where everyone thinks they will strike it rich on that one big payday. We checked into the Hooters Hotel and Casino, the cheapest place we found on the strip and for a reason, ... read more
New York, New York
Glass Flowers

North America » United States » Colorado » Breckenridge April 21st 2009

I got a ride into Breckenridge with a guy I met on the bus, it was dumping snow, I smiled. For the first few days I stayed at the Fireside Inn, the only dorm in town and by far the cheapest place to stay. It was here that I met future room mates and partners in crime Marcos, Nacho, Pablo and Martin (Argentinian), Flavio (Brazilian) and Nick (Kiwi). First item on the agenda was to secure a warm and humble abode for the winter. All I wanted from a house was a hot tub and a deck covered in snow to store bottles of liquor, the only problem with this ingenious plan was the average price of a house like this, we looked at one and it was way beyond our price range. Casa Awesome Our ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Francisco December 2nd 2008

Well that was that, I had handed in my honours thesis and was leaving university for the last time as a student. My flight was departing in 48 hours, surely enough time to organise the many, many loose ends before I fled in a desperate attempt to avoid the real world and prevent myself becoming a contributing member of society/taxpayer/desk jockey! I was determined to be more organised than when I left the country last time. . . . I was slightly successful. I still left in a mad rush but I knew the feeling so I was more comfortable with it! I was leaving to spend a Northern Winter at the Breckenridge Ski Resort in Colorado, USA. But first I had a 17 hour layover and a few days in San Fran with a couple ... read more
Lazy Coffee
A Classy Dinner

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island July 20th 2007

Being the highly dedicated and passionate blog writer that I am, I have cleverly postponed posting (and indeed writing) the last of the blogs from my RTW trip until many months after I have returned home. Indeed it is only through a sense of wanting to "round off" the chronicles of my year away that I have eventually tied myself to the chair and forced myself to sit down and type out the following witty, enticing and salivating prose. So without further ado onwards.... When last we met our intrepid adventurers (me and some friends), we had just set off from Queenstown after a week of snowboarding and partying in the snowboarding and partying capital of NZ, . The very last night I had managed to get the van towed which was a slight problem as ... read more
A Freezing Fog
Catlins Panorama
Mountains Made of Shade

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown July 12th 2007

After a short 4 hour ferry journey we were finally on the South Island after a week and a bit in the North, . We were heading west towards the famed and beautiful Abel Tasman National Park to do a bit of a hike. We found a spot near where all the water taxis leave from and settled down for the night. Us guys mucked around a bit, Deadman lost (and then retrieved) my skateboard over a cliff and Joel attempted to start a fire with wet twigs, the world's crappest fire ensued:) We accidentally slept in a lot later than we intended and had to rush to get to the water taxis, we ended up having approximately 10mins to get ready for our all day hike. The plan was to get the taxi north along ... read more
The Gang
Night Riding
Queenstown View's

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